Butternut squash ( Cucurbita moschata ) je zimska tikva, žute kože i narančastog mesa. Okus joj je sladak i orašast. Što je stupanj zrelosti veći to je boja mesa intenzivnija, a okus sve slađi i bogatiji. Može se pripremati na žaru, pržiti, pasirati za juhe, ili pire, koristiti u složencima, umacima i namazima.
Brokula dolazi iz porodice kupusnjača kojoj još pripadaju prokulica, kupus, koraba, karfiol, kelj i druge. Od brokule možete pripremiti souffle ili je gratinirati. Podjednako odgovara uz mesna i riblja jela te tjestenine, a juha od brokule uz dodatak pršuta ili siraposebna je poslastica.
Ovaj put odlučila sam se za najbržu i najlakšu varijantu! Brokulu sam kratko skuhala pa je bacila na maslac zajedno s kukuruzom, meso sam kratko popržila na par kapi maslinovog ulja pa ga zalila medom, a tikvu sam ubacila u pećnicu dok nije porumenjela.
Butternut squash(Cucurbita moschata) is a winter gourd with yellow skin andorange flesh. Ittastes sweet and nutty. With the level of maturity color of the flesh is more intense and tasteis sweeter and richer.It can be prepared on the grill, fried, mashed into a soup or puree, used in casseroles, sauces and spreads.
Broccoli comes from the cabbage familyin which also belong Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, kale and others. Broccoli can be prepared as a souffle or you can gratinate it. It is perfect with meat and fish dishes and pasta too andbroccoli soup with the addition ofham or cheeseis a special treat.
This time I decided to go for the fastest and easiest option! I briefly cooked broccoliand tossed withcorn on butter, I briefly fried the meat on few drops of olive oiland splashed it with honey, and I threw the gourd in the oven until it got brown.