Sretna što sam završila s kolekcijom Free The Nipple textova, odahnula sam i krenula na pisanje svog novog teksta koji će također biti u nekoliko dijelova i koji će se napokon baviti nečim lijepim i pozitivnim /nikako feministički nadrkanim/, a to je ljubav! Međutim, istu nisam dobila od čopora u kojem živimo, a kojeg zovemo društvo pa se ukazala potreba za još jednim člankom na temu Free the Nipple kampanje!
Istražujući o Rihanninom progonu s Instagrama, imala sam prilike nagledati se njenih golišavih fotografija, od kojih su mnoge snimljene na samom početku njene karijere, kada je bila tek samo još jedna Miss Barbadosa koja se pokušava progurati u svijet showbiza i hip hopa. Kada pogledam unatrag, njena transformacija od još jedne pop sladunjave pjevačice u zločestu curu, nije bila baš nikakva transformacija, budući da se tu transformirati nije imalo što. Njena uloga dobre cura bila je samo to- uloga, fin način da zapliva glazbenim vodama i postane dovoljno jaka i samostalna kako bi nam pokazala svoju pravu prirodu. A njena prava priroda je divlja i nesputana, zapravo onakva kakvoj teži svaka feministkinja. U tom pogled, samoprozvana zagovornica ženskih prava Beyonce, nikad joj neće biti ni do koljena. No, zašto nam danas Rihannina golotinja smeta, danas kada je na vrhuncu svoje popularnosti, a prije nije? Možda zato što svjetskim čudorednicima, ne ide u prilog da jedna glasna crna žena govori drugim ženama da je s našim tijelima sve sasvim u redu i da bi se trebale voljeti onakve kakve jesmo? I onda se maloumni ženski časopisi, u maniri najobičnijeg trača, pitaju Ni je li Riri pretjerala? Ako ženski časopisi misle da je ženska borba za ženska prava pretjerana, ona ovo društvo ima velik problem!!!
Nakon što je Instač raspizdila svojim golišavim fotografijama, na dodjeli nagrada američkih dizajnera na kojoj je zasluženo u ruke dobila Fashion Icon nagradu, Riri se pojavila u potpuno prozirnoj kreaciji Adama Selmana. Od prikaza ove haljine, posute tek Swarovski kristalima, mnogi već noćima ne spavaju. Neki ne spavaju jer vjerojatno drkaju na spomenutu sliku, a drugi jer im čudoređe i moral ne daju. Potonji sad imaju još jedan razlog za brigu - reklamu za Rihannin novi parfem Rogue na kojoj Riri sjedi, ovaj put pokrivajući "sramotne" bradavice i čak cijele cice, u gaćicama i salonkama. Reklama za isti, zabranjena je jer je citiram: "previše seksualno sugestivna". Jer društvo ne želi reklame koje sugeriraju da je ljudsko tijelo normalna stvar! Društvo želi reklame koje sugeriraju da su isfotošopirana ženska tijela, pokrivena na pravim mjestima, koje ne nazivamo pravim imenima, normalna stvar!
Sam Advertising Standards Authority priznao je da je mala vjerojatnost da bi oglas mogao biti ponižavajuć za ženu te da bi mogao uzrokovati ozbiljnu širu povredu nečijih osjećaja, ali samo jedna pritužba bila je dovoljna da se oglas makne s bilo kojeg područja na kojem bi ga mogla vidjeti djeca te je zabranjen na osnovi da se više ne smije pojavljivati bez nečega sto se zove "placement restriction".
Tog pozivanja na djecu mi je više pun kurac. U tome i jest problem, što djecu od malena učimo da je ljudsko tijelo prljavo i onda ta ista mala djeca odrastu u ljude koji se srame i boje svog tijela, a tako i tuđih. Nije li vam palo na pamet da bi manje cura umrlo od anorkesije da nam dokažu kako naša tijela nisu ružna i loša? Nije li vam palo na pamet da bi više silovatelja bilo u zatvorima da naše društvo shvati kako žena nije zaslužila biti silovana samo zato jer pokazala malo više tijela od onog što je dopušteno moralnim kodovima licemjernih čudorednika? Da, upravo do tih razmjera ide ovaj problem! Ne kažem da se roditelji trebaju jebati pred djecom, to mi je apsolutno degutantno, ali pričati djeci o tome kako je naše tijelo normalno i kako se pička zove pička,a ne ono tamo dolje, je potrebno, itekako potrebno! Uostalom, jumbo plakat za njen parfem Rebelle, stajao je nasred jebenog Times Sguarea, a na istom je Riri potpuno gola. Ali jebiga, sada se Ririn aktivizam zahuktao pa je netko odlučio reći "stop"!
Što se tiče mog vlastitog iskustva, smatram kako je činjenica da balkanski mediji ne pišu o Free the Nipple kampanji, niti su se odlučili ozbiljnije pozabaviti pravim razlogom zbog kojeg se Rihanna pojavila u "ničemu" na spomenutoj dodjeli nagrada, u najmanju ruku žalosna. Također smatram žalosnim da sam u zadnjem postu na blogu morala pokazati vlastite grudi da bi ljudi actually počeli čitati o Free the Nipple kampanji. Kod posta je zanimljivo i to da su mi nakon njegove objave, koliko god se čitanost Free the Nipple tekstova povećala, isto tako su mi lajkovi na Facebook stranici bloga počeli padati. I na kraju, žalosna sam zbog činjenice kako je Facebook reagirao na moje grudi. Naime dizajnerica brenda Eli's fantasy prošeralaje link na spomenuti post te je poželjela da post dobije dodatni boost. Kada je od Facebooka zatražila da joj omogući veći broj recipijenata, oni su joj odgovorili ovako:
Hello Eli,
We found a post you boosted did not meet our ad guidelines. As a result, this post wasn’t approved and is no longer boosted in News Feed.
Your ad wasn't approved because your image is overly sexual, implies nudity, shows excessive amounts of skin or cleavage, or focuses unnecessarily on body parts.
Before resubmitting your ad, please visit the Help Center to learn more and see examples of ads that meet our guidelines.
If you’ve read the guidelines in the Help Center and think your ad follows the rules and should have been approved, please let us know.
We found a post you boosted did not meet our ad guidelines. As a result, this post wasn’t approved and is no longer boosted in News Feed.
Your ad wasn't approved because your image is overly sexual, implies nudity, shows excessive amounts of skin or cleavage, or focuses unnecessarily on body parts.
Before resubmitting your ad, please visit the Help Center to learn more and see examples of ads that meet our guidelines.
If you’ve read the guidelines in the Help Center and think your ad follows the rules and should have been approved, please let us know.
Jebote naravno da moj post naglašava golotinju, o tome je riječ u cijeloj kampanji + wow na postu se vide moje sise, sise ljudi, sastavni dio mog tijela, da sise su dio tijela, get the fuck over it!! A konstrukcija "focuses unnecessarily on body parts" ??? Facebook kao i ostatak društva možda misli kako je nepotrebno pričati o ovoj temi jer nas sve jako boli kurac za silovanja, anoreksije, rakove dojke, slut shaming i fat shaming, sve dok nisidjevojka kojoj je silovatelj razbio zdjelicu, sve dok nisi žena kojoj su zbog raka odstranili dojku pa si ne možeš kupiti ni pristojan kupaći kostim ili grudnjak jer isti za takve žene ne postoje, sve dok nisi žena koja si broji zalogaje zbog nametnutih krivih percepcija ženskog tijela! A joj, gle čuda pa ti jesi ta žena, ili bi sutra mogla biti ta žena, njena sestra, kćer ili pak majka.
Don't Fear the Nipple! part 4 - Why is world angry at Rihanna's tits again and why is Facebook against mine!
Happy that I ended with Free The Nipple collection of texts I sighed and started to write my new article, which will also be in few parts, and will finally be about something nice and positive / not pissed off feminist like /, and that is the topic of love! However, I didn't get the same from the pack in which we live in, and we call society, so there was a need for another article on the topic of Free the Nipple campaign!
Exploring Rihanna's Instagram persecution, I had the opportunity to see a lot of her nude photos, many of which were taken at the beginning of her career when she was just another Miss Barbados who is trying to push herself into the world of showbiz and hip hop. When I look back, her transformation from another sweet pop singer in a naughty girl, was not transformation, since there was nothing to transform. Her role of a good girl was just that – a role, a nice way to dive into musical waters and become strong and independent enough to show us her true nature. And her true nature is wild and uninhibited, actually something every feminist strives for. In this sense, self-proclaimed advocate of women's rights Beyonce, will never be nothing in comparison with Rihanna. But why does her nudity bothers us today when she is at the top of her popularity, and not before? Maybe because for the soul keepers of the world, is not in favor that one loud black woman goes around and tells other women that our bodies are just fine and that we should love our bodies the way they are? And then simple-minded female magazines, in the manner of an ordinary gossip, wonder whether Riri has gone too far? If women's magazines think women's struggle for women's rights has gone to far, this society has a big problem !
After Instagram was pissed off by her nude photographs, Riri appeared on the CFDA fashon awards, where she deservedly received the Fashion Icon Award, in completely transparent Adam Selman creation. Because of the display of the dress, just sprinkled with Swarovski crystals, many don't sleep these days. Some can not sleep because they probably jerk off on mentioned image, and the others because their morality and ethics do not provide them the sleep. The latter now have another reason for concern - a commercial for Rihanna's new fragrance Rogue on which Riri sits, this time covering the "shameful" nipples and even entire tits, only in panties and high heels. Advertisement for the same is prohibited because it was and I quote: " too sexually suggestive". Society doesn't want advertisements that suggest that human body is a normal thing! Society wants advertisements that suggest that photoshopped female body, covered in the right places, which we can not call by their right name, is a normal thing !

The Advertising Standards Authority admits that a new ad for Rihanna's fragrance, which features the star in knickers and stilettos, is 'unlikely to be demeaning to women or to cause serious or widespread offence.' However, just one complaint was cause enough for the ad to be removed from any areas where it might be seen by children and it has been banned on the grounds that it must not appear again without a placement restriction.
I am full of this "might be seen by children" bullshit. That's the problem, since children are tough from an early age that human body is dirty, those same little kids grow up into people who are ashamed and afraid of their bodies, and bodies of other people. Didn't it occur to you that less girls would die from anorexia if they proved us that our bodies are not ugly and bad? Didn't it occur to you that more rapists would be in prisons if our society realized that women didn't deserve to be raped just because they showed a little more flesh than what is allowed by moral codes of hypocritical soul keepers? Yes, this problem goes to such extent! I'm not saying that parents should have sex in front of their children, it is absolutely disgusting, but it is necessary, very necessary to talk to children about how our body is normal and how a cunt is called a cunt and not "the thing down there". And by the way, a billboard for Riri's fragrance Rebelle, was standing in the middle of the fucking Times Sguare, and she is completely naked on it. But fuck it, now when her activism intensified someone decided to say "stop"!
As far as my own experience, I think that the fact that Balkan media don't write about Free the Nipple campaign, or haven't decided to seriously address the real reason Rihanna appeared wearing "nothing" to the aforementioned awards, is at very least sad. I also feel sad that in the last blog post I had to show my breasts so that people could actually start reading about Free the Nipple campaign. What is also interesting, is that after this post, likes on my Facebook page started to fall, eventhough more people started to read Free the Nipple articles. And finally, I'm sad about the fact how Facebook responded to my breats. Designer of the brand Eli 's fantasy shared a link of the said post and wanted the post to gain extra boost. When she requested Facebook to provide a larger number of recipients for the post, they told her this:
Hello Eli ,
We found a post you boosted did not meet our ad guidelines . As a result , this post was not approved and is no longer boosted in the News Feed .
Reason ( s ) :
Your ad was not approved because your image is overly sexual, implies nudity, shows excessive amounts of skin or cleavage, or unnecessarily focuses on body parts.
Before resubmitting your ad, please visit the Help Center to learn more and see examples of ads that meet our guidelines.
If you've read the guidelines in the Help Center, a think your ad follows the rules and should not have been approved, please let us know.
For fuck's sake of course my post highlights nudity , that's what the whole campaign is all about + wow you can see my boobs in the post, boobs people, an integral part of my body, boobs are part of the body, get the fuck over it! And the construction "unnecessarily focuses on body parts"? ? Facebook like the rest of society may think that it is unnecessary to talk about this topic because all of us really don't give a shit about rape, anorexia, breast cancer, slut shaming and fat shaming, until you're a girl whose pelvic bones are broken by the rapist, until you are a woman who had a mastectomy due to cancer so you can not buy a decent swimsuit or a bra because the same is not made for such women, until you 're a woman who counts her snacks due to the imposed fals images of the female body! But, no, wait, you are that woman, or could be tomorrow, or if not that woman, then her sister, daughter or a mother.