Nova kolekcija Tamare Ivić i njenog brenda Zoe Leggings je vani! Uronite u ljepotu jesenske melankolije sa Zoe tajicama!

Slaveći svoj prvi rođendan i godinu dana uspješnog poslovanja, popularni hrvatski brand Zoe leggings odlučio je svoje fanove nagraditi novom kolekcijom. Zoe Winter 2013/14 kolekcija osim novih ideja donosi nam i nove odjevne predmete iz Zoe radionice. Tajice, suknje, tunike i topovi daju nam širok spektar odjevnih predmeta kojima ćemo rado obogatiti zimsku garderobu. Fokus je na materijalima i dizajnu, koji prikrivaju neperfekcije i imponiraju ženskoj figuri. Vješto kombiniranje kožnih dijelova i printeva  upotpunjenih ilustracijama pretvara odjevne predmete u mala remek djela.
Kolekcija odiše zrelošću, glam/grunge lookom i tamnijim tonovima koji su savršeni za kombiniranje u zimskim danima. Inspiraciju za novu kolekciju Tamara je pronašla u prirodi iz koje sama stvara svoju paralelnu stvarnost. Već i sami nazivi tajica Bunny love, Delirious, Requiem i Dreamer, vode nas u imaginaran svijet Tamare Ivić u kojem želimo ostati.

Za fotografiju je zadužen modni fotograf Zvonimir Ferina, a za make-up Kasandra Draganić, dvojac koji i inače uspješno djeluje i surađuje u Zoe kampanjama. Eva Balažin zaslužna je za styling, a novo zaštitno lice kampanje predstavlja mlada 22-godišnjakinja Sara P.


New collection by Tamara Ivić and her brand Zoe leggings is out!
Immerse yourself in the beauty of autumn melancholy with Zoe leggings!

Celebrating its first birthday and a year of successful business,  popular Croatian brand Zoe leggings decided to reward its fans with a new collection. Apart from  new ideas, Zoe Winter 2013/14 collection brings new clothing items from Zoe workshops. Leggings , skirts, tunics and tops give us a wide range of garments which we will gladly enrich every winter wardrobe. The focus is on materials and design, which conceal imperfections and flatter female body. Skilfull combination of leather parts and prints complemented with illustrations turns garments into little masterpieces. Collection exudes maturity, glam / grunge look and  darker tones which are perfect for winter days. Tamara found inspiration for the new collection in nature from which she  creates her own parallel reality. Names of leggings, such as Bunny Love, Delirious, Requiem and Dreamer, themselves lead us into the imaginary world of Tamara Ivic where we want just to stay.

Fashion photographer Zvonimir Ferina  is responsible for the photography, and for the make- up Kasandra Draganic, duo which  otherwise successfully cooperates in Zoe campaigns. Eva Balažin is responsible for styling, and the new face of the campaign is a young 22 -year-old Sara P.

Zoe odjevne predmete uskoro ćete moći kupiti na njihovom novom webshopu, a možete ih pratiti na FB stranici

Soon you will be able to buy Zoe garments on the  new webshop and you can follow the brand  on FB page zoeleggings

Zoe leggings je hrvatski modni brand, poznat po orginalnim i upečatljivim printevima koji je u kratko vrijeme pobudio veliko zanimanje javnosti te napravio boom na hrvatskoj i međunarodnoj modnoj sceni. Nose ga mnoge poznate ličnosti; Franka Batelić, Natali Dizdar, Petra Nižetić, samo su neke od zaljubljenica u ovaj modni brend.

Zoe leggings is a Croatian fashion brand known for its original and striking prints, which in a short time attracted great public interest and created a boom in Croatian and international fashion scene. It is worn by many  Croatian celebrities; Franka Batelić  Natali Dizdar, Petra Nižetić are just some of the lovers of this fashion brand.

check out more @ Zoe Facebook page and Zoe webshop

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops