Fashionbabica Love&Passion underwear collection!

Fashionbabica Love&Passion Collection for Girls not yet Women nudi šest komada gaćica različitih modela. Gaćice su sašivene od finog turskog pamuka, a na svakom modelu nalazi se poruka preuzeta iz nekog od mojih tekstova. Ime kolekcije govori sve o njenoj osnovnoj ideji. Nespretan rukopis koji prelazi u pubertetske črčkarije izveden pomoću flomastera za tekstil, kao i roza te bijela boja gaćica daju naslutiti kako je kolekcija namijenjena svim ženama koje se osjećaju kao plašljive, ali ipak u nekim trenucima i divlje djevojčice. Ova divlja, uplašena ženska bića tek će zakoračiti u svijet odrasle žene, one koja se nekad vrlo teško odmiče od svoje infantilne nježnosti i zaigranosti.


Fashionbabica Love & Passion Collection for Girls not yet Women offers six different models of panties. Made from fine Turkish cotton, each model carries a message taken from one of my articles. The name of the collection says all about its basic idea. Clumsy manuscripts which cross with adolescent scribblings, written using textile markers as well as pink and white colour of the panties suggest that this collection is designed for all women who feel like shy, but wild little girls. This wild, scared female beings are just about to step into the world of the adult woman, a woman who sometimes has problems with moving away from her infantile affection and playfulness.

photos: Mario Vukelić & Fashionbabica
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops