Maja Halilović - Christian Lacroix bosanske mode!

Iako mi je u oko upala zbog, u najmanju ruku simpatičnih mašnica koje radi, ova mlada dizajnerica puno je više od zaigrane kreativke. Ona modi pristupa s mnogo promišljanja, u čemu joj svakako pomaže i povijest u kostimografiji, ali i činjenica da se dizajnom i rukotvorinama bavi već cijelo desetljeće. Što Maja ima za reći na temu mode, kostimografije, svojih mašnica i Bjork kao velike inspiracije, pročitajte u recima koji slijede...

    Fashionbabica: Ženo, odakle si nam se se ti stvorila, reci nam nešto o sebi?
    Maja: Rođena u Tuzli, živjela svuda i svagdje, oduvijek se zanimajući za umjetnost i ekspresiju odijevanja. Za sve ostale informacije više volim da umjesto mene govore ljudi kojima nešto u životu značim.
    Fashionbabica: Koliko kolekcija imaš iza sebe i što možemo naći u tvojoj ponudi?
    Maja: Iza mene su četiri kolekcije. Za sada se moja ponuda sastoji od leptir mašni. Izrađujem odjeću i po narudžbi za one koje imaju ideje o nekom specifičnom odjevnom predmetu koji ne postoji u komercionalnoj prodaji.
    Fashionbabica: Koje materijale preferiraš?
    Maja: Svilu, kožu, eko kožu, pliš, čipku; dosta koristim i metale na leptir mašnama. Klonim se mješavina materijala, a sintetika je strogo zabranjena. 
    Fashionbabica: Reci nam nešto o svojim mašnicama, odakle ideja...
    Maja: Ah, moje mašnice :) I mašne. Volim da nosim leptir mašne, međutim nemate vi njih svugdje da kupite, i ako su u ponudi, u veoma su ograničenom obliku, stilu. A za djevojku poput mene koja ne voli jednostavne i ograničavajuće stvari trebalo je nešto više. Tako sam izradila prvu kolekciju leptir mašni prije nešto više od godinu dana i nakon toga su ostale glavni fokus u mom radu.

    Fashionbabica: Radiš i muške komade, planiraš li proširiti ponudu muške odjeće?
    Maja: Trenutno su u pitanju leptir mašne. Radim na tome da na ljeto predstavim i kolekciju odijela.
    Fashionbabica: Kakva je bosanska modna scena, kako ona undeground na kojoj niču mladi dizjaneri, tako i ona mainstream?
    Maja: Nemamo undergroung modnu scenu. Imamo ljude koji se izdvajaju svojim unikatnim stilom i nisu grupisani tako da ih ne možemo pripojiti određenoj modnoj sceni. Mainstreim već imamo, to je ono najlakše za imati. I sličan nam je svjetskoj.
    Fashionbabica: Na tvom site-u možemo naći i blog koji uređuješ, reci nam nešto o njemu, koja je ideja iza bloga? Imaš mnoge zanimljive teme na njemu, primjerice zadnji post o La Sape pokretu je odličan!
    Maja: Istražujem i otkrivam zanimljive činjenice iz polja umjetnosti, dizajna, mode. I želim da podijelim to oduševljenje kroz blog. Međutim, blog više ne uređujem ja. Zbog obima posla to je preuzela jedna od persona iz našeg tima koji piše pod pseudonimom Andi Sam. 

      Fashionbabica: Planiraš izrađivati unikatni namještaj. Postoji li neka grana kreativnosti u kojoj ti nisi vješta pobogu :) ? Reci nam nešto o toj ideji...
      Maja: Nema. A ako nisam vješta u nečemu, postaću. :) Ti planovi su dugoročni. To ću moći da ostvarim kada kupim pogodno skladište koje ću da pretvorim u životni/radni prostor. On je u glavi od moje rane dobi. Minimalno uređenje, visoki strop, enormni prostor, stakla pri vrhu da osiguraju dosta svjetlosti,jedan dio određen kao kupaonica sa veličanstvenom kadom kao iz viktorijanskog doba i puno alata koji leži unaokolo.
      Naime, što se tiče namještaja, potiče iz druženja sa mojim djedom u njegovoj radionici. On bi rezbario drvo i pravio sitne figure i namještaj od njih. Nije trebalo dugo da mu se i ja pridružim. Sjela bih kraj njega i imitirala ono što je on radio. Tako sam naučila i heklati. Sjedila bih kraj baka koje su se time bavile svaki dan i oponašajuću njihove radnje naučila sam i taj ručni rad.

    Fashionbabica: Baviš se i kostimografijom. Između ostalog počela si u kazalištu. Kako je došlo do tog aganžgama?
    Maja: To je već prošlo vrijeme. Nekada sam radila za pozorište u Brčkom. Očajnički sam željela da radim nešto što je imalo veze sa ispoljavanjem kreativnosti i odvajanja od atmosfere u Distriktu koje je opčinjeno nacionalizmom. Tada je pokrenuto pozorište Brčko koje je imalo velike planove što se tiče svog rada. Imenovana sam glavnom kostimografkinjom.
    Fashionbabica: Kakav je osjećaj raditi kostime, a kakav fashion?
    Maja: Kada radite kostime u mnogome se morate koristiti samom tematikom predstave, psihom pojedinačnih likova, i time ste ograničeni, ali zato možete da idete u krajnost sa krojevima. Kod dizajniranja vi nemate takva ograničenja. Možete da dizajnirate što god vam padne na pamet, ali jedino čime se morate voditi jeste da vam kreacija ne postane upravo kostim.
    Fashionbabica: Koja je za tebe razlika između haute couture-a i ready -to -wear- a. Ok, haute couture nije nešto u čemu ćemo se prošetati po ulici, u tome je dakako prva vidljiva razlika, ali što je tebi osobno draže i što ti misliš da je osnovna razlika između ova dva pojma?
    Maja: Haute couture je vrsta umjetnosti za koju morate posjedovati vještine ručnog rada jer se takva odjeća izrađuje od skupocjenih tkanina i u potpunosti ručno. I s kojom sposobnost i kreativnost ljudskog bića dolazi do svoje pune primjene. Sa ready to wear nema puno filozofiranja. Odjeća koja je dizajnirana da bude funkcionalna za svaki dan.

      Fashionbabica: Što te toliko inspirira u Bjork?
      Maja:Volim tu ženu. Njen odnos prema zvuku je fascinantan. Inspirira me njen um i način na koji integrira prirodu, nauku i tehnologiju u svoju muziku. Inspirira me njena zaigranost, njena duša djeteta koje ne prestaje da istražuje i uči.
      Fashionbabica:Koliko žena može reći o sebi kroz svoje odijevanje?
      Maja: Neka žena govori riječima, ne odjećom ili obućom.

    photos: girl by Mario Ilić, boy by Andrea Tešanović


Maja Halilovic -  Christian Lacroix of Bosnian fashion!

Although I noticed her because of her cute bow ties- to say the least, this young designer is much more than a playful creative girl. She approaches fashion with a lot of deliberation, in which it certainly helps a history in costume making, but also the fact that she is engaged in design and handicrafts for a decade. What Maja has to say on the subject of fashion, costume making, her bow ties and Bjork as a great inspiration, read in the verses that follow...

    Fashionbabica: Woman, where did you come from, tell us something about yourself?
    Maja: I was born in Tuzla, lived everywhere and anywhere, always having an interest for art and expression of dressing. For all other information, I prefer that people I mean something to say it instead of me.
    Fashionbabica: How many collections do you have behind and what can we find in your offer?
    Maja: There are four collections behind me. For now, my offer consists only of bow ties. I also make clothes for those who have ideas about a specific article of clothing that does not exist in commercial sale.
    Fashionbabica: Which materials do you prefer?
    Maja: Silk, leather, eco leather, velvet, lace, and I use a lot of metal on bow ties. I stay away from the mix of materials and synthetics is strictly prohibited.
    Fashionbabica: Tell us something about your bows, where did the idea come from ...
    Maja: Oh, my bows :) I like to wear bow ties, but you can't buy them everywhere you know, and even if you are able to find them, they are in a very limited form and style. And for a girl like me who doesn't like simple and limiting things I needed a bit more. So I made my first collection of bow ties a little more than a year ago and after that they remained the main focus of my work.

      Fashionbabica: You also make men's pieces, do you plan to expand the supply of men's clothing?
      Maja: I make only bow ties for now but I'm working on a suit collection I plan to present in the summer.
      Fashionbabica: What is Bosnian fashion scene like, the undeground where young designers spring up, and mainstream as well?
      Maja: We don't have underground fashion scene. We have people who can distinguish with their unique style and are not grouped so we can't incorporate them in a specific fashion scene. Mainstream we already have, that's the easiest to have. And it is similar to the rest of the world.
      Fashionbabica: We can also find a blog that you edit on your site. Tell us something about it, what's the idea behind the blog? You have many interesting posts on it, for example, last post about La Sape movement is excellent!
      Maja: I explore and discover interesting facts from the field of art, design and fashion. And I want to share this enthusiasm through the blog. However, I no longer edit the blog. Due to the volume of work, this job was taken by a persona from our team who writes under the pseudonym Sam Andi.

        Fashionbabica: You are planning to make unique furniture. Is there a branch of creativity in which you are not proficient for God's sake woman :)? Tell us something about that idea ...
        Maja: There isn't. And if I'm not good at something, it will become. :) These plans are long-term. I will be able to realize them when I buy a suitable warehouse which will be transformed into living / working space. This idea is in my head from an arly age. Minimal decoration, high ceilings, enormous space, glass at the top to provide plenty of light, a part designated as a bathroom with a bathtub in magnificent Victorian style and a lot of tools lying around.
        As far as the furniture the idea dates from socializing with my grandfather in his workshop. He used to carve wood and make small pieces and furniture from it. It did not take long for me to join him. I sat beside him and imitated what he was doing. I learned to crochet that way too. I would sit beside my grandmothers who were doing it every day so I imitated their actions and learned the handiwork.
          Fashionbabica: You also deal with costume making. Among other things, you started in the theater. How did this happen?
          Maja: It's already passed tense. I used to work for the theater in Brcko. I desperately wanted to do something that had to do with creativity and separation from the atmosphere in the District which is fascinated by nationalism. Then started Theater Brcko, which had big plans. I was appointed the main costume maker.
          Fashionbabica: How does it feel to make costumes, and how does it feel to make fashion?
          Maja: When you make costumes in many ways you have to use the theme of the show, the psyche of the individual characters, and you are limited in a way, but you can go to the extreme with cuts. When designing you do not have such restrictions. You can design whatever comes to your mind, but the only thing you need to take care of is not to let your creation become a costume.
          Fashionbabica: What is for you the difference between haute couture and ready-to-wear Okay, haute couture is not something that we can walk down the street in, that is of course the first visible difference, but what do you personally prefer and what do you think is the main difference between these two terms?
          Maja: Haute couture is an art and requires you to possess the skills of manual work because such clothing is made from expensive fabrics and is fully handmade. And with that ability and creativity of the human being comes to its full implementation. With ready-to-wear there is not much philosophizing. It's the clothing that is designed to be functional for every day.

            Fashionbabica: What's so inspiring in Bjork?
            Maja: I love this woman. Her attitude toward the sound is fascinating. I'm inspired by her mind and the way she integrates nature, science and technology in her music. I'm inspired by her playfulness, her soul of a child who does not stop to explore and learn.
            Fashionbabica: How much can a woman say about hersef through her clothing ?
            Maja: Let a woman say about herself through her words and not her clothing!

            photos: girl by Mario Ilić, boy by Andrea Tešanović
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