Profili (kako moj osobni tako i Fashionbabica profil) su mi OPET blokirani, ovaj put čini se zauvijek. Stoga molim sve cure kojima još nisam poslala stvari za giveaway kako onaj za gaćice tako i onaj koji je uslijedio nakon, da mi se jave sa svojim adresama na novi osobni profil ili na novi Fashionabica profil.
A. RevolveR - brend koja razbija ustaljene koncepte ljepote, roda i spola!
"Ne volim sliku konvencionalne ljepote pa kada ju vidim na svojim radovima volim ju uništiti. Volim manipulirati odjećom i stvarati nove oblike uvijanjem, povlačenjem te proučavati ponašanja tkanine. Baš kao i kod ljudi, mislim da je nekad potrebno stvoriti "uznemirujuće" uvjete, da bismo pokazali pravu dušu koja se krije u dubini.", riječi su dizajnera koji se skriva iza brenda A. RevolveR. Vizija ovog brenda je jasna i čista, baš poput minimalizma i asimetrije koji krase njegove kreacije. A te kreacije ne pokazuju samo iznimni talent 21-godišnjeg Akire, već i slave ljepotu azijske androgenosti. Kada sam ga upitala zašto baš azijska androgenost, on je opet vrlo jasno odgovorio: "Jednostavno njihove crte lica me fasciniraju i dokazuje mi to da svi imamo ljepotu u sebi, samo tu najveću tajnu(sebe)treba istražiti." Očarana ne samo radom genijalnog Akire, nego i mozgom iza cijele priče, odlučila sam napraviti intervju s njim, a što ovaj mladi dizajner ima za reći na temu ljepote, stila, modnog izričaja i identiteta te konačno svog brenda, pročitajte u recima koji slijede.
Fashionbabica: Daj nam dvije, tri informacije o sebi, čisto za uvod! :)
A. RevolveR:Moje ime je Akira imam 21 godinu. Student sam modnog dizajna na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Trenutno završavam drugu godinu. Japan me inspirira u svemu što radim pa tako se to afektira i na A.RevolveR. Ovo je ujedno i prvi A.RevolveR intervju pa se želim zahvaliti vama i pozdraviti sve koji čitaju! Yoroshiku!
Fashionbabica:Koliko kolekcija A. Revolver ima iza sebe i koja se filozofija krije iza tih kolekcija?
Fashionbabica:Koliko kolekcija A. Revolver ima iza sebe i koja se filozofija krije iza tih kolekcija?
A. RevolverRZasada A.RevolveR ima samo jednu kolekciju koja je nazvana "Apocalypse", a ona u ovom slučaju označava naznaku da u balkanske krugove mode dolazi nešto novo i kaotično- "Gender Chaos". Kolekcija je prikazana na konvencijama japanske kulture u Zagrebu (Pandakon)i Beogradu (Japanizam), i ispred HDLU-a naFashion Jam-u. Znam da ime kolekcije zvuči pomalo mračno i kaotično, no time označavam A.RevolveR početak.
Fashionbabica:Koja se filozofija krije iza samog brenda?
A. RevolveR: Koncept branda A.RevolveR je azijska androgenost. Moj rad uvelike inspiriraju japanski muški stilovi jer su feminiziraniji od onih za koje znamo na zapadu. Slovo "A" u A.RevolveR označava mi puno toga, no ono što ću izdvojiti jest "Asian" & "Androgynous". Moram naglasiti da A.RevolveR nije samo odjeća, već cjelokupna stilizacija tijela pa tako modeli i odjeća nadilaze sve stereotipe.
Fashionbabica:Odakle zanimanje za androgenost i to upravo onu azijsku?
A. RevolveR:Njihove crte lica me jednostavno fasciniraju i dokazuju mi da svi imamo ljepotu u sebi, samo tu najveću tajnu (sebe) treba istražiti. U Istočnoj Aziji je veliki plus i bolje prolaziš ako si muškarac i imaš nježnije crte lica, vrlo su popularni među ženama, a muškarci im se dive, pa je tamo fanatizam i podrška svugdje prisutna. Ali bolje da objasnim slikama nego riječima. Prikazati ću vam neke od muških idola Japana, da vam dokažem tu njihovu šokantnu androgenost.
Fashionbabica:Odakle zanimanje za modu i dizajn odjeće?
A. RevolveR:Moda mi je bitna jer nadopunjuje moj cjelokupni izgled. Pored toga studiram modni dizajn pa se od mene nekako i očekuje da ću se baviti time (haha), no šalu na stranu, tako najlakše mogu zadovoljiti potrebu za izražavanjem svojih misli i stavova.
Fashionbabica:A.RevolveR krojevi komuniciraju u društvenom prostoru elementima avangarde, minimalizma, asimetrije i monokromije. Odakle ljubav prema upravo ovim pojmovima?
A. Revolver: Osobno taj mix mi je najljepši i najefektivniji.
Ne volim sliku konvencionalne ljepote pa kada ju vidim na svojim radovima volim ju uništiti. Volim manipulirati odjećom i stvarati nove oblike uvijanjem, povlačenjem te proučavati ponašanja tkanine. Baš kao i kod ljudi, mislim da je nekad potrebno stvoriti "uznemirujuće" uvjete, da bismo pokazali pravu dušu koja se krije u dubini. Zato se uradci manifestiraju kao draperije i samim time rezultiraju kao navedeni mix.
Fashionbabica:Tvoja odjeća je svojevrsno razbijanje rodnih stereotipa! Doživljavaš li svoj rad u tom pogledu i kao aktivistički čin?
A. RevolveR: Upravo tako! Sad ću se nekako fokusirati na Japan jer osobno, to je moj svijet i najviše ga pratim (uz Koreju) i on je kriv za stvaranje ovakve svijesti kakvu imam sad.
Sve je počelo kroz slušanje japanske glazbe, gledanje japanskih filmova i tzv. "anime"-a itd., i užasno me fasciniralo kako Japanci njeguju svoj izgled. Uz to ja ne govorim o Japancima kakve vidimo ovdje kao turiste, ja govorim o pop kulturi i alternativnim stilovima u Japanu i pojmovima "Visual Kei","Gyaru-o", "Onii-Kei", "Host kei", "Harajuku", "kpop", "jpop", "Ikemen(イケメン)", "Bishounen(美少年)"
Ikemen i Bishounen su vrlo popularne japanske riječi, značenja "good looking boys" i u tom duhu će se A.RevolveR i predstavljati . Našminkani dečki, stilizirane kose, cure bez atributa koje uz malo trikova mogu podsjetiti na ljepuškaste muškarce.
U trenutku kada realiziram neku svoju ideju na nju jako utječu frustracija i ljutnja na društvo. Načinom na koji se oblačimo indirektno komuniciramo sa okolinom, i zato osjećam ljutnju jer je prisutna činjenica da društvo zbog straha može biti lako isprovocirano. Živim na krivim prostorima gdje je ovo o čemu pričam shvaćeno kao običan pederluk. No, ponekad mislim, da živim u Japanu ne bi bilo totalno šokantno i devijantno to što radim svojim modelima. Cilj A.RevolveR odjeće je ohrabriti ljude i dati im "oklop" koji šalje dojam samopouzdanja, neovisnosti, sigurnosti i originalnosti. Volio bih da je to što pričam zagarantirano, no žalosna istina je da vam treba oklop i revolver. (haha)
Fashionbabica:Misliš li da je naše društvo previše određeno rodom i rodnim normama?
A. RevolveR: Naravno, da ne filozofiram oko toga previše, najlakše se može primijetiti u samoj komunikaciji.
Fashionbabica:Kome je namijenjen A. RevolveR? Odnosno, kome bi ovaj brend mogao biti zanimljiv?
A. RevolveR:A.RevolveR je namijenjen svima koji prihvaćaju samu ideju i kojima se estetski svidi.
Fashionbabica:Koje materijale preferiraš u svom radu?
A. RevolveR:Budući da sam još uvijek student i na početku, imam jako puno ideja i treba to nekako iscrpiti, tako da mislim da sve materijale treba probati. U izboru materijala novac ima veliku ulogu pa ne mogu koristiti na početku one koje uistinu želim, ali nađem dostojnu zamjenu za predstavljanje svoje ideje. Naravno, ako želim da odjeća bude dostupna drugima, onda želim da sve bude visoke kvalitete, zbog manipuliranja koje radim s tkaninom.
A. RevolveR:To bi bili japanski i korejski glazbenici, japanski i korejski glumci, azijski street fashion. A od dizajnera mogli biste predpostaviti da bi to mogao biti Yohji Yamamoto, on je jednostavno klasika. I Tatsuro Horikawa (Julius_7). Iako ne pratim hrvatske dizajnere, jednog moram izdvojiti, a to je brand Spirit by Tomislav Bahorić.
Fashionbabica:Što je za tebe moda? Stil odijevanja, način osobnog izražavanja ili nešto treće?
A. RevolveR: Odjeća je samo ono što upotpunjuje cjelinu. O odjeći, velikom spasitelju, mogu reći samo da ono jednostavno je nešto što (ne)određuje moj identitet kakav jest.
Fashionbabica:Planiraš li se fokusirati na hrvatsko tržište ili razmišljaš o širenju van granica ovih prostora?
A. RevolveR:Za sada je nekako pretenciozno razmišljati o tome. Najbitnije mi je bilo započeti i predstaviti se, sada kad jesam, samo treba naporno dalje raditi i fokusirati se na traženje i stvaranje originalnosti u svom kreativnom izražavanju. I onda, jednom se nadam, ću i moći odgovoriti na pitanje!
Jedino što mogu reći za kraj da ste svi pozvani pridružiti se A.RevolveR ikemen svijetu! !
A. RevolveR - a brand that breaks the established concepts of beauty, gender and sex!
"I do not like the conventional image of beauty and when I see it in my work, I like to destroy it. I love to manipulate clothes and create new forms by twisting, pulling, and to study behavior of the fabric. Just as with people, I think it is sometimes necessary to create "disturbing" conditions, that show true soul that lies in the depths.", says the designer who hides behind the brand A. RevolveR. The vision of this brand is clear and clean, just like the minimalism and asymmetries that adorn his creations. And these creations do not only show the extraordinary talent of 21-year-old Akira, but also celebrate the beauty of Asian androgyny. When I asked him why Asian androgyny, again very clearly he answered: Their facial lines fascinate me and prove to me that we all have beauty in ourselves, only the biggest secret (yourself) should be explored." Fascinated not only by the work of genius Akira, but also the brains behind the whole story, I decided to do an interview with him, and what this young designer has to say on the subject of beauty, style, fashion expression and identity and ultimately his brand, read in the lines that follow.
Fashionbabica:Give us two or three pieces of information about yourself, purely for the introduction! :)
My name is Akira I'm 21. I am a student of fashion design at the Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb. I am currently finishing the second year. Japan inspires me in everything I do and so it reflects at A.RevolveR. This is also the first A.RevolveR interview so I want to thank you and welcome all who read your site! Yoroshiku.
Fashionbabica:How many collections does A. RevolveR have and what is the philosophy behind these collections?
A. Revolver: So far A.RevolveR has only one collection which is called "Apocalypse", and in this case it means an indication that something new and chaotic- "Gender Chaos" is coming to Balkan fashion circles. The collection was displayed at the conventions of Japanese culture in Zagreb (Pandakon) and in Belgrade (Japanizam), and at Fashion Jam event.
I know the name of the collection sounds a bit dark and chaotic, but by this I mark A.RevolveR’s start.
Fashionbabica: What is the philosophy behind the brand?
A. RevolveR:The concept of A.RevolveR brand is Asian androgyny. My work is largely inspired by Japanese male styles because they are more feminine than those that we know in the West. The letter "A" in A.RevolveR means a lot to me, but what I will point out is the "Asian" & "Androgynous". I must stress that A.RevolveR is not only clothing, but overall stylization of the body so models and clothes transcend all stereotypes.
Fashionbabica: Where does the interest in androgyny and especially the Asian one come from?
A. RevolveR:Their facial features simply fascinate me and prove to me that we all have beauty in ourselves, only that biggest secret (ourselves) is to be investigated. In East Asia is a big plus and you get by better if you're a man and have softer facial features, these men are very popular among women and men admire them, so there fanaticism and support is ubiquitous. But it's better to explain with pictures than words. I'll show you some of the male idols of Japan, to prove to you their shocking androgyny.
Fashionbabica:Where does the interest in fashion and clothing design come from?
A. Revolver: Fashion is important to me because it complements my overall look. Besides that I study fashion design, so it is sort of expected that I would deal with it (haha), but all kidding aside, it's the easiest way to satisfy the need to express my thoughts and attitudes.
Fashionbabica:A.RevolveR cuts communicate in the social space using the elements of the avant-garde, minimalism, asymmetry and monochromy. Where does the love for exactly these concepts come from?
A. Revolver: Personally, this mix is the most wonderful and the most effective.
I do not like the conventional image of beauty so when I see it in my work, I like to destroy it. I like to manipulate clothing and create new forms by twisting, pulling, and to study behavior of the fabric. Just as with people, I think it is sometimes necessary to create "disturbing" conditions, so we could show the true soul that is hidden in the depths. Therefore, my work manifests as draperies and thus results in a specified mix.
Fashionbabica: Your clothes break gender stereotypes! Do you, in this sense, see your work like an activist act too?
A. RevolveR:Exactly! Now I will somehow focus on Japan because personally, it's my world, and I follow it the most (next to Korea) and it is to blame for creating this kind of awareness I have now.
It all started by listening to Japanese music, watching Japanese films and so called "anime", etc., and I was terribly fascinated by how the Japanese cherish their appearance. In addition, I am not talking about the Japanese we see here as tourists, I'm talking about pop culture and alternative styles in Japan and the terms"Visual Kei", "Gyaru-o", "Onii-kei", "Host kei", "Harajuku", "kpop", "jpop", "Ikemen (イケメン) ", "Bishounen (美 少年) "
Ikemen and Bishounen are very popular Japanese words meaning "good looking boys" and A.RevolveR will represent in this sense. Guys wearing makeup, stylized hair, girls with no attributes who with little tricks can remind us of pretty men.
At the time I complete one of my ideas it is heavily influenced by frustration and anger at society.
By the way we dress we indirectly communicate with the environment, and because of it I feel angry, since the fact is present, that because of the fear, society can easily be provoked. I live in the wrong areas where what I'm saying is seen as plain fagot stuff. But sometimes I think, if I lived in Japan what I did to my models would not be totally shocking and deviant. The aim of A.RevolveR clothing is to encourage people and give them a "shell" that sends an impression of self-confidence, independence, safety and originality. I wish that what I'm saying is guaranteed, but the sad truth is that you need an armor and a revolver. (Haha)
Fashionbabica:Do you think our society is too specified by gender and gender norms?
A. RevolveR:Of course, I don't want to philosophize too much about it, it can be most easily observed in the communication.
Fashionbabica:To whom is A. Revolver intended? To whom could this brand be interesting?
A. RevolveR:A.RevolveR is designed for those who accept the idea and to those it aesthetically pleases.
Fashionbabica:Which materials do you prefer in your work?
A. RevolveR:Since I'm still a student and at the beginning, I have a lot of ideas and they need to be exhausted somehow, so I think that all materials should be tried. In the choice of materials money plays a major role so at the very beginning I can not use the ones that I really want to, but I always find a replacement for the presentation of my ideas. Of course, if I want the clothes to be available to others, then I want everything to be high quality, because of the manipulation that I do with fabric.
Fashionbabica:Role models?
A. RevolveR:That would be Japanese and Korean musicians, Japanese and Korean actors, Asian street fashion. And as far as the designers you might assume it could be Yohji Yamamoto, he is simply classic. And Tatsuru Horikawa (Julius_7). Although I do not follow Croatian designers, I must set aside one and that is the brand Spirit by Tomislav Bahorić
Fashionbabica:What is fashion for you? Sense of style, a way of personal expression, or something else?
A. Revolver:Clothing is just what completes the whole. About clothes, big savior, I can only say that it is simply something that does (not) determine my identity as it is.
Fashionbabica:Do you plan to focus on Croatian market or are you thinking about expanding beyond the borders of this area?
A. RevolveR: For now, it is somehow pretentious to think about it. The most important thing right now is to start and introduce yourself, I just need to continue to work hard and focus on finding and cultivating originality in my creative expression. And then, I hope, I will be able to answer the question!
The only thing I can say at the end is that everyone is invited to join A.RevolveR ikemen world!
2nd Fashionbabica collection is out now!
Moja druga kolekcija otišla je više u smjeru slikarskog izričaja, no u njoj je opet prisutan ženski lik, vječna tema koja se proteže kroz čitav moj rad i sve moje tekstove. Ovaj put odlučila sam se na oslikavanje haljina i majica, a na istima su prikazani ženski atributi poput maternice, vagine i grudi. Čitava priča prožeta je podkontekstom histeričnog ženskog lika. Na fotografijama se mogu zahvaliti genijalnom Mariu Vukeliću.
My second collection went more in the direction of painting expression, but female character is present in it again, the eternal theme that runs through all my work and all my articles. This time I decided on painting of dresses and shirts, and on them feminine attributes such as uterus, vagina and breasts are presented. The whole story is imbued with the sub context of hysterical female character. For the photographs I can thank to genius Mario Vukelic.
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