Intervju s Majom Rivić -mladom glazbenicom u usponu i pjevačicom nekadašnje Spine!

Jednom davno postojao je taj bend Spina, bend koji i dalje volim poslušati i koji je ako mene pitate, zbog svog zavodljivog zvuka i jednako takve pjevačice trebao postati golem. Spina je budila miris zadimljenog, mračnog francuskog kafića i bolno primamljive francuske šansone u modernom izričaju, a glas i stajling pjevačice benda Maje Rivić, svakako je doprinosio tom doživljaju. Spine više nema, ali zato sam šetajući bespućima Facebooka naletila na tu istu Maju Rivić za koju sam prije toliko godina, kada sam je ugledala na stejđu zagrebačkog Kseta pomislila: "Gle kakva zanimljiva djevojka!" E pa što ova zanimljiva djevojka radi danas pročitajte u recima koji slijede...

Fashionbabica: Tko je ta Maja Rivić?

Maja: Maja je, Maja traga za identitetom i značenjem. Pokušava se izraziti kroz kompoziciju u grafičkom i glazbenom mediju, spoznati sebe i svijet oko sebe.

Fashionbabica: Trenutno si u Londonu? Kako je došlo do odlaska u London i kakav je život u Londonu?

Maja: Sredinom 2009. niti jedan od dva sastava (Spina i Kreol) u kojima sam dotad djelovala više nije postojao, moj studij Grafičke tehnologije bio je pri kraju, a moja glad za svijetom sve veća. Moj dečko Mak, glazbenik i student arhitekture, i ja, počeli smo sanjariti o studiranju glazbe negdje van Hrvatske, te smo otišli na audiciju Londonskog centra za suvremenu glazbu, LCCM, prošli, i krajem rujna iste godine, uz podršku naših obitelji odselili u London, na godinu dana. Taj se boravak produžio, i evo nas još uvijek u Londonu, nakon tri i pol godine. Život u Londonu je i dalje život, koji osoba nosi svugdje sa sobom..Geografske, demografske i kulturološke dimenzije ovoga grada skrivaju njegov horizont, i čini se kao da mogućnostima nema kraja...

Fashiobabica: Što se dogodilo sa Spinom?

Maja: Spina su bila moja glazbena hodalica, u kojima sam učila dijeliti svoju glazbenu strast s drugima. Stvarali smo momentalno, nismo imali ambicije za budućnost, samo smo htjeli nastupati, spajati se jedni s drugima i publikom..u trenutku kada smo sazreli za napredovanje u autorskom smislu, prirodno smo se razišli..samo tako..s tugom i srećom u srcima..

Fashionbabica: Imaš širok raspon glazbenih utjecaja, od jazza preko gypsya, swinga i world musica do bluesa i soula pa čak elektronike i eksperimentale, od Elle Fitzgerald do Knifea i Debussya! Od kud tolika glazbena širina? I može li se sve to zapravo vješto spojiti u konačan proizvod?

Maja: Tragamo za glazbom koja će nas dodirnuti, izbaciti iz takta, razumjeti, preispitati.. Puno je ljudi na svijetu, vjerojatnost je velika da će takve glazbe biti u svim žanrovima..stoga je sasvim razumljivo da sam, tragajući za takvom mogućnosti, u jednom periodu života uživala u hip-hopu, elektronskoj glazbi, soulu, bluesu, jazzu, folkloru, klasičnoj glazbi..

U svojim kompozicijama i aranžmanima, koje spremam za novi sastav, pokušati ću objediniti sve te utjecaje i doživljaje. Ne znam hoću li uspjeti..

Fashionbabica: Osjećaš li se više kao glazbenica ili kao grafička dizajnerica?

Maja: Mislim da i jedan i drugi output služe istoj svrsi - prepoznavanju i aranžiranju estetskih kriterija koji mi pružaju osjećaj harmonije između onoga što želim svjesno i onoga nesvjesnoga. Jednako sanjarim radeći i jedno i drugo..ipak, čini se da element live nastupa u glazbi pruža onaj vitalni osjećaj putovanja..i to je onda to.

Fashionbabica: Tvoji trenutačni glazbeni projekti zovu se Mimika Mak Murtić Ensemble i Majmak. Reci nam nešto o njima.

Maja: Mimika Mak Murtić Ensemble je jedan veliki organizam, kojega pokreće stvaralačka energija usidrena u voljenom biću - Mak. Kroz Mimiku Mak oživljava svoje interpretacije suživota svih bića na Zemlji i Svemiru, njihovu prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Kroz Mimiku ja učim i rastem u ulozi vokala kojega prati 15 izrazitih Londonskih glazbenika.. Makove kompozicije koje izvodi Mimika profinjen su kolaž jazz harmonije, inteligentnih aranžmana, svjetskih folklornih nasljeđa, suvremenih groove-ova, impresionističkih slika koje veličaju život..Mimika je u mom srcu.

Majmak nastaje kad god Maja i Mak, kao vokal i saksofon duo, ili primjerice kvintet s dodatnim bubnjevima, tubom i trubom sviraju jazz i balkanske standarde kako bi razveselili ljude u slavljeničkim prilikama za džeparac.

Fashionbabica: Imaš zanimljiv modni izričaj, onako dosta retro! Posvećuješ li pozornost tome što ćeš obući u smislu da njeguješ taj svoj neki specifičan stil ili?

Maja: Mislim da više nije retro :) U međuvremenu moj se modni identitet reducirao na nužno, tj. ono maksimalno što mogu konceptualno podnijeti, a to su ravne linije, jednobojni komadi. Zapravo, izgleda da sam se na neki način nesvjesno i protiv svoje volje počela odijevati Londonski..

Fashiobabica: Gdje kupuješ krpice?

Maja: U posljednje vrijeme ih ne kupujem, nosim staru odjeću..
Međutim, kada bih si mogla priuštiti, moj bi se senzibilitet udomio u kućama konceptualnih, minimalističkih dizajnera - umjetnika.
Fashionbabica: Planovi za budućnost?

Maja: Nisam sigurna jesu li to planovi ili želje, no voljela bih biti bolja u svakom pogledu, u odnosu na sebe sada..kreirati glazbene i vizualne impresije koje će ocrtavati mene kao biće u ovom apstraktnom svijetu..dodirivati druga bića svojim nastupima i izdizati se iz materijalnosti..

Fashionbabica: Neka ugodna misao za kraj?

Maja: Potpuno nereligiozna i nespiritualna misao koja me dubinski ostavlja zatečenom, je misao o tome, kako živimo u šumi referentnih točaka i kako se sve što "znamo" nalazi unutar nečega što "ne znamo".....

Živjele vrlo vjerojatne i potpuno nevjerojatne: Svijest i Ljubav u Svemiru....


Interview with Maja Rivić-young aspiring musician and a singer from the band once known as Spina!

Once upon a time there was this band Spina, a band I still love to listen to and which, is if you ask me, should have been enormous, because of its seductive sound and lead singer. Spina awakened the smell of smoky, dark French cafes and painfully attractive French chanson in a modern expression, and the voice and the styling of the band's singer Maja Rivić, certainly contributed to this perception. Spina no longer exists, but never the less, walking through the wilderness of Facebook I ran into that same Maja Rivić for whom, so many years ago when I saw her on the stage of Zagreb's club Kset I thought: "Look what an interesting girl!" Well, what that interesting girl is doing today, read in the rows that follow ...

Fashionbabica: Who is that Maja Rivić?

Maja: Maja is, Maja is searching for identity and meaning. She is trying to express through composition in graphics and music, getting to know herself and the world around her .

Fashiobabica:  You are currently in London? What led to going to London and what is life in London like?

Maja: By the mid of 2009. none of the two bands ( Spina and Kreol ) I was a member of until then, no longer existed,  my studies at the Faculty of Graphic technology were at an end, and my hunger for the world was growing. My boyfriend Mak, a musician and  student of architecture and I started to dream about studying music somewhere outside Croatia, so we went to audition at the London Centre for Contemporary Music, LCCM, we passed, and at the end of September of the same year, with the support of our families we moved to London, for a year. This stay extended, and here we are, still in London, after three and a half years. Life in London is still a life, that person carries with him/her everywhere .. The geographic, demographic and cultural dimensions of this city are hiding his horizon, and it seems like there is no end to the possibilities ...

Fashiobabica: What happened to Spina?

Maja: Spina were my musical walker, where I learned to share my musical passion with others. We created immediately, we had no ambitions for the future, we just wanted to perform connect with each other and the audience .. at  the moment we were ready to progress as authors, we naturally split .. just like that .. both with sadness and happiness in our hearts ..

Fashionbabica: You've got a wide range of musical influences, from jazz to gypsy, from swing and world music to blues and soul and even electronics and experimental music, from Ella Fitzgerald to Knife and Debussy? From where does that musical width come from? And can all this really be skillfully combined into a final product ?

Maja: We're looking for music that will touch us, throws us out of line, understands us, reassesses us .there is a lot of people in the world, it's likely that this kind of music will be found in all genres .. so it is quite understandable that, looking for such opportunities, in one period of life I enjoyed  hip - hop, electronic music, soul, blues, jazz , folk, classical music ..

In my compositions and arrangements, which I am preparing for my new band, I will try to consolidate all these influences and experiences. I do not know if I will succeed ..

Fashionbabica: Do you feel more like a musician or like a graphic designer ?

Maja: I think both outputs serve the same purpose - identifying and arranging aesthetic criteria which provide me with a sense of harmony between what I want and what the unconscious wants. Doing both I am equally daydreaming .. however, it seems that an element of live performance in music provides the vital sense of travel .. and that's it then.

Fashiobabica: Your current musical projects are called Mimika Mak Murtic Ensemble and Majmak. Tell us something about them.

Maja: Mimika Mak Murtic Ensemble is one big organism, driven by creative energy anchored in a loving person - Mak. Through Mimika Mak revives his interpretation of coexistence of all creatures on Earth and the Universe, their past, present and future. Through Mimika I learn and grow in the role of a vocal artist accompanied by 15 remarkable London musicians .. Mak's compositions performed by Mimika are a sophisticated collage of jazz harmonies, intelligent arrangements, world's folk heritage, contemporary grooves, impressionist paintings glorifying life .. Mimika is in my heart.

Majmak occurs whenever Maja and Mak, as a vocal and saxophone duo, or for example a quintet with additional drums, tube and trumpet play jazz and Balkan standards to delight people in the festive occasions for the allowance.

Fashionbabica: You have an interesting fashion expression, it's kind of retro. Do you dedicate a lot of attention to what you're going to wear in the sense that you nurture some specific style of yours ?

Maja: I don't think it is retro anymore :) In the meantime, my fashion identity reduced to the essential, that is, the maximum I can submit  to conceptually, namely straight lines, monochrome pieces. In fact, it seems that I somehow unconsciously and involuntarily started to dress Londonish ..

Fashionbabica: Where do you buy clothes ?

Maja: Lately, I don't buy them, I wear old clothes ..
However, if I could afford it, my sensibility would be housed in the homes of conceptual, minimalist designers - artists .

Fashiobabica: Plans for the future ?

Maja: I'm not sure whether they are plans or desires, but I'd like to be better in every aspect, in relation to myself now create musical and visual impressions that will outline me as being in this abstract world .. to touch other beings with my performances and strive to raise above materiality ...

Fashiobabica: Some pleasant thought for the end ?

Maja: Completely non-religious and non-spiritual thought that leaves me deeply caught, the thought of how we live in a forest of reference points and how everything "we" know is inside something " we don't  know " .....

Long lived very plausible and totally unbelievable : Consciousness and Love in the Universe ....
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