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As of August 2011 I weight 59 kilos (130 pounds) at 5'9
I originally weighed 108 kilos (238 pounds).
No. I don't have Bulimia, I do find that I binge occasionally (who doesn't) but I've never forced myself to vomit. I don't have Anorexia either as I like my healthy body weight. I also don't obsess about my weight.
I think 'pro ana' and 'thinspiration' are two different things. Thinspiration is seen on some pro ana websites, but not all thinspiration is pro ana. Thinspiration is just photos of girls that I used to motivate myself to lose weight. People need to realise I'm 60 kilos, I once weighed 108 kilos. I had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, was always lethargic and was at risk of getting type 2 diabetes and polycystic ovaries. I made this site for girls who were like me that needed something to motivate them to lose weight. At 108 kilos I never felt like who I was in the mirror. I thought I was curvy and looked like any other 'healthy girl'. Looking at girls who are super skinny girl in fashionable clothes was the only thing that motivated me. If I didn't have them I could still be on the pathway to an early death. Why should I or the girls who are overweight or obese have to miss out because anorexia sufferers use my site in the wrong way? I didn't make the site for them and they'll always have somewhere else to go if mine wasn't there. My site is nothing like a pro ana site like this: http://pro-thinspo.com.p12.hostingprod.com/proanatipsandtricksindexpage.html any quotes I use are motivational and not pro ana. I never use quotes such as 'Bones define who we really are - let them show.' or 'Quod me nutrit, me destruit. (That which nourishes me destroys me.)' There are many other things out there that anorexics misuse such as diet pills, laxatives, magazines but they shouldn't be taken away from those who use them for the right reasons.
No. But, I do try to post a link for the ones that I do.
I've started a full time job this year, so any free time I have I use for exercise. But, I'm going to spend more time posting from now on :)
To my email faz7700@hotmail.com
By email or my Formspring:http://www.formspring.me/faz77