Kolač od rogača i smokve


4 žlice šećera
1 vanilin šećer
1 bourbon vanilin šećer
korica limuna
1 čvrsti jogurt
4 žlice maslinova ulja (ili maslaca)
pola žličice praška za pecivo
malo više od pola šalice brašna
2 i pol žlice rogača u prahu

Izraditi sve šećere i ulje, dodati jogurt, koricu limuna i mješavinu brašna, praška za pecivo i rogača. Staviti u kalup, poslagati smokve et voila! Peći na 180 stupnjeva 20-25 minuta.
Tip: nije potrebno stavljati previše šećera jer je rogač sladak sam po sebi, umjesto šećera bi mogao ići i med ili možete zblendati par datulja, one su također dovoljno slatke.
recept može biti još zdraviji ako stavite integralno brašno


fig and carob cake

4 tablespoons sugar
1 vanilla sugar
1 bourbon vanilla sugar
lemon peel
1 yoghurt
4 tablespoons olive oil (or butter)
half a teaspoon of baking powder
little more than half a cup of flour
2 and a half tablespoons carob powder

Mix all sugars and oil, add yogurt, lemon zest and a mix of flour, baking powder and carob. Put the mixture into a mold and stack the figs, et voila! Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Tip: you don't need to put too much sugar because carob is sweet itself, instead of sugar you can put honey, or you can blend few dates, they are also sweet enough.
recipe can be even healthier if you put integral flour

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops