Nekidan su me nakon opasnog izlaska odveli na ručak u Rocket Burger Cafe. Prema samom nazivu možete zaključiti da se ovdje služe hamburgeri. Prilično sam negodovala budući da sam bila uvjerena kako moj večer prije izmučeni želudac neće moći podnijeti nešto kao što je hamburger. No, mom iznenađenju nije bilo kraja nakon slasnog obroka u Rocket Burgeru. U ovom simpatičnom restorančiću koji se smjestio u Tkalčićevoj 44, zasigurno ćete pojesti najbolji hamurger u cijeloj Hrvatskoj, ali ne samo najbolji nego i „najlakši“. Skloni smo misliti kako je fast food hrana iznimno teška, no posjet ovom mjestu,izmijenit će vaše viđenje ovakve hrane. Uređen u stilu 60's diner restorana s kuhinjom iza pulta na kojem se poslužuje hrana, Rocket Burger odiše atmosferom topline i gostoprimstva, ne samo evocirajući neka davna vremena na čiji smo prikaz navikli gledajući američke filmove i serije, nego i pružajući posjetitelju priliku da vidi kako se to točno njegov obrok priprema.
Mladi bračni par Briana i Barclay 2006. su u potrazi za kvalitetnijim i sretnijim životom odlučili otići iz Kanade. Kako sami kažu, nije da im je u Kanadi bilo loše, ali htjeli su određenu promjenu. Budući da su Brianini roditelji iz Hrvatske, a njen otac je često znao pričati o svojoj rodnoj domovini, odlučili su se uputiti gdje drugdje, nego u Hrvatsku. Maštali su o tome da otvore kafić ili restoran, bilo što što bi bilo povezano sa serviranjem hrane. Prvotna ideja bila im je otvoriti kafić u kojem bi posluživali kavu. I tako im je jednog dana dok su ispijali kavu u Tkalčićevoj i razmišljali o mogućim lokacijama za svoj coffee place, pogled pao na prostor preko puta, prostor koji će kasnije pokazati kao dom Rocket Burgera. Nakon kave odlučili su otići pojesti hamburge , i iako su mnogi od hamburga koji su probali bili odlični, nijedan nije imao okus kakav ima onaj koji sa navikli jesti doma. I onda im je sinula misao- zašto ne otvoriti restoran koji bi služio prvoklasne 60's diner hamburgere. Tako je posve spontano nastao ovaj obiteljski biznis.
Ono što osvaja kad uđete u restoran Briane i Barclaya je ne samo činjenica da to nije još samo jedan objekt brze prehrane, ne samo činjenica da se hrana priprema ispred vas, nego i činjenica da se njihova jela spravljaju od prvoklasnih namirnica. Neposredna blizina zagrebačkog placa Dolac, omogućuje im da sve svoje namirnice serviraju svježe. Dakle, ništa se ne zamrzava ili podgrijava. Briana i Barclay također sami rade svoju majonezu i kečap te svoja peciva. Bitno je istaknuti i da se svaki burger radi od 100% goveđeg mesa i to iz najboljih dijelova mesa, a budući da je svako govedo drugačije jer dolazi iz organskog uzgoja, i svaki hamburger ima drugačiji okus, to će posebno primijetiti stalne mušterije. A stalnih mušterija, iako je ovaj restorančić otvoren tek u svibnju, već ima. Kako i ne bi kada ćete u Rocket Burgeru pojesti, ne samo „najslađi“ hamburger, nego ćete i u potpunosti pasti na šarm i gostoprimstvo Briane, Barcklay, njihovog veselog osoblja i konačno samog štiha Rocket Burgera!
Rocket Burger - the place with convincingly best burgers in the city, and beyond!
The other day after a heavy night out I was taken for a lunch at a Rocket Burger Cafe. According to its name, you can conclude they serve hamburgers there. I was pretty resentful because I was convinced my evening before tortured stomach will not be able to handle something like a hamburger. But I couldn’t be more surprised after a delicious meal at the Rocket Burger. In this little restaurant, which is located in Tkalčićeva 44 Street, you can eat the best hamurger in Croatia, but not only the best but also the "lightest" . We tend to think that fast food is extremely” heavy”, but a visit to this place will change your vision of this kind of food. Decorated in the style of 60 's diner with a kitchen behind the counter where food is served, Rocket Burger exudes an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality, not only evoking the retro times we are accustomed to see watching American movies and series, but also providing visitors a chance to see how their meal is prepared.
Young married couple Briana and Barclay left Canada in 2006. looking for a better and happier life. As they say, it's not that they didn’t like it in Canada, they just wanted a change. Since Briana’s parents are from Croatian and her father would often talk about his native country, they decided to go where else then to Croatia. They have dreamed about opening a cafe or a restaurant, anything that would be associated with serving food. The original idea was to open a cafe in which they would serve coffee. And so one day while drinking coffee in Tkalčićeva Street and thinking about possible locations for their coffee place, their eyes fell across the street, at the location that would later become the home of the Rocket Burger. After coffee they decided to have a hamburger, and although many of the hamburgers they tried were excellent, none has had the taste they got so used to back at home. And then they had an idea - why wouldn’t we open a restaurant that would serve first-class 60 's diner burgers. So spontaneously this family business was created.
What wins you over when you walk into Briana’s and Barclay’s restaurant is not only the fact that this is not just another fast food place, not just the fact that food is prepared in front of you, but also the fact that their meals are made from first-class groceries. The immediate nearness of the Zagreb’s Dolacmarket, allows them to serve all of their food fresh. So, nothing is frozen or heated. Briana and Barclay and also doing their own mayonnaise and ketchup, and their buns too. It is also important to point out that every burger is made from 100 % beef and best parts of the meat, and since each animal is different because it comes from organic farming, every burger has a different flavor, regular customers will especially notice it. And there are already plenty of regular customers, even though this diner was opened just few months ago, in May to be exact. How wouldn’t there be when at the Rocket Burger, you can eat not only the “sweetest" hamburger on earth, but you will also fall for the charm and hospitality of Briana, Barcklay, their cheerful staff and finally the Rocket Burger atmosphere!