Možda vam se čini kao da dosta pričamo o cicama, ali to je vječito u svrhu senzacionalizma i uvijek se ta nesretna sisa stavlja u kontekst seksualnog, a ne prirodnog i čistog. Kako je i sama Scout Willis za objasnila: " Nažalost, naglasak medija bio je na senzacionalizaciji mojih grudi, prvenstveno u okvirima moje obitelji. Shvaćam da me ljudi ne uzimaju ozbiljno. Ili bi me radije otpisali kao privilegiranu, neupućenu bijelu curu koja pokušava pridobiti pažnju. Bijela sam i rođena u financijski privilegiranoj obitelji visokog profila. Nisam izabrala svoj javni život, ali on mi jest dao ovu platformu, platformu koja pomaže da tjelesna politika bude vrijedna zanimanja medija. Svakako ne činim ništa novo. Jedna grupa ovdje u New Yorku koja se zove Topless Pulp redovito se sastaje kako bi čitala u parku u toplesu, a Free The Nipple kampanja bori se za ista prava već četiri godine. Ako moje podrijetlo može pomoći tome da se njihova poruka proširi, neka tako i bude. Ne sramim se toga tko sam...Također, neki me ljudi kritiziraju jer bradavice povezujem s pitanjem jednakosti. Po meni, bradavice su sam ključ problema. 30 -ih godina prošlog stoljeća muške su bradavice bile jednako provokativne, sramotne i taboo, kao što su ženske sad, a muškarci su prosvjedovali na jednak način. 1930. četiri muškarca prošetala su se po Coney Islandu u toplesu te su uhićena. 1935. od grupe okupljenih muškaraca u toplesu podrijetlom iz Atlantic Citya, njih 42 je uhićeno. Muškarci su se borili i njihov glas se čuo, na taj način oni su promijenili ne samo zakone, nego i društvenu svijest. Do 1936. muška gola prsa bila su prihvaćena kao norma.Stoga, kako to da 80 godina kasnije žene ne mogu postići isto za svoje grudi? Zašto majka ne može ponosno dojiti svoje dijete u javnosti bez da se osjeća seksualizirano? Zašto se 17- godišnjakinju moli da ode s vlastite maturalne jer grupa očeva misli da je preprovokativna? Zašto bih se osjećala prekomjerno izloženo ako odlučim da neću nositi grudnjak...Ono za što se borim je pravo žene da predstavi svoje tijelo onako kako ona želi te da se ne boji kako će ljudi reagirati i hoće li je društvo osuđivati."
Pred kraj pisanja ovog članka u tri dijela, naišla sam i na vijest o zabrani postera za novi Sin City koji je čini se lansiran na vrhuncu Fear the Nipple kampanje (o kojoj hrvatski mediji uopće ne pišu). Naime, poster za Sin City: A Dame To Kill For zabranjen jeod strane Motion Picture Association of America jer zvijezda filma Eva Green na istom izgleda preseksi držeći pištolj, odjevena tek u tanki prozirni ogrtač ispod kojeg joj se naziru grudi i oh ne, još gore od grudi – bradavice!! Na plakatu kritične su bile, citiram: "Krivulje ispod grudi i tamno područje oko bradavica vidljivo ispod tanke haljine." Pištolj, oružje i sredstvo kojim se ljudi doslovno ubijaju je manje opasno od ženske bradavice??
Na kraju se čitava priča svodi na to da :
a) Društvo na sise gleda isključivo u seksualnom kontekstu jer zašto bi žena pokazivala sise nego da uzbudi muškarca? Osim što je ovakav stav heteronormativan, vrlo je primitivan i iznimno degradirajuć za ženu.
b) Društvo jos uvijek na žene gleda kao na vlasništvo, samo što smo toliko naviknuti na to da ljudi ne razumiju o čemu je zapravo riječ.
I konačno završila bih riječima Toma Forda. Poznati nesimpatizer socijalnih mreža i čovjek koji nam je pokazao više cica, guzica i pičaka nego svi ikad u modnom svijetu, za rekao je: "Korisnike ne zanimaju osvrti ili hard copy publikacije. Njih zanima koju je sliku Rihanna stavila na Instagram dok je gola u krevetu, koje nove cipele ima i što ima za reći o njima. To je ono na što oni reagiraju...To ne znači da mi nije stalo do tuđih osvrta ili recenzija....ali danas svi imaju glas, tako da najglasnija osoba je ona koju će svi slušati. U ovom slučaju to je Rihanna s 13 milijuna followera." Ford je također objasnio kako stvari u modi i medijima vrlo jednostavno funkcioniraju - dizajneri naprave komad, stave ga ne Beyonce ili Rihannu, plate istima da se pojave na reviji i svi pa i one same tvitaju o tome. Takav je PR bolji od bilo čega pa i od pozitivne kritike najvećih modnih kritičara. Stoga, recite mi zašto je u redu da tvitamo o novim lijepim Rihanninim cipelama, ali ne i njenim lijepim cicama? Nije li baš tu vidljivo licemjerje našeg društva? I upravo u ovom pogledu, Rihannin čin, kao i onaj Scout Willis ima doseg političkog čina, jer one su te koje imaju mogućnost utjecaja na ono o čemu će ljudi misliti i kako će o tome misliti, jer one su te koje imaju mogućnost da ženama kažu - volite svoje tijelo i ne sramite ga se, s našim cicama je sve, baš sve u redu! Tko je Instagram da nam kaže drugačije!
Don't Fear the Nipple! part 3 - A bit more about why did Scout Willis took of her clothes, few smart words from Tom Ford and the conclusion!
It may seem like we talk a lot about boobs, but it is always for the purpose of sensationalism and always that unfortunate tit is put in the context of sexual rather than natural and pure. As Scout Willis for explained : " But unfortunately the emphasis in the press has been on sensationalizing my breasts, chiefly in terms of my family.I understand that people don’t want to take me seriously. Or would rather just write me off as an attention-seeking, over-privileged, ignorant, white girl. I am white and I was born to a high profile and financially privileged family. I didn’t choose my public life, but it did give me this platform. A platform that helps make body politics newsworthy. I am certainly not doing anything novel. A group here in New York called Topless Pulp gathers in parks to read topless regularly, and the Free The Nipple campaign has been protesting for the same rights for the last four years. If my coming from a high-profile family could help spread their message, so be it. I am not ashamed of who I am. There are also some people who would criticize my choice to relate nipples with equality at all. To me, nipples seem to be at the very heart of the issue. In the 1930s, men’s nipples were just as provocative, shameful, and taboo as women’s are now, and men were protesting in much the same way. In 1930, four men went topless to Coney Island and were arrested. In 1935, a flash mob of topless men descended upon Atlantic City, 42 of whom were arrested. Men fought and they were heard, changing not only laws but social consciousness. And by 1936, men’s bare chests were accepted as the norm. So why is it that 80 years later women can’t seem to achieve the same for their chests? Why can’t a mother proudly breastfeed her child in public without feeling sexualized? Why is a 17-year-old girl being asked to leave her own prom because a group of fathers find her too provocative? Why should I feel overly exposed because I choose not to wear a bra? I am not trying to argue for mandatory toplessness, or even bralessness. What I am arguing for is a woman’s right to choose how she represents her body -- and to make that choice based on personal desire and not a fear of how people will react to her or how society will judge her."
Towards the end of writing this article in three parts, I came across the news about new Sin City poster, which seems to be launched at the height of the Fear the Nipple Campaign, has been banned. The poster for Sin City: A Dame To Kill For was banned by Motion Picture Association of America since lead movie star Eva Green looks too sexy holding a gun, dressed only in a thin transparent cloak beneath which her bare breasts and oh no, worse than breast – nipples, are seen! On the poster were critical, and I quote: "The curves below the breasts and the dark area around the nipple visible beneath the thin dress." A gun, a weapon used to kill people is less dangerous than the female nipple ?
At the end the whole story boils down to :
a) The society still looks at female breast only in a sexual context, because why would a woman show her boobs if she doesn't want to arouse the man? Besides being heteronormative, such attitude is also very primitive and very degrading to women.
b ) The society is still looking at women as property, we are just so used to it that we don't understand what is really the problem.
And finally I finish with the words of Tom Ford. Famous disliker of social networks and the man who showed us more boobs, asses and pussies than anybody in the fashion world ever has. In an interview for he said : "Customers don't care any more about reviews or hard-copy publications. They care what picture Rihanna just Instagrammed while she's naked in bed, what new shoes she has on, how she's talking about them. That's what they respond to...It doesn't mean I don't care about reviews..but everyone has a voice now, so the person with the loudest voice is the one people listen to. In this case, Rihanna, who had 13 million followers on Instagram". Ford also explained how things in fashion and the media function very simple- designer makes a piece, puts it on Beyonce or Rihanna, pays them to appear on fashion shows and everybody, including B. and Riri tweet about it. Such PR is better than any positive review of the biggest fashion critics. So, tell me why it is okay that we tweet about Rihanna's new beautiful shoes, but not about her beautiful tits? Isn't the hypocrisy of our society obvious here? In this regard, Rihanna's act, the same as that of Scout Willis, has the range of political act, because they are the ones who have the ability to influence what people think and how they think about it, they are the ones who have the ability to say to women - love your body and don't be ashamed of it, everyting is just fine with our tits! Who is Instagram to tell us different!
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