Što učiniti kada imate previše humusa? Napravite popečke! :)
What do you do when you have too much hummus? Make patties! :)
Humus je lako napraviti- u multipraktik ubacite slanutak, sol, papar, peršin, koju kap maslinovog ulja i koji vam već začin dođe pod ruke (mrzim zadano slijediti bilo što, a kamoli recepte, to ste već shvatili :) )
Što se tiče popečaka, u humus ubacite jedno jaje i nešto brašna, brašno dodajete dok vam smjesa ne postane dovoljno tvrda da od nje možete napraviti popečke. Bacite ih na vruće ulje i to je to. Možete ih jesti uz koprivu ili mlado od rotkvice koje pripremate kao blitvu s krumpirom ....
It is easy to make hummus, just throw some chickpeas, salt, pepper, parsley, a drop of olive oil and any seasoning that comes to your hand in the food processor (I hate to follow anything strictly, let alone recipes, you already got that:))
As for the fritters, add an egg and some flour in the hummus, add as much flour as you need to make mixture hard enough to make fritters. Throw them in hot oil and that's it. You can eat them with nettle or radish greens which you prepare the same as chard with potatoes...
...ili ih raskomadane pobacate po mixu zelene salate i ostale zelenjave uz prženi sezam, buču i lan kao obavezan dodatak...
...or you can throw the patties over the mixture of lettuce and other greens with toasted sesame, pumpkin and flax seeds as mandatory accessory...
... ili ih pak ubacite u pecivo i napravite hambić s finom kancerogenom majonezom i kečapom mmm :)