Recept za varivo od kelja koje možete vidjeti na slici znate ( , a tu je i recept za pljeskavice :)
Pola kilograma mljevenog mesa
1 jaje
3 režnja češnjaka
Pola glavice luka
3 do 4 žlice krušnih mrvica – mrvice napravite ovako: stari kruh se nareže na šnite, prepeče s u pećnici na laganoj temperaturi i kad je gotovo stavi se u vrećicu i istuče batom
Sol, papar
Mrkva se nariba, češnjak i luk se narežu na sitne kockice, svi sastojci se zajedno pomiješaju, naprave se kuglice i od kuglica pljeskavice.
Big girls eat well- make your own burgers!
You know the recipe for kale stew which you can see on the pic (, and this is the recipe for home-made burgers :)
Half a pound of ground beef
1 egg
1 carrot
3 cloves of garlic
Half of onion
3-4 tablespoons of bread crumbs - you make crumbs like this: cut old breadinto slices, toastit in the oven at a low temperature andwhen it's done put it in a bag and beat it with a hammer
Salt, pepper
Grate the carrots, cut garlic and onion into small cubes, mix all ingredients well, make balls and from balls burgers.
1 egg
1 carrot
3 cloves of garlic
Half of onion
3-4 tablespoons of bread crumbs - you make crumbs like this: cut old breadinto slices, toastit in the oven at a low temperature andwhen it's done put it in a bag and beat it with a hammer
Salt, pepper
Grate the carrots, cut garlic and onion into small cubes, mix all ingredients well, make balls and from balls burgers.