2nd Fashionbabica collection is out now!

Moja druga kolekcija otišla je više u smjeru slikarskog izričaja, no u njoj je opet prisutan ženski lik, vječna tema koja se proteže kroz čitav moj rad i sve moje tekstove. Ovaj put odlučila sam se na oslikavanje haljina i majica, a na istima su prikazani ženski atributi poput maternice, vagine i grudi. Čitava priča prožeta je podkontekstom histeričnog ženskog lika. Na fotografijama se mogu zahvaliti genijalnom Mariu Vukeliću.


My second collection went more in the direction of painting expression, but female character is present in it again, the eternal theme that runs through all my work and all my articles. This time I decided on painting of dresses and shirts, and on them feminine attributes such as uterus, vagina and breasts are presented. The whole story is imbued with the sub context of hysterical female character. For the photographs I can thank to genius Mario Vukelic.

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops