Biskvit s kruškama - superlagani jesenski recept!

2 čašice (od jogurta)  šećera
2 čašice brašna
2 jogurta
2 jaja
2 kruške
1 čašica ulja
1 prašak za pecivo
1 vanilin sećer

Posebno  izmutiti žumanjke i posebno bjelanjke.  Jednu čašicu šećera umutiti u žutanjak,a drugu u bjelanjak. U žutanjak dodati i sve ostale sastojke i onda na kraju umiješati bjelanjak i prašak za pecivo. Smjesu uliti u tepsiju i dodati narezane kruške, a prije toga ih možete i posuti brašnom kako ne bi pale na dno. Peći 20ak minuta ili koliko vam je već pećnici po volji :)


Pear cake

2 cups ( yogurt cups) of sugar
2 cups  of flour
2 yogurts
2 eggs
2 pears
1 cup of oil
1 baking powder
1 vanilla sugar

Whisk egg yolks and egg whites separately. Add one cup of sugar in egg yolks andthe other in egg whites. Add all other ingredients in egg yolks as well and at the end add egg whites and baking powder. Pourthe mixture into the baking pan and add sliced​​pears, and before that you can sprinklethe pears with flour so they wouldn’t   fallto the bottom. Bake for 20 minutes or as long as your oven wants
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops