Le outfit post: Fashionbabica supporta Free the Nipple Campaign noseći na sebi samo Eli's Fantasy nakit!

Ovaj shoot napravljen je u svrhu Free The Nipple kampanje, kako bih i sama iskazala svoj support i bacila fokus na problematiku! Na slikama nosim samo nakit divne riječke dizajnerice koja se krije iza brenda Eli's Fantasy o kojoj  ste mogli pročitati više na stranicama bloga. Fotografije su poredane smisleno i ocrtavaju put svake žene ka svojoj     osobnoj, seksualnoj, političkoj, društvenoj i konačno ljudskoj slobodi, put od nesigurnosti i srama do potpunog zadovoljstva, sreće, nesputanosti.   


This shoot was made for the purposes of Free The Nipple campaign, so I could myself express support and throw  focus on the issues! In the pictures I wear only beautiful jewelry made by a young designer from Rijeka who hides behind the brand Eli's fantasy about which you could read more on the blog previously. Photos are arranged sensibly and outline the path of every woman to her personal, sexual, political, social, and ultimately human freedom, the path from insecurity and shame to the complete satisfaction, happiness and spontaneity.

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops