S tim da u ovom slučaju sise čak nemaju ništa sa spolnošću, nego su jednostavno prikazane kao sise, a sise su za vašu informaciju sasvim normalan dio tijela. Hoćemo li se više prestati iščuđavati nad ljudskim tijelom? Već zadnjih nekoliko tisuća godina nije se dogodilo baš ništa revolucionarno s našim tijelom, nema novih rupa ili dodatnih udova! Također, ne razumijem čuđenje nad nagim ženskim tijelom budući da stvaranje aktova od tijela golih žena nije nikakvo čudo. Sjećate se Manetovog "Doručka na travi" ili njegove "Olympie"? Umjetnost i golotinja jesu povezane, kao i što su i modna fotografija i golotinja. Po čemu je modna fotografija manje vrijedna i više prljava od one umjetničke i umjetnosti u cjelini?
Konačno, pokazivanje ženskih grudi je i pitanje slobode. U ovom konkretnom slučaju Rihannina kretivna sloboda je direktno ugrožena, a društvene mrežu jesu i sredstvo kreativne slobode. Uostalom, nismo li slobodni do one granice do koje ne štetimo drugima? Kako jedna naslovnica na kojoj su nečije grudi prikazane, baš onakve kakve jesu, bez laži, bez fotoshopa, bez straha da se u nama stvori još jedan novi kompleks zbog neralno lijepih tijela, može štetiti drugima? Pogotovo jer ne prikazuje golotinju kao pornografski čin, kao produkt niskih strasti, nego kao erotski nabijenu sliku nage žene. I ne govori li nam slučaj s Rihanninom naslovnicom da se moramo sramiti svog tijela pogotovo ako nismo prejebene bijele pičke? Jer kada nas Miley Cyrus siluje svojim polugolim anoreksičnim tijelom u bijelim gaćama, dok pritom vrlo degutantno i nimalo seksi plazi jezik, to je u redu, ali kada to nimalo vulgarno učini Riri, onda nije u redu?
Scout Willis, kćer Demi Moore i Brucea Willisa među prvim je zvijezdama koja se pridružila protestu. Scout se nedavno prošetala ulicama New Yorka u toplesu, u znak neodobravanja zabrane objavljivanja fotki golih ženskih grudi na Instagramu, na kojem je objavljivanje golih ženskih grudi zabranjeno, čak i u svrhu prevencije od raka dojki. Na svoj se način pobunila protiv ovoga. Prošetala je ulicom bez grudnjaka, a čak je i svratila do cvjećarne kako bi kupila cvijeće. "Legalno je u New Yorku, ali ilegalno na Instagramu. Ako vam se ne sviđa ono što objavljujem na svom profilu, ne morate me više pratiti na Twitteru. Osjećam se dobro u svom tijelu i odbijam dozvoliti da mi netko drugi diktira kako doživljavam sebe i svoje tijelo" rekla je Scout.
Primijetite konstrukciju "legalno"! Ne samo da nas se sustavno uči kako bi se trebale sramiti svojih tijela, ne samo da nas se uči da je naše tijelo uvredljivo, nego nam se i jasno daje do znanja da je opasno za društvo i tuđu sigurnost! Ne kažem da bi se sad svi masovno trebali početi jebati goli po parkovima, ali samo zamislite scenu u kojoj bi žena prošetala po ulici u toplesu. Nazvali bi je ludom i strpali u zatvor radi remećenja javnog reda i mira! Ne čini li se to pretjeranim, ako znamo da je muškarcu dopušteno da hoda u toplesu?
Scout se na svoj čin nije odlučila iz zabave! Ona je samo jedna u nizu žrtava Instagrama. Naime, nedavno je objavila sliku na kojoj nosi majicu s fotografijom dvije polugole prijateljice. Za cure je to možda bio fashionili čak art, a za Instačje bio čin zlouporabe. Kako su obavijestili Scout, njen čin gurnut je u kategoriju “instances of abuse", a ona je ispraćena s ove društvene mreže. "Moja situacija ni u kojem slučaju nije bila jedinstvena. Žene se redovito izbacuje s Instagrama jer objavljuju fotografije i to s najmanjim prikazom bradavice, dok one na kojima su su bradavice pokrivene - degradirajuće koliko god bile – ostaju neprimijećene! ", rekla je Scout. Situacije u kojima su se Riri, Anja Rubik i Scout našle, možda su neugodne, ali su u isto vrijeme snažan pokretač dijaloga i razbijanja tabooa. A mi zaista moramo govoriti o stvarima kao što su: dojenje na javnom mjestu, slut shaming, fat shaming, podizanje svijesti o raku dojke, zdrav stav spram vlastitog tijela, rodna nejednakost i cenzura.
Don't Fear the Nipple! part 2 - Why is nudity pornography and why did Scout Willis took off her clothes?
Even when we talk about nudity, we often use wrong terms and concepts such as pornography, without even really knowing the meaning of that word. Pornography originally means "illustration of the harlotry". Unlike eroticism, pornography doesn't pursue artistic expression, but faithfully wants to describe a sexual act with the aim of inducing sexual desire. So I understand that Instagram is against pornography, but how can female breasts be pornography? How exactly is this pornography? And why are female nipples shameful and male aren't? It's just a concept - male breasts and nipples are OK and female breasts and nipples are not OK! As it is wrong that a woman makes it clear she loves sex, or that she admits she is a sexual being who touches herself or watches porn. For centuries, both in the female and the male brain, a thought that women should not enjoy sex, is systematically incorporated. This attitude is logical, if we know that, at least in the Judeo-Christian tradition, basic attitude about nudity comes from blaming just one woman. Let's recall, as the first people on earth, Adam and Eve were naked. Nudity is often equated with freedom because of the story of Adam and Eve, and is a metaphor for innocence, security, and the world perfectly arranged, for us children of God. However, we were banished from it when we grew up, and when we wanted to think with our own head, or when the slut Eve tasted the apple.
And by the way, in this case, tits don't even have nothing to do with sexuality, but are simply shown as tits and tits are for your information a normal part of the body. When will we stop being bewildered by the human body? For the last several thousand years nothing revolutionary happened with our body, no new holes or extra limbs! Also, I don't understand the perplexity over the naked female body since the creation of acts of naked female bodies is no new thing. Remember Manet's "Breakfast on the Grass" or his "Olympia"? Art and nudity are related, as well as fashion photography and nudity. So what makes fashion photography less valuable and more dirty than art photography and art in general?
Finally, the display of female breasts is a question of freedom. In this particular case, Rihanna's creative freedom is directly threatened, and social networks are a means of creative freedom too. After all, are we not free to the extent that we don't harm others? How can a display of one's breasts, just as they are, without lies, without photoshop, without fear that it will create another new complex in us due to the unrealistical beautiful female bodies, harm others ? Especially since it isn't showing nudity as pornography, a product of low passions, but as an erotically charged image of a naked woman. And isn't the case with Rihanna's cover telling us that we should be ashamed of our bodies, especially if we are not, awesome white bitches? Because when Miley Cyrus rapes us with her half-naked anorexic body in white underwear while pulling her tongue out very disgustingly and not sexy at all, that's fine, but when Riri does it not vulgar at all, it is not fine ?
And by the way, in this case, tits don't even have nothing to do with sexuality, but are simply shown as tits and tits are for your information a normal part of the body. When will we stop being bewildered by the human body? For the last several thousand years nothing revolutionary happened with our body, no new holes or extra limbs! Also, I don't understand the perplexity over the naked female body since the creation of acts of naked female bodies is no new thing. Remember Manet's "Breakfast on the Grass" or his "Olympia"? Art and nudity are related, as well as fashion photography and nudity. So what makes fashion photography less valuable and more dirty than art photography and art in general?
Finally, the display of female breasts is a question of freedom. In this particular case, Rihanna's creative freedom is directly threatened, and social networks are a means of creative freedom too. After all, are we not free to the extent that we don't harm others? How can a display of one's breasts, just as they are, without lies, without photoshop, without fear that it will create another new complex in us due to the unrealistical beautiful female bodies, harm others ? Especially since it isn't showing nudity as pornography, a product of low passions, but as an erotically charged image of a naked woman. And isn't the case with Rihanna's cover telling us that we should be ashamed of our bodies, especially if we are not, awesome white bitches? Because when Miley Cyrus rapes us with her half-naked anorexic body in white underwear while pulling her tongue out very disgustingly and not sexy at all, that's fine, but when Riri does it not vulgar at all, it is not fine ?
Scout Willis, daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis is among the first celebrities who joined the protest. Scout recently walked the streets of New York topless, in a sign of disapproval prohibiting the publication of photos of naked female breast on Instagram, where the display of naked female breasts is prohibited, even in the prevention of breast cancer. In her own way, she rebelled against this - strolling down the street without a bra, and even stopping at a florist to buy flowers. "It's legal in New York, but illegal on Instagram. If you don't like what I publish on my profile, you don't need me follow me on Twitter. I feel good in my body and I refuse to let someone else dictate how I perceive myself and my body ", said Scout.
Note the construction of "legal"! Not only that we are systematically taught to be ashamed of our bodies, not only do they teaches us that our body is offensive, but they also make it clear that it is dangerous to society and other people's safety! I'm not saying we should all go and have naked sex in the park, but just imagine a scene where a woman walks down the street topless. She would be called crazy and put in prison for the sake of disturbing the peace! Doesn't it seem a bit too much, if we know that men are free to walk topless ?
Scout didn't decide on her act for fun! She is just one of many Instagram victims. She recently published a picture of herself wearing a shirt with a picture of her two half-naked girlfriends. For girls it may have been a fashion or even art thing, but for Instagram it was an act of abuse. How they informed Scout, her act was pushed into the category of " instances of abuse ," and she was escorted from this social network. "My situation was in no way unique; women are regularly kicked off Instagram for posting photos with any portion of the areola exposed, while photos sans nipple -- degrading as they might be -- remain unchallenged.", said Scout. Situations in which Riri, Anja Rubik and Scout found themselves, may have been unpleasant, but at the same time they are a powerful driver of dialogue and breaking taboos. And we really have to talk about things such as : breastfeeding in public, slut shaming, fat shaming, awareness about breast cancer, healthy attitude toward one's own body, gender inequality and censorship .