Zašto nas tjerate da se sramimo svojih dlaka?

I dok danas mislimo kako je odstranjivanje dlaka stvar svjesnog izbora, zaboravljamo li da se ipak radi o normi koja je polagano i planirano nametnuta?

Više od ideje da moji jajnici ne rade kako treba, užasava me činjenica da nepravilan rad istih uzrokuje pretjeranu dlakavost. I dok s gotovo romantičnom glorifikacijom gledam na jednu obrvu Fride Kahlo i njene šarmantne brčiće, pomisao da dlake krase moje tijelo gnusnija mi je i od Von Trierovih šovinističkih filmova.

Gnušanje se miješa s osjećam srama kada moje dlačice iskoče tamo gdje ne bi trebale, a dok se borim između misli kako sam "oh takva feministkinja koja se ne bi trebala sramiti svog tijela kakvo god da je" i pretpostavke da je uklanjanje dlaka sastavni dio dnevne beauty rutine, pitam se gdje leži korijen našeg gnušanja kao društva prema dlakama na ženskom tijelu.

Iako smo dlake uklanjanje i mrzile oduvijek, hajka protiv istih svoj je vrhunac počela dosezati u Americi 20-ih. Promjene u odijevanju dovele su do toga da noge, a onda i pazusi postanu vidljivima, i kao takvi, jedni od ključnih elemenata ženske ljepote. Idealna je noga, kao i pazuh, naravno bila ona bez dlaka. Časopis namijenjen obiteljskom zdravlju Hygeia je u 30-ima pisao o uklanjanju dlaka kao novoj društvenoj konvenciji, a onda su se medicinskim krugovima pridružili i oni modni te časopisi poput Harpers Bazaara koji je promovirao nedlakavost kao jednu od glavnih ženskih obilježja. U 90-ima je rat objavljen i dlakavim mufovima.

I premda sama preferiram nedlakave mufove čisto jer su er... praktičniji za konzumaciju, ideja brazilske depilacije ide korak dalje od uklanja suvišnih dlaka (ukoliko dlake uopće jesu suvišne) i oštro koketira s eroticizmom mainstream porno glumica koje definiraju standard poželjnog. A kako pak po nekim drugim standardima žena mora biti nježna i ranjiva, ista takva joj mora biti i pica. Premda, nije li malčice morbidno da se muškarci lože na vagine koje podsjećaju na one djevojčica u vrtićkoj dobi?

A kad govorimo tome što muškarci vole i na što se pale, možemo li reći da recimo Marko uopće voli žene, ako ih voli jedino kad su obrijane do kože. Po toj logici Marko zapravo ne voli žene, odnosno on zapravo nije heteroseksualan jer voli samo žene koje su promijenjene na određen način, koje nakon određene radnje prestaju biti muškarci i postaju žene. To zapravo zavrjeđuje kategoriju za sebe. To je kao da ste kao muškarac orijentirani samo na žene koje su prije operacije spola bile muškarci. Možemo li to onda nazvati bivanjem straight, gay ili bi? Ili je to samo bolestan fetiš?

S druge strane, muškarac je uvijek muškarac bez obzira brije li se ili ne. Dok, žena više nije "prava" žena ako dopusti da joj rastu dlake.

Ostatak pročitaj ovdje


Why do you make us feel ashamed because of our body hair?

While today we think that removal of body hair is a matter of conscious choice, do we forget that it is actually a norm wich was slowly and carefully imposed?

More than the idea that my ovaries are not working properly, I am terrified by the fact that their irregular work causes excessive hairiness. And even though I watch on Frida Kahlo's unibrow and her charming mustaches with almost romantic glorification, thought that hair would adorn my body disgusts me even more than Von Trier's chauvinistic films.

Revulsion is mixed with shame when I feel my body hair pop out where they should not, and while I fight between thoughts like "oh I am such a feminist who should not be ashamed of her body no matter what" and the assumption that removal of body hair is integral part of daily beauty routine, I wonder where lies the root of our disgust as a society towards the hair on a woman's body.

Although we have always removed and hated body hair, campaign against it reached the peak in America in the 20s. Changes in how we dress have led to leg, and then the armpit being more visible, and as such, one of the key elements of female beauty. Perfect leg and an armpit, of course had to be hairless. Magazine for family health Hygeia wrote in the 30s about hair removal as a new social convention, and then medical community was followed by fashion community and magazines such as Harpers Bazaar, which promoted hairless ideal as one of the main female characteristics. In the 90s war was declared to hairy muffs too.

And although I myself prefer hairless muffs purely because they are well ...more convenient for consumption, the idea of Brazilian waxing goes a step further from removing excessive body hair (if there is such a thing as excessive body hair) and sharply flirts with the eroticism of mainstream porn actresses who define the standard of desired. And since by some other standards, women must be gentle and vulnerable, their cunts must look the same. Although, isn't it a bit morbid that men love vaginas which remind them of the vaginas which belong to the girls in the kindergarten age?

And when we talk about what men love, can we say that let's say Mark loves women in general, if he loves them only when they are shaved to the skin. By that logic Mark does not like women, or he is not really a heterosexual because he only likes women who are altered in a certain way, who after certain actions transfer from a man to a woman. It really deserves a category for itself, don't you think? It is as if you are a man oriented to women who were men before sex surgery. Can we call it straight, gay or bi then? Or is it just a sick fetish?

On the other hand, a man is always a man regardless does he shave or not. While, woman is no longer a "real" women, if she allows her body hair to grow.

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