Za homemade corny dovoljno vam je tek par namirnica – zobene pahuljice po mogućnosti one koje već sadrže suho voće ili što već, 3 bjelanjka i med.
Na 200 grama zobenih pahuljica idu dakle 3 bjelanjka i meda po želji da se sve to skupa fino poveže, zapečete na cca pola sata ili koliko već je potrebno da se smjesa stvrdne i voila - extra zdrav i extra lagan snack je gotov! Možete unutra pobacati i masu sjemenki i dodati soka od naranče.
You will only need few ingredients for the homemade corny- oat flakes preferably ones that already contain dried fruit or whatever, 3 egg whites and honey.
For 200 grams of oat flakes you will need 3 egg whites and honey to taste so all this could mix good, bake it for approximately half an hour or as long as it's necessary for the mixture to harden and voila - your extra healthy and extra easy to make snack is ready! You can throw in bunch of seeds and some orange juice.