pola kilograma pilećih jetrica /treba odvojiti srca od jetrica/
jedan manji luk
jedna mrkva /koja se nariba/
malo tekuće rajčice
Zdinsati luk, razrezati srca i staviti ih dinstati prije jer njima treba duže, nakon 10-ak minuta dodati jetrica, dodati naribanu mrvku i malo tekuće rajčice. Kao prilog uz ovo ljelo najbolje idu žganci!
Chicken liver stew with polenta-cheap, healthy and delicious meal!
a pound of chicken liver / hearts should be separated from the liver /
one small onion
one carrot / which should be grated /
a little bit of liquid tomato
Try the onions, cut the hearts and throw them on the onions first because it takes longer for them to be cooked, after 10 minutes add the liver, add grated carrot and a little bit of liquid tomato. Polenta is the best side dish next to this!