400 g oštrog brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
200 g margarina
2 jaja
2 žlice mlijeka
200 g oraha
12 žlica mlijeka
6 žlica šećera
1 vanilin šećer
2 žlice krušnih mrvica
malo ruma
2 dl vode
1 limun
2-3 žlice šećera
Za punjenje stavite kuhati mlijeko sa šećerom i vanilin šećerom. Kada zakuha maknite s vatre i umiješajte orahe, krušne mrvice i rum te dobro izmiješajte. Ostavite da se hladi.
Od navedenih sastojaka umijesite glatko tijesto i podijelite ga na dva dijela. Svaki dio razvaljajte u pravokutnik i premažite nadjevom. Nadjeveno tijesta zamotajte u roladu, odmah narežite na komade širine 1-2 cm i posložite u lim za pečenje koji ste obložili masnim papirom ili premazali margarinom. Stavite peći na 180°C 20- tak minuta.
Dok se ružice peku, pripremite preljev. Zakuhajte 2 dl vode u koju ste dodali jedan iscijeđeni limun i 2-3 žlice šećera. Nakon što su se ružice ispekle, odmah ih tako vruće prelijte sa 2-3 žličice preljeva i izvadite na rešetku.
tip: Ružice je najbolje čuvati u plastičnoj kutiji pa će tako i nakon nekoliko dana ostati svježe i sočne upravo. Ove ružice su pogodne za zamrzavanje pa ako želite možete odmah umijesiti duplu dozu i polovicu zamrznuti, ali u tom slučaju ružice nemojte preliti preljevom već ih pečene i mlake stavite na pladanj i u zamrzivač. Kada ih želite upotrijebiti neodmrznute ih poslažite na lim i pecite 15-tak min na 180°C i tada ih prelijte preljevom.
400 g of flour
1 baking powder
200 g of margarine
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of milk
200 g of walnuts
12 tablespoons of milk
6 tablespoons of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons of bread crumbs
some rum
200 g of walnuts
12 tablespoons of milk
6 tablespoons of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons of bread crumbs
some rum
2 dl of water
1 lemon
2-3 tablespoons of sugar
For the filling cook the milk with sugar and vanilla sugar. When it boils remove from heat and stir in walnuts, bread crumbs andrum and mix it all well. Leave to cool.
From the above mentioned ingredients make a smooth dough and divide it into two parts/portions. Roll eachportion into a rectangle and spread with filling. Wrap stuffed dough into a roll, immediately cut intopieces 1-2 cmwide and arrange inthe baking pan you have covered with wax paper orsmeared with margarine. Bake at 180 ° C for20 - minutes.
While roses are baking, prepare the dressing. Boil 2 dl of water in which youadded one squeezedlemon and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Afterthe roses are baked, pour them immediately, while they are still hot, with 2-3 teaspoons of sauce and remove from the oven.
a tip: It is best to keep the rosesin a plastic box because that way they will remain fresh and juicy for few days. These roses are suitable for freezing too so if you want you can immediatelyknead double dose and froze the half of it, but in this case, do not pourdressing on the roses but put them baked and warm onto a trayand then in the freezer. When you want to usethem, arrange them unfrozen on a baking dish and bake for about 15minutes at 180 °C and then pour the sauce.