I dok se ženama vječito prigovara kako su preemotivne, nedovoljno lijepe i poželjne ili pak nedovoljno sposobne i ambiciozne, manične pixie djevojke ignoriraju sva ta ustaljena očekivanja. One su superemotivne, lijepe bez nekog posebnog napora, slobodne i ćudljive. Imaju doduše i svojih mana- preenergične su, možda previše puše ili piju te nisu nimalo glamurozne, ali one se ne boje svojih poroka i mana i što je bitnije ne boje ih se pokazati. Također, one ne znaju u kojem točno pravcu bi krenule jer život nudi toliko mogućnosti, ali to što su pomalo izgubljene ne znači da nisu dovoljno ambiciozne. I dok recimo za fatalnu ženu, ne bismo znali reći o čemu točno ona razmišlja i priča ( o politici, kulturi, autima? ), za ovu sigurno znamo da ima izražen ukus za glazbu, filmove i sve estetsko i umjetničko. Mi, zaista ne znamo o čemu bi fatalna žena mogla pričati jer je njezina jedina uloga da bude lijepa i da zavede. Ona nema dubinu!
Ipak, sve je to i dalje samo film, a manična pixie djevojka je samo još jedan lik, u ovom slučaju onaj koji ima taj neki majčinski aspekt, ulogu da pomogne muškarcu u njegovoj samoaktualizaciji. Međutim, kad je žena upravom životu sjebana to nije zavodljivo niti slatko. Dapače, to je odbojno jer prave zavodnice su one sigurne u sebe. Uostalom, sanjive djevojčice su preemocionalne, a prevelika emocionalnost je fuj! No, koliko god manična pixie djevojka bila samo fikcija, jednako kao i fatalna žena, ipak je bolji uzor od savršenstva koje utjelovljuje fatalna filmska žena. Jermanična pixie djevojka ne tjera me da brojim zalogaje, da se grizem jer imam loš ten, da budem sexy kako bi bila zavodljiva, da pazim na svaku izgovorenu riječ i ton kojim je ta riječ izrečena, da se mučim do granice torture zbog učinjenih pogrešaka. Manična pixie djevojka ne uči me da biti uspješna znači imati najboljeg frajera i najbolje plaćen posao, već da je najbitnije biti sretna i slobodna.
Fashionbabica top 5 maničnih pixie djevojaka:
1. Lucy Lu u "Gledajući detektive"
2. Kate Hudson u "Koraku do slave"
3. Natalie Portman u "Garden State-u"
4. Zooey Deschanel u "(500) dana ljubavi"
5. Audrey Tautou u "Amelie"
Manic pixie dream girl vs.femme fatale! - part 2
Manic pixie dream girl vs.femme fatale! - part 2
And while we perpetually reproach women that they are too emotional, not beautiful and desirable enough or not sufficiently capable and ambitious, manic pixie dream girls ignor all these well-established expectations. They are superemotional, beautiful without any special effort, free and whimsical. And indeed they have their flaws- they have to much energy, perhaps they smoke or drink too much, and are not glamorous at all, but they are not afraid of their vices and flaws and more importantly they are not afraid to show them. Also, they don't know exactly in which direction they want to go because life offers so many possibilities, but because they are a bit lost it does not mean that they are not sufficiently ambitious. And as for the fatal woman, we wouldn't know what exactly does she think or talk about (about politics, culture, cars?), but for this one we know for sure that she has a pronounced taste for music, movies and all aesthetic and artistic. We really do not know what a fatal woman could talk about because her only role is to be beautiful and to deceive. She has no depth!
However, it's ll just a movie, and a manic pixie dream girl is just another character, in this case one that has some of the maternal aspect, the role to help man in his self-actualization However , when a woman is fucked up in real life it's not seductive or sweet. Indeed it is repulsive because a true seductress is confident. After all, dreamy girls are too emotional and excessive emotionality is yuck ! But as much as manic pixie dream girl is just a fiction, as well as the femme fatale, she is still a better model than the perfection that is embodied by the fatal film woman. Because manic pixie dream girl doesn't make me count my snacks or feel bad because I have bad complexion, she doesn't make me think that I have to be sexy to be seductive or make me take care of each spoken word and the tone in which the word was pronounced and she doesn't make suffer to the extent of torture because of my mistakes. Manic pixie girl doesn't teach me that to be successful is to have the best guy and best -payed job, but that the most important thing is to be happy and free.
Fashionbabica top 5 manic pixie dream girls:
1. Lucy Lu in "Watching the Detectives"
2. Kate Hudson in "Almost Famous"
3. Natalie Portman in "Garden State"
4. Audrey Tautou in "Amelie"