Tajni sastojci za ovo jelo su piva i korijander. Piva će jelu dati poseban okus, a korijander će ga zbog svoje slatkoće učiniti nezaboravnim iskustvom!
Sastojci za 4 osobe:
600 grama narezane svinjske vratine
2 veće glavice luka
2, 3 režnja češnjaka
3, 4 dcl pive
začini : crvena paprika, sol, biber, korijander
Šnicle začinite po želji i namažite senfom. Stavite ih da se peku dok ne dobiju boju (ako želite biti hard core all the way koristite domaću mast). Izvadite šnicle, a na istu tavu gdje ste pekli šnicle bacite luk. Dinstajte luk dok ne postane staklen, zatim unutra opet ubacite šnicle, zalijte pivom, dodajte začine i pustite da se dinsta dok meso ne omekša, što je otprilike 45 minuta. Kao prilog odlično paše restani krumpir s jednim posebnim dodatkom osim uobičajene crvene paprike, a to je curry!
Pork in beer with coriander
Secret ingredients for this dish are beer and coriander. Beer will give the dish a special flavor and coriander because of its sweetness, will make an unforgettable experience from it!
Ingredients for 4 people:
600 grams of sliced pork neck
2 large onions
2 -3 cloves of garlic
3- 4 deciliters of beer
spices: red pepper, salt, black pepper, coriander
Season the steaks to taste and spread mustard on them. Fry them until they get nice brown colour (if you want to be hard core all the way, use homemade fat). Remove the steaks and then fry the onions on the same pan where you fried the steaks. Fry them until they get glassy, then throw in the steaks again, pour beer inside, add spices and let it all fry until the meat is tender, which is about 45 minutes. As a side dish it's great to make potato hash browns with one special addition besides the usual red pepper - curry!