Meatballs iliti mesne okruglice - okus Amerike u mediteranskoj varijanti na vašem stolu!

Sastojci za mesne okruglice za 4 osobe:

pola kilograma mljevenog mesa
pola glavice luka
2 režnja češnjaka
začini: mljevena crvena paprika, sol, biber, korijander, timijan, mješavina začina za meso
1 jaje

Sastojci za umak:

glavica luka
pasirana rajčica
začini po želji

Pomiješati sastojke za okruglice, formirati ih, ostaviti 10- ak minuta u frižideru, nakon čega ih popržiti na ulju dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju. Izvaditi okruglice i u tavu dodati luk. Popržiti luk dok ne postane staklen. Dodati pasiranu rajčicu i okruglice te začine po želji. Dinstati sve skupa 30 - 45 minuta. 


Ingredients for meatballs for 4 people:

one pound of ground beef
half an onion
2 cloves of garlic
spices: red pepper, salt, pepper, coriander, thyme, blend of spices for meat
1 egg

Ingredients for sauce:

1 onion
tomato puree
spices to taste

Mix ingredients for meatballs, form them, leave for 10 - minutes in the fridge, then fry them in oil until golden. Remove them from the pan and add onion. Fry it until glassy. Add tomato puree, meatballs and spices to taste. Cook all together for 30-45 minutes.
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops