Extra lagan mediteranski ručak za prijatelje!

Nekad je sve što treba za sreću čaša vina, nešto hobotnice i povrća, jedna sunčana terasa i nekoliko prijatelja. 

Sometimes all it takes for the happiness is a glass of wine, some octopus and vegetables, a sunny terrace and a few friends.

Dobro je da je hobotnica zamrznuta prije nego se stavi kuhati. Ako je kupite svježu, bolje je zamrznuti je večer prije i takvu je zamrznutu ubaciti u vodu te kuhati 15 minuta. Batat i ciklu pečete pod folijom, na pola pečenja ubacite hobotnicu i nastavite peći pod folijom kako bi se pustili sokovi, možete dodati i bijelog ili crnog vina. Kada je hobotnica mekana, skinite foliju, pobacajte svježeg peršina i/ili neke druge zelenjave i pecite još malo. Sve skupa se peče oko sat vremena. Uz ovu divnu kombinaciju hobotnice, batata i cikle, mi smo još jeli i laganu salatu prema receptu Nigelle Lawson, a taj recept je pak jednostavan- pobacate mozarrelu, rajčicu, prepečeni kuh, bosiljak i masline, začinite i bok!


It's better if the octopus is frozen before cooking. If you buy fresh one, it is better to freeze it the night before and put it frozen into the water and then cook it for 15 minutes. Bake sweet potato and beetroot in the foil, when they are half baked put the octopus in and continue to bake under the foil to let the juices run, you can also add red or white wine. When the octopus is soft, remove the foil, scatter fresh parsley and / or other vegetables on top and bake some more. The whole thing is baked for about an hour. With this wonderful combination of octopus, sweet potato and beetroot, we also ate a light salad by Nigella Lawson and this recipe is even more simple -throw in mozarrela, tomatoes, toasted bread, basil and olives, season it and voila!

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