Full Fino - catering za ljubitelje slastica pristiglih ravno iz domaćeg vrta!

Nakon Zalogajčića donosim vam intervju s još jednim zdravim i zanimljivim catering projektom iza kojeg se kriju dvije dugogodišnje prijateljice, a sad evo i poslovne partnerice. Ove dvije djevojke na stol će vam ravno iz domaćeg vrta dostaviti najfinije i najlakše poslastice, kako one slane tako i one slatke, a nakon njihovih prirodnih sokova, život vam neće biti isti. Oduševljenje koje sam osjetila nakon njihovog cheesecakea teško je opisati pa mi ne preostaje ništa drugo nego predstaviti vam ovaj posve novi projekt i preporučiti vam da svakako probate nešto iz Full Fino tvornice.  

      Fashionbabica: Što je to Full Fino i odakle ideja?

Groo i Kam: Paaaa... sve je nekako nastalo spontano. Neki se opuštaju uz, ne znam... uz što se već opušta... meni je nakon osam sati u uredu najveći gust doći doma, ući u kuhinju, zavezati pregaču oko pasa i stvoriti nešto što će, kako drugima tako i meni, pružiti zadovoljstvo. Skužile smo da se obitelji i frendovima jako sviđaju naše rukotvorine pa smo došle na ideju - hmm, zašto ne bi drugima dali priliku da omaste brk, i... tako smo spojile ugodno s korisnim. Ideja za samo ime ... pa, to je prvo na što pomisliš kad probaš, zar ne!?

Fashionbabica: Kome bi Full Fino moglo biti zanimljivo?

Groo i Kam: Svima kojima je važno što unose u sebe. Svima koji su lijeni kuhati, raditi zimnice i peći kolače. Svima koji vole slatko. Ma svima koji vole fino jesti. I piti.

Fashionbabica: Što Full Fino ima u svojoj ponudi?

Groo i Kam: Za sad imamo nekoliko vrsta pekmeza (naranča, jagoda, marelica, sljiva, bazga), par vrsta torta i sirup od bazge. Prošli tjedan smo radile pekmez od šljiva, ispao je besprijekorno, za vikend pečemo ajvar, u planu je i humus namaz, tahini sos, još nekoliko vrsta kolača, a donijeli smo i premirišljavog origana s Hvara... Čekamo da nam menta u vrtu još naraste pa ćemo radit sok i sušiti za čaj... Ma svašta imamo u planu.
Fashionbabica:Postoji li neka posebna filozofija koja se krije iza Full Fino projekta?

Groo i Kam:Ne. Ne znam. Jednostavno eto... uživamo u tome što radimo, sve se radi s guštom. Gušta se i u konzumaciji, i to je dovoljno za sad. Meso i ribe nemaju pristup našoj kuhinji, tako da se mrtve životinje nikad neće naći na našem jelovniku.

Fashionbabica:Koje namirnice preferirate u svojoj kuhinji?

Groo and Kam:Pošto imamo svoj vrt, preferiramo sve iz vrta, a ono što nije, pazimo da nije špricano i da je brano daleko od prometa i ceste. A i obadvije smo vegetarijanke već oho ho, pa dosta pazimo na to što jedemo i način na koji smo došle do toga.

Fashionbabica:Ne koristite konzervanse! Čime osiguravate dugotrajnost svojih proizvoda?

Groo i Kam:Ma kakva dugotrajnost!! Pa sve se odmah pojede hehe... A ako se desi da se nešto ne pojede brzo, nema brige – šećer konzervira, ostalo izbjegavamo koliko god je moguće. Zapravo samo u bazgu stavimo par zrnaca vinobrana.

Fashionbabica:Jelo kojim se Full Fino može posebno pohvaliti?

Kam: Pekmez od marelice. Ili jagode!

Fashionbabica:Kako možemo doći do Full Fino proizvoda?

Groo i Kam: Zasada Imamo svoju FB stranicu nahttps://www.facebook.com/full.finoo. Samo cimnite poruku u inbox pa se sve dogovorimo. Imamo i e-mail adresu fino.ful@gmail.com, a plan je proširit se na cijelu regiju, otvoriti lanac dućana i restač na Trgu.


Full Fine- a catering for lovers of sweets received directly  from the home garden

After Zalogajčić (A Snack) I bring you an interview with one more healthy and interesting catering project, featuring two long-time friends and now business partners too. These two girls will bring a supply of  finest and easiest treats to your table straight from a home garden, both salty and sweet ones, and after their natural juices, life will not be the same for you. The elation I felt after their cheesecake is hard to describe, so I have no other choice than to present this brand new project and recommend you to definitely try something from Full Fino (Full Fine) factory.

Fashionbabica:What is Full Fino (Full Fine) and where did the idea come from?

Groo and Kam:Well ... everything somehow arose spontaneously. Some relax with, I do not know ... with what already relaxes ... for me after eight hours in  the office what I love the most when I come home is to go into the kitchen, tie an apron around my waist and create something that will, to others and to me as well, provide satisfaction. We figured out that family and friends really like our handicrafts, so we came up with the idea - hmm, why shouldn't we give others too a chance to try something delicious, ... so we combined business with pleasure. The idea for the name ... well, that's the first thing you think when you try it, isn't it so!?

Fashionbabica: To whom could Full Fino (Full Fine) be interesting?

Groo and Kam: To everyone to whom it is important what they ingest. To all those who are too lazy to cook, make winter stores and bake cakes. To all those who love sweets. To all who love to eat fine. And drink fine.

Fashionbabica: What does Full Fino (Full Fine) have in its offer?

Groo and Kam: For now, we have several kinds of jam (orange, strawberry, apricot, plum, elderberry), a couple of kinds of cake and elderberry syrup. Last week we made plum jam, it turned out perfectly, for the weekend we are cooking some chutney, the plan is also to make hummus, tahini sauce, several kinds of pastry, and and we brought some lovely oregano from Hvar ... We are still waiting for the mint in our garden to grow some more, so we can make juice and dry it for tea ... Oh, we plan so much.

Fashionbabica: Is there any special philosophy behind Full Fino (Full Fine) project?

Groo and Kam:No. I don't know. We just enjoy what we do, everything is done with pleasure. We enjoy consumption too, and that's enough for now. Meat and fish do not have access to our kitchen, so you will never find dead animals on our menu.

Fashionbabica:Which foods do you prefer in your kitchen?

Groo and Kam:Since we have our own garden, we prefer everything from the garden, and what is not from the garden, we make sure that it is not sprayed, and that is picked away from traffic and roads. And we are both  vegetarians for a long time, so we think a lot about what we eat and how we came to it.

     Fashionbabica: You don't use any preservatives! How do   you ensure  durability of your products?

Groo and Kam: Which durability!! Everything is eaten immediately hehe ... And if it happens that something isn't eaten quickly, no worries - sugar conservs, the rest we avoid as much as possible. Actually, we put a couple grains of vinobran only in elder syrup.

     Fashionbabica: A dish Full Fino (Full Fine) is particularly   proud of?

Kam:Apricot jam. Or strawberries jam!

Fashionbabica:How can we get to Full Fino (Full Fine) products?

Groo and Kam:So far we have our FB page on https://www.facebook.com/full.finoo. Just send us a message in the inbox and we will arrange everything. We have an email addressfino.ful@gmail.comtoo, and the plan is to expand to the whole region, open a chain of stores and a restaurant on the main Zagreb square.

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