Jabukovita torta- pomaknuta verzija cheese cakea! Utonite u osvježavajuću kombinaciju jabuke i sira!


200 g brašna
1 žlićica praška za pecivo
1/2 žlićice cimeta
1 žlićica đumbira u prahu
100 g šećera
1 jaje
200 ml jogurta
50 ml ulja
naribana korica limuna

Preljev za biskvit
sok jednog limuna
2 žlice šećera ili meda
75 ml vode

Jabukoviti cheese parfe

500 g naribanih jabuka
sok jednog limuna
1 žlica šećera
cimet, đumbir u prahu
1 žlica gustina
2 vrećice vanilin šećera
500 g posnog sira
korica jednog limuna
50 g šećera u prahu
3 dcl vrhnja za šlag
2 vrećice šlag fixa

Pomiješati sve suhe sastojke pa dodati žutanjak, jogurt i ulje. Zatim ručno umiješati istučeni snijeg jednog bjelanjka i staviti peći u namašteni i pobrašnjeni kalup na srednjoj temperaturi 15ak minuta. Kada bude gotov, odstranite kalup i stavite biskvit na rešetku da se malo ‘prozrači’ dok pripremite preljev. Prokuhajte sok limuna s vodom i šećerom /medom. Kada provri, sklonite s vatre. Vratite biskvit u kalup i zalijte preljevom.
Sok jednog limuna, naribane jabuke, vanilin šećer, šećer, žličicu cimeta i đumbira zagrijavajte na vatri. Nek lagano, uz miješanje, krčka 7-8 minuta. Zatim stavite žlicu gustina, dobro promiješajte i još kratko ‘podgrijavajte’, te premjestite smjesu u veću zdjelu da se hladi. Mikserom sve malo izmiješajte da se rezanci još malo usitne, ali neka ostane mrvičasto. Pustite da se hladi, povremeno miješajući da ubrzate proces.
    Sir izmiksajte sa šećerom u prahu, limunovom koricom i vanilin šećerom, te dodajte u prohlađene jabuke.Sve zajedno izmiješajte, te na kraju dodajte i tučeno vrhnje za šlag koje ste izmiksali s dva šlag fixa. Sve zajedno izmiješajte da se dobije jednolična smjesa, te rasporedite po biskvitu i stavite u zamzivač na sat vremena (ili u frižider na duže).


Apple cheese cake- shifted version of cheese cake!

200 grams of flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
100 grams of sugar
1 egg
200 milliliter of yogurt
50 milliliter of oil
grated lemon peel

Topping for the biscuit
lemon juice from one lemon
2 spoons of sugar or honey
75 milliliter of water

Apple cheese parfait
500grams of grated apples
lemon juice from one lemon
1 tablespoon of sugar
cinnamon, ginger powder
1 tablespoon density
2 bags of vanilla sugar
500grams of low fat cheese
one lemon zest
50 grams of powdered sugar
3 deciliter of whipping cream
2 bags of icing thickener
Mix all dry ingredients and add egg yolk , yogurt and oil . Then manually mix battered snow from one egg and bake it in oiled and floured mold on medium heat for 15 minutes . When it's done , remove the mold and put the biscuit on the grid to get a little bit ' airy ' during which you prepare the topping . Boil the lemon juice with water and sugar / honey . When it boils , remove from heat . Put the biscuit back in the mold and pour with the topping .
Apples :
Heat lemon juice, grated apples , vanilla sugar, sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger on fire . Let it simmer for 7-8 minutes,while stirring. Then put a spoonful of cream thickener, mix well and briefly reheat and then move the mixture into a large bowl to cool down. Mix everything a little bit more so the noodles would be chopped , but leave it crumbly . Allow it to cool , stirring occasionally to speed up the process .
Mix cheese with powdered sugar , lemon rind and vanilla , and add cooled apples.
Mix it all together and finally add whipping cream and cream that you have mixed with two icing thickeners. Mix it all together to a smooth mixture, spread it over the biscuit and place it in the freezer compartment for an hour ( or longer in the refrigerator ) .

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops