Dizajnerica Nela Kliček o novoj kolekciji njenog brenda Neha Neha:
"Nova kolekcija za jesen/zimu 2013 je u znaku 90ih, nonšalantnosti grunga i sportskih elemenata poput baseball majice s raglan rukavima, oslikanih traper jakni i vojničkih košulja te naravno odrezanih, ilustriranih kratkih hlačica."
Great comeback of the 90s in new Neha Neha collection!
Designer Nela Kliček about new collection of her brand Neha Neha:
"New autumn / winter collection 2013 is dedicated to the 90s, grunge nonchalance and sport elements like baseball shirts with raglan sleeves, painted denim jackets and militaryshirts and of course cut off illustratedshorts."
"Naglasak je na udobnosti i predimenzioniranosti određenih komada u kontrastu s odrezanim, kratkim hlačicama. Jedna od glavnih stilskih uzora bila mi je Angela iz serije I to mi je neki život koji ja tretirala odjeću kao sigurnosnu dekicu i često je navlačila rukave prevelikih košulja i jakni u kombinaciji s kratkom haljinicom. Izuzetno sam pazila na kvalitetu trapera i materijala pa je tako traper uglavnom vintage Levi's, a košulje savršeno očuvane i originalne vojničke (koje jamče svojim kvalitetom jer ih je ipak šivalo Kamensko prije tridesetak godinom), dok sam za majice birala finiji i deblji đersej."
"The emphasis is on comfortand certain oversized pieces contrasted with cutoff shorts. One of my major stylistic role models was Angela from the series My So- Called life whotreated clothes asa security blanket and often pulled on sleeves of oversized shirts andjackets and combined them with shortdresses. I was very careful about the quality of denim so it mostly vintage Levi's and shirts are perfectly preservedand are original military shirts ( their quality is guaranteed by the fact they were made by Kamensko Factory thirty years ago), and for the t-shirts I chose finer andthicker jersey."
"Majice su šivane od đerseja u kombinaciji s različitim materijalima. Opet je glavni faktor udobnosti i da je svaka majica ilustrirana i unikat. Motivi na majicama posuđeni su iz pop kulture, a naći će se pravi mali čušpajz od lyricsa, tumblr relikvija, okultnih motiva. Naravno da sam našla i način da u cijelu tu pričam uguram i nešto 70ih i napravim hommage Keith Richardsu koji je prvi furao majicu s natpisom Who The Fuck Is Mick Jagger. "
"T-shirts are sewn from thick and warm jersey in combination with a variety of materials. Again the emphasis is on comfort and the fact that each shirt is illustrated and unique. Motifs on T-shirts are borrowed from pop culture and you will also find a mix of lyrics, tumblr relics and occult motifs and I even found a way to fit in some of the 70s in the whole story and make an homage to Keith Richards, who was the first to wear Who The Fuck Is Mick Jagger shirt."

check out more @ https://www.facebook.com/nehanehaclothing
photos my Nela Kliček