Fashionbabica meets Neha Neha tote bags! Nova kolekcija Neha Neha torbi s jedinstvenim Fashionbabica potpisom je vani! Koja će biti tvoja?

Dizajnerica Nela Kliček o kolekciji: 

Ideja za Fashionbabica tote bags je došla slučajno, ali opet nekako prirodno. Veliko prazno bijelo platno  vapilo je da bude oslikano, a model i veličina torbe inspirirani su samom Ivom i njezinim trenutnim životnim stilom. Naime, Iva Hanzen je žena koja uvijek sa sobom tegli torbetinu u kojoj se nalazi sve, od igle do lokomotive, odnosno od gableca za jedan od njezinih pet poslova, knjige Susan Sontag pa do ekstra krpica koje guli sa sebe dok se mora presvući u svoju business casual bijelu košulju. Prava moderna feministica s Balkana, nema šta. Tote bags su rađene od recikliranih materijala, odnosno od plahte iz second handa koja je vrlo vjerojatno  ispisana vlastitim seksualnim dnevnikom pa sam ju samo  dodatno oslikala i ispisala Ivinim tekstom tj.  citatima s njenog bloga i feminističkim porukama koje su nam i svojevrsna mantra. Mantra koju bi trebalo više ljudi imati. Da, ljudi.

Designer Nela Kliček on her new collection:

The idea for Fashionbabica tote bags came by accident but somehow natural at the sam time.  Big blank white canvas just cried to be painted, and  model and the size of the bags were inspired by Iva and her current lifestyle. Iva Hanzen is a woman who always carries around bag full of everything, from lunch for one of her five jobs to Susan Sontag's book and extra clothes she peels off when she needs to change in her business casual white shirt. True modern feminists from the Balkans, there is no doubt about it. Tote bags are made ​​from recycled materials, or  to be exact sheets from the second hand store, which are probably written by their own sex diary so I just additionally painted and printed Iva's text on them or should I say  quotations from her blog and feminist messages that are a kind of a mantra to us.. The mantra that more people should have. Yes, people.

photos: Nela Kliček
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops