Zeleni rezanci u umaku od bukovačaa

....možete napraviti i varijantu s piletinom /puretinom....

pola kilograma bukovača
dcl vrhnja za kuhanje
pola dcl bijelog vina
pola žličice mljevenih gljiva npr. shiitake (mljevene gljive dodaju se kako bi jelo bilo gušće)
pola kilograma rezanaca
žličica parmezna

Na maslacu ili margarinu zdinstati luk na laganoj vatri, dodati bukovače izrezane na rezance (žilave su kada nisu izrezane na rezance), pred kraj dinstanja dodati vino i l kuhati dok bukovače ne omekšaju, dolijevati vode koliko je potrebno da jelo ne zagori, na kraju dodati vrhnje za kuhanje i još kratko prokuhati, ali ne predugo da se vrhnje ne razvodni. Dodati parmezan i posuti peršinom.
Green noodles in oyster mushroom sauce

You can also make it with chicken / turkey...

a pound of oyster mushrooms
1 deciliter of cooking cream
an onion
half a deciliter of white wine
½ teaspoon of minced shiitake mushrooms for example (minced mushrooms are added to the dish so it would become denser)
a pound of noodles
a teaspoon of parmesan

Fry the onions on low heat, using butter or margarine and then add the oyster mushrooms cut into strips (oyster mushrooms are wiry unless they are cut into strips), add wine, cook the mushrooms until they are soften, add water as necessary to prevent burning of the food, at the end add cooking cream and boil briefly, but not too long so the cream would not dilute. Add Parmesan cheese and sprinkle with parsley.
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops