Nakon pjevačice Spine, donosim vam intervju s još jednom divnom ženom iz ovog benda koji više ne postoji, ali čiji zvuk i dalje volim. Njeno ime je Melita Sabljo, a naš intervju nastao je sasvim slučajno, iako susresti Melitu bilo je izgleda suđeno. Što ova opičena ženska bez dlake na jeziku ima za reći o svojoj glazbi, hrvatskoj feminističkoj glazbenoj sceni, novom projektu zvanom Gilbert, pički i tome zašto je album bolje snimati u svojoj sobi, a ne u studiju, pročitajte u recima koji slijede.
Fashionbabica: Draga tko si ti?
Melita: Da, to sam ja. Ona koju si s razlogom upoznala. Melita Sabljo, Gilbert. Ona koja ima glazbu za strance, samo je pjeva na jeziku kojeg oni ne razumiju i kojeg nikad niti neće razumjeti. Ja sam ona koju nosi energija ljudi oko nje, koja voli ljubav, pse, sunce, glazbu, odricanja, razočaranja koja idu s njom, ruke, Nutellu, rajčicu i tjesteninu. Ona koja voli udarac u trbuh od životne lekcije.
Fashionbabica: Odakle ta potreba da pjevaš onima koji to ne razumiju, unatoč tome što ne razumiju, rekla bih?
Melita: Ne razmišljam o tome tko me razumije, a tko ne. Pjevam ono što pišem, pišem o tome kako se osjećam, osjećam ono mi se pruža, prolazi kroz mene, ostaje u meni... Sretna sam publikom koju imam. Istina je da mi najčešće dolaze prijatelji koji podržavaju to što radim, a s njima i moja majka koja mi je najveći kritičar dok mi je s druge strane jako drago vidjeti nova lica koja me prvi put slušaju, čuti njihove kritike bile one pozitivne ili negativne.
Fashionbabica: Kako bi opisala svoje iskustvo u Spini?
Melita: Divno je bilo svirati u Spini. Spina je najdraži bend u kojem sam svirala bubnjeve. Dosta smo svirali, publika nas je voljela, s njima sam se razvila kao bubnjarka. S vremenom znam pogledati live nastupe koje posjedujem i drago mi je što ih imam, jer me uhvati sjeta gledajući nas kako smo bili jedni od rijetkih kvalitetnih bendova u Hrvatskoj, ali smo nažalost bili smo jako mladi, neodlučni. Nismo iskoristili talent da snimimo album. Nadam se da će doći dan u kojem ćemo ga jednom i snimiti. To je jedna od mojih želja :)
Fashionbabica: Gdje si sve svirala prije/nakon Spine?
Melita: Prije Spine sam svirala u dva benda i u jednom od tih bendova sam svirala sa Ivonom s kojom sam kasnije svirala i u Spini. Jako mi je dobro bilo svirati sa Bebe Na Vole, jer mislim da imamo dobru kemiju na stageu.
Fashiobabica: S Ivonom iz Žen? Sad već kad pričamo o Žen, imate sličan zvuk!
a) Hoće mi možda uskoro neka zajednička svirka pasti?
b) Žen, Gilbert, Seven Mouldy Figs, Lovely Quinces i čitava svita mladih kantautorica/ženskih bendova profilirala se u zadnje vrijeme! Možemo li reći da Hrvatska upravo posjeduje snažnu žensku /vrlo često i queer ili pak feminističku/ scenu?
Melita: a) Da, sa Ivonom iz Žen :) a) Ne bi rekla da Gilbert ima sličan zvuk kao i Žen, dok su atmosfera i melodije puno bliskije. Žen ima puniji zvuk od Gilberta i duže postoje od nas, a dečki i ja još radimo na zvuku kojeg želim da imamo. Imali smo već par zajedničkih koncerata i jako smo dobra kombinacija :)
b) Ima dosta kantautorica i ženskih bendova kod nas, ali je problem što dosta glazbenika nema nikakvu poruku. Ako pričamo o ženskim kantautoricama/bendovima u našoj državi nisu me se dojmile/dojmili previše osim Žen za koje mislim da kao Gilbert rade glazbu za strance samo je pjevaju na jeziku kojeg oni ne razumiju i kojeg nikad niti neće razumjeti što uostalom nije bitno. Bitne su emocije koje budim u publici svojim pjesmama.
Čini mi se da je naša ženska scena puna loših ideja i što je najgore dobro im ide u tome, jer ih glazbeni kritičari podržavaju i to je problem. Zašto šutjeti o tome? Zašto ne reći da nešto ne valja? Nisu kritičari autoritet kvaliteti, a pogotovo neukusu, ali nažalost živimo u svijetu u kojem je uvijek bilo bitno tuđe mišljenje.
Moram priznati da mi je dosta svih tih nekih kvazi umjetnika i drago mi je da nas ima još koji misle kao i ja. Ne volim neprijateljske tonove, ne mislim poticati na revoluciju, jer mi politika i aktivizam nikad nisu bili jača strana, čak štoviše, ne podnosim politiku, ali je vrijeme da prestanemo srati i glumiti da se svi cijenimo.
I ne mislim da Hrvatska posjeduje snažnu žensku/vrlo često i queer ili pak feminističku/scenu osim možda nekolicine bendova ili ih još nisam otkrila. Kod nas se pjeva o plišanim medvjedićima i cuclanju palca. Cuclanje palca isto može biti queer, ako podržavaš da dečko drugom dečku cucla isti taj palac, a feministički je recimo ako si žensko i veličaš sise, jer su dio ženskog tijela.
Fashionababica: Reci nam nešto o svom novom projektu Gilbert?
Melita: Projekt Gilbert je nešto što sam čekala da se desi godinama. Svirala sam gitaru, radila melodije, snimala se dok nisam odlučila propjevati i uglazbiti pjesme koje sam prije pisala. Nastupala sam kao kantautorica, ali mi je draže svirati u bendu, pa sam tražila ljude koji bi svirali sa mnom i našla sam ih :)
Fashiobabica: Koja je razlika između bivanja kantautoricom na stejđu i sviranja s bendom na stejđu?
Melita: Kad sviram sama imam određenu slobodu, komunikaciju s publikom i malo sam opuštenija. Kad sam s bendom osim što nas je više, zvučimo punije, kompletnije, imamo više opreme, duže traju tonske. Draže mi je svirati u bendu nego solo. :)
Fashionbabica: Reci nam nešto o tekstovima svojih pjesama?
Melita: Pjesme pišem kad patim i kad sam zaljubljena, naravno :) Mislim da su te dvije emocije pokretač većini ljudi koji pišu. Ponekad mi smetaju riječi koje izlaze iz mene kad patim, umjesto da ih malo češće koristim i kad sam sretna, ali da nije tako, vjerojatno bi pjesme bile površnije. Imam ih jako puno i ove godine napokon mislim izdati svoju prvu zbirku poezije i to me jako veseli.
Fashionbabica: Cure te puno inspiriraju u tekstovima?
Melita: Cure me inspiriraju, jer bude pregršt emocija u meni. Ukratko, inspirira me ljubav, odnosi.
Fashionbabica: Što je za tebe glazba?
Melita: Glazba je za mene život. Ništa drugo mi toliko nema smisla koliko ima ona. Nažalost, ne zarađujem baveći se glazbom, iako bih se željela samo time baviti kao i većina glazbenika koji nemaju sreće u tom području radi mnogo faktora. Zadnjih par mjeseci otkako sam otišla iz zadnjeg benda u kojem sam svirala bubnjeve, odlučila sam se baviti Gilbertom. Otvorena sam za suradnje, ali ne i za bivanjem stalnim članom nekog benda. Jako bi htjela surađivati s Evom iz Žen i sa Zokijem iz Pars Petrose.
Fashionbabica: Gilbert je izašao na kompilaciji Bistro na rubu šume vol. 4.! Reci nam sve o tome!
Melita: Zvonka iz benda Svemir kao i Orlan iz Mika Male su me pitali da li bi Gilbert htio biti na Bistrou na rubu šume vol. 4. i pristali smo. Mislim da je to super projekt, jer se svi znamo godinama, prolazimo iste probleme kao glazbenici. Od toga da svi žele da sviramo besplatno do puno drugih poteškoća, ali se mi držimo skupa. Pozivamo jedni druge da zajedno sviramo i mislim da imamo jednu malu zajednicu neafirmiranih bendova/kantautora koja je pokazala da je kompilacijom Bistro na rubu šume narasla i postala jedna velika obitelj.
Fashionbabica: Pjesme Knjižničari i Navodnjavaš su snimljeni u sobi + garaži? Wow, koji zvuk iz obične sobe! Kada ćete to profi snimiti i kad će neki albumić?
Melita: Bubnjevi su snimljeni u garaži, ostalo kod mene u sobi. Snimao je bivši basist Vjeran koji mi je pomogao postići željeni zvuk. Jako volimo glazbu devedesetih, pa smo se trudili da snimka ne zvuči presterilno i mislim nastaviti snimati ostale pjesme u tom smjeru. Studijsko snimanje me ne zanima i smatram da nema smisla, s obzirom na sve DIY mogućnosti koje se danas nude. Imam opremu koja mi treba, mogu snimati besplatno i mislim da je to još bolje iskustvo. Puno toga naučiš. Dosadašnja iskustva koja sam imala u studiju mi nisu bila dobra. Volim imati svoj mir, vrijeme, inspiraciju i ideje te mogućnost snimiti ih upravo u trenutku kad ih želim pretočiti u pjesmu. Ne volim ograničavanje. Pripremam se da album bude snimljen. Pjesme su tu, a uz sviranje gitare, pjevanje i miksanje, neke mislim i odbubnjati. Trenutno tražim ljude koji bi ga snimali. Prostor imamo :)
Fashionbabica: Što je toliko posebno (za tebe jer ja ful svršavam na te pjesme) u Knjižničarima i Navodnjavaš?
Melita: Drago mi je da radim orgazmičku glazbu :) Tko zna kako ćeš odreagirati kad čuješ ostale pjesme. Svatko doživljava tekstove na svoj način, ali mislim da je jasno o čemu se radi u Navodnjavaš. :)
Volim žene, pičku. I tu riječ svi koristimo u rječniku, pa zašto ne bi bila opjevana kao moja muza i nešto što volim? Neki vole kurac, neki pičku samo ovisi kako ih nazivaju.
Dio teksta je napisala moja bivša djevojka i to je jedina pjesma koju je netko pisao sa mnom.
Knjižničari su o tome kako pijani muškarac zavodi tu istu bivšu djevojku. To je stvarna priča kao i sve pjesme koje sam napisala. Melodija je također bitna uz riječi. Spoj tih dviju komponenata daje treću, a to je svršavanje. Seksualno, emotivno, vantjelesno.
Fashiobabica: Zašto se ljudi toliko boje riječi pička??
Melita: Ljudi se boje svega u današnje vrijeme samo ne bi rekla da se radi o strahu već više o nekakvoj nevjerici kad čuju o čemu pjevam. Ja se recimo više bojim riječi Dinamo od riječi pička. Koje se ti riječi bojiš? :)
Fashiobabica: laž
Fashionbabica: Gdje smo do sad mogli čuti Gilbert + budući planovi!
Melita: Gilbert je svirao u Močvari, Ksetu, Spunku, Klubu, Booksi, na Terraneo akustičnom stageu, Medici, kinu Mosor i u Kninu u klubu A3. Planovi su da snimimo album, sviramo u drugim gradovima osim Zagreba, da pazimo na svoje žene, muškarce koje neki od nas imaju, neki nemaju, da udomljavamo pse, mačke, i ostale životinje s ceste, da pazimo na djecu, budemo dobri prema svemiru i da nam pitanja postavljaju lijepe žene poput tebe. :) :)
Fashiobabica: Aaaw :*
Melita Sabljo - an outspoken singer-songwriter and a women who is not afraid of the word cunt!
After the singer from Spina, I bring you an interview with another lovely woman from this band that no longer exists, but whose sound I still love. Her name is Melita Sabljo, and our interview was created by accident, though it seems that to meet Melita was destined. What this crazy, outspoken girl has to say about her music, the Croatian feminist music scene, her new project called Gilbert, cunts and why it's better to record an album in your room, and not in the studio, read in the lines that follow.
Fashionbabica: Dear who are you?
Melita: Yes, that's me. The one you met for a reason. Melita Sabljo, Gilbert. The one who has music for foreigners, just sings in a language that they don't understand and would never understand. I'm the one that is carried by the energy of people around her, who loves love, dogs, sun, music, sacrifices, disappointments that go with it, hands, Nutella, tomatoes and pasta. The one who loves the blow in the stomach from the lessons of life.
Fashionbabica: What inspires you to sing to those who don't understand you, despite them not understanding you, I'd say?
Melita: I don't think about who understands me and who doesn't. I sing what I write, I write about how I feel, I feel what I am provided with, what passes through me, remains in me ... I'm happy that I have an audience. It is true that usually friends who support what I do come and with them my mother, who is my biggest critic, while on the other hand I am very pleased to see new faces who listen to me for the first time, and to hear their criticisms, positive or negative.
Fashionbabica: How would you describe your experience in Spina?
It was very nice to play in Spina. Spina is my favorite band in which I played drums. We played a lot, the audience loved us, with them I have developed as a drummer. From time to time I look at live performances that I own and I'm glad I have them because I get caught by melancholy watching us being one of few bands of quality in Croatia, but unfortunately we were very young, undecided. We didn't take advantage of the talent to record an album. I hope the day will come to record it. This is one of my wishes :)
Fashionbabica: Where did you play before/after Spina?
Melita: Before Spina I played in two bands and in one of those bands I played with Ivona with whom I played in Spina as well. I liked playing with “Bebe na vole”, because I think we have good chemistry on stage.
Fashiobabica: With Ivona from Žen? Now when we are talking about Žen, you have a fairly similar sound!
a) Will you have some gigs together soon?
b) Žen, Gilbert, Seven Mouldy Figs, Lovely Quinces and a whole bunch of young female singer-songwriters/ bands profiled lately! Can we say that Croatia has a very strong female /very often queer or feminist / scene ?
Melita: a) Yes, with Ivona from Žen :) a) I wouldn’t say that Gilbert has a similar sound to Žen, while the atmosphere and melody are a lot closer. Žen has a fuller sound than Gilbert and they exist longer than us, the guys and I are still searching for the sound we want to have. We had a couple of joint concerts and we're a very good combination :)
b ) There are plenty of female singer-songwriters and bands here, but the problem is that a lot of musicians have no message. If we talk about women singer-songwriters / bands in our country, they haven't impressed me much except Žen, which I think as Gilbert, makes music for foreigners only sings in a language they don't understand and which they would never understand, but it doesn't matter anyway. Important are the emotions that I awake in the audience with my songs.
It seems to me that our female scene is full of bad ideas and the worst thing is it's working for them, because music critics support it and that's the problem. Why keep being quiet about it? Why not say something? Critics' authority doesn't mean quality, and especially not good taste, but unfortunately we live in a world where someone else's opinion has always been more important.
I have to admit that I've had enough of all these quasi artists and I'm glad that there are more people who think like me. I don't like hostile tones, I don't encourage revolution because politics and activism have never been my strong point, moreover, I can not stand politics, but it's time to cut the crap and stop pretending like we all appreciate each other.
I don't think that Croatia has a strong female / very often queer or feminist / scene except perhaps a few bands or those who have not yet been discovered. We are singing about Teddy Bears and sucking thumbs. Thumb sucking can also be queer, if a guy sucks another guy's thumb, and it's feminist's if say you're a girl, and you glorify tits because they are part of the female body.
Fashionababica: Tell us something about your new project, Gilbert?
Melita: Project Gilbert is something I've been waiting to happen for years. I played the guitar, made melodies, recorded myself until I decided to sing and make music for the songs I wrote before. I performed as a singer, but I prefer to play in a band, so I searched for people who would play with me and I found them :)
Fashiobabica: What is the difference between being a songwriter on stage and playing with the band on stage?
Melita: When I play alone I have a certain freedom to communicate with the audience and I'm a little bit more relaxed. When I'm with the band, apart from the fact that there is more of us, it sounds fuller, more complete, we have more equipment, rehearsals last longer. I prefer to play in a band :)
Fashionbabica: Tell us something about the lyrics of your songs?
Melita: I write songs when I suffer and when I'm in love, of course :) I think these two emotions are a driving force for most people who write. Sometimes I don't like the words that come out of me when I suffer, instead of using them more often, and when I'm happy, but if it wasn't so, it's more likely that my songs would be shallow. I've got a lot of them and this year I finally plan to publish my first collection of poetry, and it makes me very happy.
Fashionbabica: Girls inspire you a lot in your lyrics, right?
Melita: Girls inspire me, because they arouse a handful of emotions in me. In short, love and relationships inspire me.
Fashionbabica: What is music for you?
Melita: Music is life for me. Nothing else makes so much sense to me as music does. Unfortunately, I don't make a living from making music, though I would like only to make music, as most musicians who have no luck in this area because of so many factors. Last couple of months since I left my last band in which I played drums, I decided to engage in Gilbert. I am open to cooperation, but not for being a permanent member of the band. I really want to collaborate with Eva from Žen and Zoki from Pars Petrosa.
Fashionbabica: Gilbert was released on the compilation Bistro na rubu šume vol. 4.! Tell us all about it!
Melita: Zvonka from the band Svemir, as well as Orlan from Mika Male asked me whether Gilbert would be at the Bistro na rubu šume vol. 4.! and we agreed. I think it's a great project, because we’ve all know each other for years, we are going through the same problems as musicians. From the fact that everyone wants us to play for free up to a lot of other problems, but we stick together. We invite each other to play together and I think we have a small community of demo bands / songwriters that has shown that with the compilation Bistro na rubu šume one big family has grown and developed.
Fashionbabica: Songs Knjižničari and Navodnjavaš were recorded in a room + garage? Wow, such a sounds out of an ordinary room! When will you record it professionally and when will the album be ready ?
Melita: Drums were recorded in the garage, everything else in my room. It was recorded by a former bassist Vjeran who helped me to achieve the desired sound. We really love the music of the nineties, so we didn’t want the tape to sound too sterile and I will continue to record other tracks in that direction. Studio recording doesn't interest me and I think it makes no sense, considering all the DIY options that are offered today. I have equipment that I need, I can shoot for free and I think it's an even better experience. You learn a lot of things. Previous experiences that I had in the studio were not good. I like to have peace, time, inspiration and ideas and the ability to record them at the exact moment I want to put them into songs. I don't like the restrictions. I am preparing the album to be recorded. The songs are there, and with the guitar playing, singing and mixing, I am thinking of drumming some od them. Currently I am looking for people who would record it. We have the place to do it:)
Fashionbabica: What is so special (for me it's like having an orgasm) in Knjižničari and Navodnjavaš?
Melita: I'm glad I make orgasmic music :) Who knows how you will react when you hear other tracks. Anyone experiences the lyrics in their own way, but I think it is clear what Navodnjavaš is all about :)
I love women, the cunt. And we all use that word in our dictionary, so why wouldn't it be sung as my muse and something that I love? Some love dicks, other cunts, it just depends how you call them.
Part of the text was written by my ex-girlfriend and it's the only song that someone wrote with me.
Knjižničari are about how a drunken man seduces the same ex-girlfriend. This is a real story as are all the songs I wrote. The melody is also important next to the words. The combination of these two components gives the third, and that is an orgasm. Sexually, emotionally, out of body.
Fashiobabica: Why are people so afraid of the word cunt?
Melita: People are afraid of everything nowadays, it's just that I wouldn't say it is fear, but more of a kind of disbelief when they hear what I'm singing about. I am afraid more of the word Dinamo than the word cunt. Which word are you scared of ?:)
Fashiobabica: a lie
Fashionbabica: Where could we hear Gilbert + future plans!
Melita: Gilbert played in Zagreb in clubs Močvara, Kset, Spunk, Klub, Booksa, Medika and Mosor Cinema, on Terraneo acoustic stage and in Knin in A3 club. Plans are to record an album, to play in other cities outside Zagreb, to pay attention to our women, our men that some of us have, some don't, to give home to dogs, cats, and other animals from the road, to keep an eye on the kids, to be good to the universe and to be asked questions by beautiful women like you. :) :)
Fashiobabica: Aaaw: *