O Dunji Ercegović iliti Lovely Quinces već ste mogli čitati na stranicama ovog bloga (http://fashionbabica.blogspot.com/2013/03/domaci-proizvod-sa-stranim-prizvukom.html?q=lovely+quinces) , a dobro znate i da volim surađivati s Nelom Kliček, mladom dizajnericom koja se skriva iza brenda Neha Neha. Nela nas u jesen uvodi svojom novom kolekcijom Lovely Autumn, a Fashionbabica vam donosi shooting za spomenutu kolekciju.
About Dunja Ercegović akaLovely Quinces, you could already read on the pages of this blog (http://fashionbabica.blogspot.com/2013/03/domaci-proizvod-sa-stranim-prizvukom.html?q=lovely+quinces), and you know very well how much I like to work with Nela Kliček, a young designer who hides behind the brand Neha Neha. Nela introducesus to autumnwith her new collection Lovely Autumn and Fashionbabica brings you the shooting for the mentionedcollection.
Nela o kolekciji:
"Jesenska kolekcija za jesen 2013. pod imenom Lovely Autumninspirirana je i posvećena upravo zvijezdi kampanje kantautorci Dunji Ercegović aka Lovely Quinces. Dunjin glazbeni pravac se može okarakterizirati kao indie folk pod utjecajem americane, a njezina persona evocira glazbene i filmske dive iz 60ih poput Goddardove junkainje Anne Karine, ali i nekih folk diva poput Joan Baez i Melanie Safka. Kolekcijom dominiraju haljine jednostavnog ili etui kroja. Neke od njih su vrlo svečane i šivane od finijih materijala poput kineske svile, no uz pomoć pravih dodataka u vidu kožnih jakna i kaubojskih čizma se transformiraju iz koktel haljina u pravi rock'n roll outfit. Ovog puta sam se držala čistih linija i fokusirala na kroj više nego na oslikavanje. Ipak tu su dva oslikana predmeta za koje sam izdvojila puno vremena, haljina s resicama i majica šivana od materijala nalik traperu. Oba odjevna predmeta su ukrašena geometrijskim uzorcima, a za crtanje mi je bilo potrebno i više dana. Kako se kolekcija ne bi sastojala samo od haljina, ovaj put sam dodala i Gatsby hlače visokog kroja koje se ove sezone nose na majicu s raglan rukavima. Unijela sam i par redizajniranih predmeta, odnosno dvije jaknice koje su ukrašene resama, krznom i dekorativnim materijalom. Svaki predmet je unikatan, no planiram se igrati krojevima i različitim materijala te do kraja godine sašiti varijacije na majicu sa raglan rukavima, a naći će se i dosta modela tzv. smock haljine.
Fotografije su zajednička suradnja između mog brata i mene, a fotkali smo u poznatom zagrebačkom bircu Routu 66 koji se sa svojim ambijentom i jednim ključnim faktorom,a to je stejđ (ipak je glazbenica zaštitno lice), savršeno uklopio u našu modno glazbenu priču. Za besprijekorni make up je zadužena Petra Sever, a najvažnije je bilo napraviti mat podlogu i savršeni 6oies cat eye. "
Nela about the collection:
"Autumn collection 2013. named Lovely Autumn is inspired by and dedicated to the star of the collection, singer – songwriter Dunja Ercegović aka Lovely Quinces. Dunja’s musical direction can be described as indie folk with the influence of americana, and her persona evokes music and film stars from the 60s such as Goddard’s heroine Anna Karina, and some folk divas such as Joan Baez and Melanie Safka. The collection features simple design or etui dresses. Some of them are very festive and are sewn from fine materials such as Chinese silk, but with the right supplements in the form of leather jacket and cowboy boots they can easily transform from a cocktail dress into a true rock 'n roll outfit. This time I sticked to clean lines and focused more on the cuts and less on the painting. Yet there are two painted objects which took a lot of my time, the dress with tassels and shirt sewn from a material like denim. Both items of clothing are decorated with geometric patterns and I needed few days for drawing. So the collection wouldn’t consist only of dresses, this time I added gatsbyhigh cut pants which are worn with raglan sleeve T-shirts this season. I've brought a couple of redesigned items in this collection, two jackets to be exact, which are decorated with tassels, fur and decorative material. Each item is unique, but I plan to make them in a variety of cuts and materials, and by the end of the year I also plan to sew variations of T-shirt with raglan sleeves, and there will also be plenty of models of so called smock dress.
Photos are joint collaboration between my brother and me, and we photographed at the famous Zagreb pub Route 66 which with its ambience and a key factor – the stage( since the musician is the face of the collection ), fits perfectly into our fashion- music story . For flawless make-up Peter Sever was in charge, and the most important thing was to make a matte surface and perfect 6oies cat eye."
check out more @ https://www.facebook.com/nehanehaclothing
and listen to Dunja @ https://soundcloud.com/lovelyquinces