Maja Halilović o hlačicama nastalim po uzoru na one pjevačice FKA Twigs kojoj se obje beskrajno divimo:
"Ono što povezuje Ivinu Fashionbabicu i moju kolekciju za jesen zimu 2013/2014. jeste upravo FKA Twigs. Kroz Fashionbabicu, ona mi je otkrila ovu umjetnicu i njen rad, što mi je poslužilo kao šlagvort i izvor ideja za dizajniranje novih modela leptir mašni i cjelokupan editorijal koji ih je pratio.
Iva i ja se nakon nekoliko mjeseci ponovo susrećemo na istom terenu. Naime, FKA Twigs promoviše nove pjesme odjevena u kombinaciju koja je u cijelosti od čipke. Što je na nas djelovalo jako inspirativno, te smo nakon početnog oduševljenja izrazile želju za posjedovanjem hlača istog modela koje nosi Twigs. Hlače su izrađene u potpunosti od čipke boje pijeska, dok su u njih umetnute, kao podstava, kratke hlačice istovjetne boje. Sa strane hlača su, kao ukrasi, dodani lanci i bobe u zlatnoj boji, što sve zajedno tvori isti model hlača kao onaj koji je FKA Twigs nosila tokom predstavljanju singla "Hide" u Meksiku. Zanimljiva činjenica jeste svakako da je navedeni singl predstavljen na arheološkim nalazištima ostataka grada drevnog i sa lica civilizacije nestalog plemena Maya."
Maja Halilovic about my new pants made according to those of singer FKA Twigs who we both infinitely admire:
"What connects Iva's blog Fashionbabica and my collection for autumn winter 2013/2014 is FKA Twigs. Through Fashionbabica, she discovered this artist and her work to me, who served as a cause and a source of ideas for the design of new models of my bow ties and the entire editorial that accompanied them.
Iva and I meet again on the same field few months later. FKA Twigs promotes new songs dressed in a combination that is entirely made of lace, which was very inspiring for both of us, and after the initial enthusiasm we expressed a desire to possess pants of the same model Twigs has. The pants are made entirely of sand colored lace, while shorts of identical color are inserted in them, as a lining. On the side of the pants, as ornaments, chains and berries in a gold color are added, all of which form the same model as the one that FKA Twigs wore during presentation of her single "Hide" in Mexico. An interesting fact is certainly that mentioned single is presented at archaeological sites and remains of the ancient Maya city disappeared from the face of civilization."
photos: Mario Vukelić