Wasted Rita- umjetnost bez dlake na jeziku!

Pojmovi koji je najbolje opisuju su:  neovisna, vuk samotnjak, individualka, 200% fokusirana na posao i radoholičarka. Ona je također britka, pametna i drugačija. Jednom riječju, ona je umjetnica! U njenoj umjetničkoj ponudi možete naći prije svega jakstatementpreliven u mnoge papiriće, ilustracije, majice, šalice i zapravo sve od jastuka i zavjesa za tuš do tepiha, a osim toga tu su i širok raspon kučkastih facijalnih ekspresija, iznadprosječne seanse zadirkivanja i besplatan uvid u to koliko iritantna jedna cura može biti. U svakom slučaju ova cura nudi mnogo, potražite sami, sve je na Internetu www.society6.com/wastedrita,kao i ovaj intervju koji je Rita Gomez dala specijalno za Fashionbabicu.

Fashionbabica:Ženska razvaljuješ! Tko si ti?
Rita:Ja sam Rita i ljudsko sam biće baš kao i ti, biće koje zahvaljujući ozbiljnom problemu s rutinom i manjkom stimulacije, konstantno mijenja prebivalište, ali trenutno stacionirana u Zagrebu. Ja samfull timemislilac, grafička dizajnerica/umjetnica, kreativan um i amaterska spisateljica stwistomsarkazma tu i tamo.

Fashionbabica: Što radiš u Zagrebu? Sviđa li ti se ovdje?

Rita:U Lisabonu sam se sve više zakopavala u duboku, crnu rupu apatije i negativnosti pa sam se odlučila na promjenu. Budući da samfreelancermogu raditi bilo gdje. Sljedeći tjedan mogla bih biti na Tajlandu. Samo Bog zna. I odbija to podijeliti sa mnom. Za sad sam dobro ovdje u Zagrebu. Kako mi se sviđa? Sviđa mi se strastveno, prljavo i iznimno grubo.

Fashionbabica:Kako ti samo padnu na pamet svi ti tvojistatementi?
Rita:Pomoću prirodne i potrebne kombinacije življenja i razmišljanja o stvarima koje se događaju oko mene.

Fashionbabica:Inspiriraju li te glazba i filmovi?

Rita:Gledam sve moguće lošetrashyserije (koje mogu podnijeti), od America's Top Model do Secret Story (upgradeBig Brothera), a u okvirima glazbe danas, ne odbijam niti jednu vrstu glazbe (s dvije jasne iznimke: reggae i trance). Inspiracija? Stvarno? To je neki klišej/mit za kojim nekreativni ljudi moraju tragati. Ne pritisnemplayna neku pjesmu i čekam da mi inspiracija dođe ili upalim tv seriju i čekam da mi na pamet padnu nove ideje. Ne! Ja sam osoba koja je jako pronicljiva i u svakom trenutku drži otvorene oči, tako da što god mi se nađe na putu ili probudi moja osjetila bit će mi izvor inspiracije. To može biti bilo što - od stvarno nevjerojatnih stvari do smeća, od Miley Cyrus do Black Flaga.

Fashionbabica: Što te još inspirira?

Rita:Dečki. Drama s dečkima. Pijani razgovori s dečkima. Kasnovečernji trijezni razgovori s dečkima. Kasnovečernji pijani razgovori s dečkima. Odlasci na spojeve s dečkima. Lijepa vremena s dečkima. Teška vremena s dečkima.

Fashionbabica:Kada se rodila ideja da svojestatementestavljaš na majice, šalice i sve ostalo?
Rita:Kada su me roditelji odlučili prestati financirati? Kada sam pokušala od svog jedinstvenog, kreativnog uma napraviti profesiju.

Fashionbabica: Kako se osjećaš kada vidiš da je netko tetovirao neku od tvojih ilustracija?
Rita:Ništa posebno, to sigurno ostavlja više efekta na osobu koja se tetovirala nego na mene. Ljudi tetoviraju svakakve loše, čudne, jadne stvari, stoga - lijepo je i to je to, nema velike galame oko toga. Osobno želim i počet ću tetovirati sama, i u tom slučaju da, bit ću sretna pun kurac.

Fashiobabica:Wasted Rita se u potpunosti svodi na provokativnost? Odakle potreba za provokacijom?
Rita: Ne u potpunosti, ali 70% vremena da, rekla bih. Ne znam. Pitajte moje roditelje. Njih krivim što su dopustili da odrastem u tako neugodnu, antipatičnu, nezgodnu osobu. Luda sam za poštenjem, iskrenošću, autentičnošću, istinom i svim tim stvarima koje su u današnjem svijetu rijetkost. Trudeći se da budem sve to, većinu vremena ispadam kao provokativna, iako je moja namjera jednostavno biti iskrena koliko mogu.

Fashionbabica: Što po tvom mišljenju znači biti umjetnik?
Rita: To znači imati kreativan um koji te može izluditi ili zadiviti, te si sposoban/na, ili važnije, imaš potrebu, izraziti se javno kako bi pronašao/la smisao vlastitog života.

Fashionbabica:Što znači biti dobar umjetnik, biti dobar u onome što radiš?

Rita:To znači imati autentičan pogled i poruku koja pokreće ljude.

Fashionbabica:Veliki planovi za budućnost?
Rita:Dvije izložbe u Francuskoj sljedeći mjesec,tourpo Balkanu u lipnju ili srpnju, naučiti kako tetovirati, posjetiti druge kontinente i nikada se dovesti do toga da mi bude dosadno.

Wasted Rita- outspoken art! 

Terms that describe her the best are: independent, a loner, an individual, 200% focused on work and  a workaholic. She is also sharp, smart and different. In one word, she is an artist! In her artistic offer, primarily a strong statement can be found spilled into many little papers, illustrations, t-shirts, mugs and actually everything from pillows and shower curtains to rugs, and in addition there are also a wide range of bitchy facial expressions, outstanding teasing sessions and free access in how irritating a girl can be. Anyway, this girl offers a lot, look for yourself, it's all on the internet www.society6.com/wastedrita, as well as this interview Rita Gomez gave specially for Fashionbabica.

Fashionbabica:Girl, you fucking kick ass! Who are you?

Rita: I am Rita and I am a human being just like you, constantly changing where I live because due to my severe problem with routine and lack of stimulation, but for now I am based in Zagreb. I am full-time thinker, graphic designer slash artist, creative mind and amateur writer with a twist of sarcasm here and there.

Fashionbabica: What are you doing in Zagreb? How do you like it?

Rita: I was digging myself into a deep black hole of apathy and negativity in Lisbon so I decided to change. Since I am a freelancer I can work anywhere. Next week I could be in Thailand. Only god knows. And he refuses to share it. For now I am good. Here. In Zagreb. How do I like it? I like it passionately, dirty and extremely rough.

Fashionbabica:How do you come up with all these statements?

Rita:With the natural and necessary combination of living and thinking about things that happen around me.

Fashionbabica: Do music and film inspire you?

Rita: I watch all kinds of trashy bad shows (I can bear) on television, from America's Next Top Model to Secret Story (an upgrade of Big Brother) and, in terms of music, nowadays, I don't refuse any kind (with two clear exceptions: reggae and trance). Inspiration, really? That's some kind of cliché slash myth only the uncreative people have to search for. I do not press play on some song and wait for inspiration to come down on me or put on a TV show and wait for new ideas to strike me. No. I am a 24/7 insightful eyes wide-open person and whatever comes my way and arouses my senses will be my source of inspiration. That can be anything - from really amazing to total crap or from Miley Cyrus to Black Flag.

Fashionbabica: What else inspires you?

Rita: Boys. Drama with boys. Drunken conversations with boys. Late night sober conversations with boys. Late night drunk conversations with boys. Going on dates with boys. Good times with boys. Rough times with boys.

Fashionbabica: When and how was this idea to put statements on T-shirts and cups and everything else born?

Rita: When my parents decided to stop supporting me financially? Trying to make from my slightly unique creative mind my profession?

Fashionbabica: How does it make you feel when you see someone tattooed one of your drawings? 

 Rita: Nothing special; it certainly affects more the person who gets the tattoo than me. People tattoo all kind of bad weird crappy stuff, so - it's nice and that's it, no big fuss about it.
I want and will start tattooing people myself, and then yes, I will be thrilled as fuck.

Fashionbabica: Wasted Rita is all about provoking? Where does this need to provoke come from?

Rita: Not all about but I would say 70% of the time. I don't know. Ask my parents. I blame them for letting me grow to be such an annoying obnoxious inconvenient person. I am a fool for honesty, sincerity, authenticity, truth and all those things that lack in this world nowadays. Trying to be all that I, most of the times, come out as provocative even though my will is simply to be as sincere as I can.

Fashionbabica: What does it mean to be an artist for you? 

Having a creative mind that can either drive you insane or amaze and you are able, or more importantly, need to express that publically to find a meaning to your own life.

Fashionbabica: What does it mean to be a good artist, to be good in what you do?

Rita:Having an authentic view and message that somehow moves people.

Fashionbabica: Any great plans with your art? 

Rita: Two exhibitions in France next month, a Balkan tour in June or July, learning how to tattoo, new t-shirts, reach other continents and never getting bored.

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