U društvu u kojem u kojem je moda svedena na puki estetski dodatak, a identitet se proizvodi serijski, jedan mladi dizajner stvara promišljenu modu koja nadilazi granice modnog dizajna. Njegovo ime je Tomislav Kliškinić!
Fashionbabica: Kako bi opisao odjeću koju dizajniraš?
Tomislav: Odjeću koju dizajniram opisao bih kao granicu između nosivog i nenosivog, jednu kombinaciju elemenata uzetih iz kazališta, ali i s ulice.
Fashionbabica: Koliko kolekcija imaš iza sebe? Reci nam nešto o svakoj!
Tomislav: Svoju prvu samostalnu kolekciju predstavio sam još kao učenik srednje škole, poslije sam izlagao na Modnom ormaru 2011., a zadnju kolekciju predstavio sam na Split City Fashion-u u lipnju ove godine. Više volim raditi zimsku odjeću, podjednako za muškarce i žene, tako da su i materijali uglavnom vuneni štofovi, koža i pamučni keper. Ja sam osoba koja voli imati olovku i papir u svakom trenutku sa sobom, šaram, crtam, pišem sve što mi pada na pamet, skupljam te svoje bilješke i skice i na kraju oblikujem u jednu priču. Inspiracija je više, nikad ne postoji samo jedna vodilja u stvaranju kolekcije. Odjeća je način na koji se ja izražavam, tako da svaki komad nosi svoju priču.
Fashionbabica: U kojoj mjeri bi, prema tvom mišljenju, moda trebala biti statement, a u kojoj puki estetski dodatak? Odnosno, što je od tog dvoje bitnije ili je pak oboje bitno?
Tomislav: Stvaranje nečeg uključuje promišljanje, stvaranje ideje i realizaciju. Čim nešto ima promišljanje to onda ima i priču, ja jednostavno ne mogu zamisliti stvaranje u prazno, bez početka, ali opet na kraju sve se svodi na puki estetski dodatak, ne zbog toga što je to jednostavno tako, nego zato što velika većina potrošača to čini od odjeće.
Fashionbabica: Tvoji modni uzori su Aleksandar McQueen, John Galiano, Christian Dior i Viviene Westwood! Što te kod navedenih imena toliko inspirira?
Tomislav: Pa radi se o velikim dizajnerima koji su na svojim počecima bili nešto novo, prekretnice, pokretači stilova. Christian Dior slavi ženstvenost, elegancija mu je u prvom planu, Galiano je teatralan, stavlja kazalište na pistu, McQueen donosi performans na pistu, a Viviene uličnoj modi daje značaj. Upravo to: elegancija, kazalište, performans i ulična moda, moja su inspiracija za stvaranje.
Fashionbabica: U jednom intervju napisao si kako bi volio odijevati Josipu Lisac? Zašto baš nju?
Tomislav: Odgovor je kratak, ona je prava diva, jedina prava modna ikona na ovim prostorima.
Fashionbabica: Radio si za teatar?
Tomislav: Zapravo ja sam student druge godine diplomskog studija kostimografije, te sam tako kao student zajedno s kolegama sudjelovao u kreiranju i realizaciji kostima za mjuzikl ''Crna kuća'' i plesnu predstavu ''La Famme''. U budućnosti se vidim u tom poslu podjednako kao i u modi, jer volim odnos između jednog i drugog, njihovu kombinaciju.
Fashionbabica: Koliko je tebi samom bitno što ćeš obući?
Tomislav: To se mijenjalo i ovisi od dana do dana, ali sama činjenica da promišljam što obući i po par minuta govori da mi je to bitno, iako nisam tip osobe koja prati trendove i provodi vrijeme tražeći odjeću za sebe.
Fashionbabica: Što radi Tomislav Kliškinić kad ne biva dizajnerom?
Tomislav: Tomislav je otvoren za sve, od odlaska u kazalište do tuluma, od dobrih filmova do sapunica, od spavanja po cijele dane do rada od 0-24, svašta me uveseljava i zabavlja.
Tomislav Kliskinic- young designer whose ruminated fashion transcends the boundaries of fashion design and gives an impressive statement!
In a society where fashion is reduced to a mere aesthetic addition, and identity is produced serially, a young designer creates ruminated fashion which transcends the boundaries of fashion design. His name is Tomislav Kliskinic!
Fashionbabica: How would you describe the clothes you design?
Tomislav: I would describe itas the line between wearable and non wearable, a combination of elements taken from the theater,but from the street too.
Fashionbabica: How many collections do you have behind? Tell us something about each one of them!
Tomislav: I presented my first solo collection while I was still a high school student, afterthat I exhibited at Modni Ormar 2011.and my last collection was presented at Split City Fashion in June this year. I prefer to do winter clothes, both for men and women, so materials I use are mainly woolen fabrics, leatherand cotton twill. I am a type of person who likes to have a pen and paper at all times with me, I scribble, I draw, I write whatevercomes to my mind, and then I gather my notes andsketches, and eventually form them into a story. There are more sources of inspiration for me, there is never just oneguiding principle in creating of the collection. Clothing is the way I express, so each piece carriesits own story.
Fashionbabica: In your opinion, to what extent should fashion be astatement, and to what mere aesthetic addition? That is, which is more important among these two or are both equally important?
Tomislav: Creating something involvesreflection, creation and realization. As soon as something consists of reflection it has a story, I just can’t imagine creating somethingfor no reason at all, without a beginning, but then again it all boils down to mere aesthetic addition , not because that’s how it is, but because the vast majority of consumers make that out of clothes.
Fashionbabica: Your fashionmodels are AlexanderMcQueen, John Galiano, Christian Dior and Vivienne Westwood! How come you are inspired by these names so much?
Tomislav: Well these are all great designers who were something new at their beginnings, they were milestones, originators of styles. Christian Dior celebrates femininity, elegance is on the first place for him,Galiano is theatrical, he puts theater on the runway, McQueen deliversperformance art on the runway and Vivienne gives street fashion a significance. It’s all about that: elegance, theater, performance art and street fashion, that is where my inspiration to create comes from.
Fashionbabica: In one interview you wrote you would like to dress Josipa Lisac? Why her?
Tomislav: The answer is short, she is a true diva, only true fashion icon in these areas.
Fashionbabica: You did some work for the theater?
Tomislav: Actually, I am on my second year of Master Studies in Costimography, soas a student along with my colleagues Iparticipated in the creation and realization of the costumes for the musical ''Crna kuća” and dance show “La Famme''. In the future I see myself in working in that field and in fashion as well because I love the relationship between the two, their combination.
Fashionbabica: How important what to wear is to you ?
Tomislav: It has changed and dependsfrom day to day, but the mere fact that I contemplate what to wear even for few minutes says that it is important, though I am not the kind of person who follows trends and spends time looking for clothes for myself.
Fashionbabica: What is Tomislav Kliskinic doing when he is not being a designer?
Tomislav: Tomislav is open to everything, from going to the theater to going to the parties, from watching a good movie to watchingsoap operas, from sleeping all day to working24/7, lot of things make me happy and amused.