Kada Lars von Trier stavi cice (i pičku) u mainstream kina, na to gledamo s gnušanjem, ali ne zato jer je film pun mizoginičnog podkonteksta, nego zato jer se ovaj ekscentrični redatelj usudio pokazati golotinju i to prvenstveno onu žensku, pred čednim pukom. Kada nam Terry Richardson gurne isto u obliku svoji fotografija, i na taj čin gledamo s gnušanjem, ali ne zato jer je Terry navodni pervertit koji iskorištava mlade modele, nego zato jer je tako javno pokazao te sramotne cice ili nedaj bože pičku. Strah od cica (i pičke, ali u ovom tekstu zadržati ću se samo na cicama), pogotovo ako se vide i bradavice, prerastao je izgleda u epidemiju. U golemom popisu fobija na wikipediji, nisam našla naziv za onu koja bi definirala i opisala strah od ženske sise, ali vjerujte mi on je tu. On je toliko tu da čak ni velikoj Rihanni, zločestoj curi kojoj opraštamo baš sve jer nas njen seksipil baca na koljena, nismo oprostili kada nam je na Instagramu pokazala navedene atribute. Naime, nakon sjajne naslovnice za francuski Lui, Riri je na Instagram uploadala sliku iste. Čineći to nije računala na činjenicu da bi navedeni čin mogao povrijediti religijske osjećaje i moralne kodove nekih njenih fanova koji su je prijavili Instagramu.
Rihanna naravno nije dala da cijela stvar ode u zaborav samo tako. Svoju golišavu fotografiju, zamijenila je onom ironično konzervativnom, na taj način prozivajući ovu društvenu mrežu. Instagram je pak vrlo jasan kada je riječ o golotinji- ne možete objavljivati golotinju i sadržaj za odrasle bilo koje vrste, što fotografe, modele pa evo čak i Rihannu dovodi u neugodne situacije, odnosno pred gotov čin – maknite golišave fotografije ili ćemo vam izbrisati korisnički račun.
No, zločesta cura s Barbadosa nije jedina žrtva Instagrama kada pričamo o zabrani golotinje. Ranije ove godine, model Anja Rubik izbačena je s ove društvene mreže jer je na korisničkom računu svog novo pokrenutog magazina "25" objavila svoju sliku u transparentnoj kreaciji mladog belgijsko- talijanskog dizajnera Anthonya Vaccarella, mlade nade moderne fashion avangarde. Radi se o kreaciji za njegovu jesensku kolekciju za 2014. predstavljenu na Paris Fashion Weeku.
Oni koji poznaju rad Anje Rubik, znat će da je Anja mogla objaviti i puno "gore" fotografije, budući da se ovaj model ne boji skinuti do kože. Anja se vratila na Instač, ali je u znak protesta napravila t - shirt koji jasno poručuje: "Don't Fear the Nipple", te je izjavila kako je cijela stvar smiješna te kako krivi ovu društvenu platformu jer cenzurira fotografije koje slave ljepotu ženskog tijela.
Anja čini se tu neće stati jer svojim časopisom "25" koji ne nudi samo predivne erotizirane fotografije modela, nego i pravih žena, želi promijeniti stvari. Primijetite kako sam upotrijebila konstrukciju "pravih žena", jer upravo u tome leži problem- polugole, fotoshopirane žene u filmovima, reklamama i na jumbo plakatima u OK, ali slike žena, onakve kakve jesu, gole, prirodne i predivne nisu! U kakvom to apsurdnom svijetu živimo? "Žene se ne bi smjele osjećati kao da moraju pokrivati svoja tijela, ako pogledate 60- e i 70- e, žene su bile slobodne u svojim tijelima, sva ta cenzura čini žene nesigurnima i tu je veliki problem!", rekla je Rubik za Style.com te dodala: "Mislim da je to sve jako čudno. Tjera nas se da mislimo kako bi trebali imati komplekse oko svojih tijela. Šalje se poruka da su naša tijela neprirodna i ružna, i mislim da bi se žene trebale boriti protiv toga. Pričanje o seksu i golom tijelu postali su takav taboo, i upravo u tom trenutku ljudi počinju imati problem- kada ne mogu otvoreno pričati o tome. Moramo biti ponosni na svoja tijela. Danas stvaramo lažne ideale ljepote slikama žena koje su fizički izmijenjene, a žene se trude postići ove sulude nerealistične ideale. Ali čim pokažemo ženu prirodnu i golu, to je odmah problem, ne razumijem to?"
U tom pogledu, pokazivanje golotinje je zapravo i aktivistički čin! Jer živimo u društvu u kojem je seks koji nije reproduktivan ili u svrhu prodaje izrazito tabuiziran.
Don't Fear the Nipple! part 1 - Why was Instagram mad at Rihanna's tits?
When Lars von Trier put tits ( and pussy ) in mainstream movie theaters, we look at it with disgust, but not because the film is full of misogynistic sub context, but because this eccentric filmmaker dared to show nudity, and primarily female nudity, in front of a modest crowd. When Terry Richardson shoves the same in front of our eyes in the form of his photographs, we look at it with disgust, but not because Terry is an alleged pervert who exploits young models, but because he so publicly demonstrated those shameful tits or God forbid pussy. Fear of the tits ( and pussy but in this article I will just keep my focus on tits), especially if you see the nipple, has grown into an epidemic, it seems. On the huge list of phobias on wikipedia, I didn't find one that would name and describe the fear of women's breasts, but trust me it's there. It's here so much that we even didn't forgive big Rihanna, the naughty girl whom we forgive everything because her sex appeal throws us to our knees, when she put the picture that shows the above mentioned attributes on Instagram. After the great headline for the French magazine Lui, Riri uploaded a picture of it on the Instagram. In doing so she didn't take into consideration the fact that the above mentioned act could hurt religious feelings and moral codes of some of her fans who reported her to Instagram.
Rihanna of course didn't let the whole thing slide away just like that. She replaced her nude photo with an ironically conservative one, calling out this social network that way. Instagram is however very clear when it comes to nudity - you can not publish nudity and adult content of any kind, which puts photographers, models, and this time even Rihanna into an awkward situation, or a fait accompli - remove the nude photos or we will delete your user account.
But the bad girl from Barbados is not the only Instagram victim when it comes to banning nudity. Earlier this year, model Anja Rubik got kicked off from this social network because she published her picture in the transparent creation of Belgian- Italian designer Anthony Vaccarello, a young hope of the modern fashion avantguard, on the account of her new released magazine "25". It is a creation for his Fall 2014 collection shown at the Paris Fashion Week.
Those familiar with the work of Anja Rubik, will know that Anja could publish a lot "worse" photos, since this model is not afraid to take off her clothes at all. Anja returned to Instagram, but out of protest she made a t - shirt that clearly says : "Do not Fear the Nipple", said that the whole thing is ridiculous and blamed this social platform for censoring images that celebrate the beauty of the female body.
It seems that Anja will not stop here because her magazine "25" which not only offers beautiful eroticised photos of models, but also those of real women, wants to change things. Notice how I used the construction "real women", because this is precisely where the problem lies - half-naked, photoshopped women in movies, commercials and on billboards are OK, but the image of women as they are, naked, natural and beautiful are not! What kind of an absurd world do we live in? "Women shouldn’t feel like they need to hide their bodies. If you look at the sixties or the seventies, women were free and comfortable in their bodies. All this censorship can start to make women feel uncomfortable, and that’s a very big problem", said Rubik for Style.com and added "I think it’s very strange. It makes us think that we should have some kind of complex about our bodies. It sends the message that our bodies are unnatural and not beautiful, and I think women need to fight this. Talking about sex and the naked body has become such a taboo, and that’s when people start having problems—when they can’t be open about it. We need to be proud of our bodies. We create all these really fake ideals of beauty nowadays with images of women that are physically altered, and women are trying to attain these insane, unrealistic ideals. But we show a natural woman naked and that’s an issue? I don’t understand it. "
In this aspect showing nudity is actually the activist deed ! Because we live in a society where sex, if it’s not reproducible or for trading purposes, is a taboo.