Žgvacet -istarski specijalitet od piletine!


60 dag kokošjeg ili pilećeg mesa
 2 veće glavice luka
 40 dag rajčice
 1 dl maslinovog ulja
 2-3 češnja češnjaka
 stručak peršina
 vlasac, majčina dušica
 po potrebi sol, papar
 4 dl vina
 malo vode

Kokošje ili pileće meso narežite na komadiće. Najukusnije je ono od zabatka. Luk, češnjak, peršin i vlasac sitno nasjeckajte. U posudi zagrijte maslinovo ulje. Na vrućem ulju popržite komade mesa da se malo zarumene. Tada mesu dodajte nasjeckani luk, promiješajte i pirjajte u vlastitome soku kojeg će luk otpustiti. Kada tekućina uvrije, obilnije podlijte vinom, posolite, popaprite, poklopite i dalje pirjajte na slabijoj vatri. Pirjajte dok se luk ne pretvori u želatinastu masu. Kad luk postane staklast dodajte narezanu rajčicu, češnjak i još jednom promiješajte. Po potrebi za vrijeme pirjanja podlijevajte naizmjence vinom i vodom (ili pilećim temeljcem). Pred kraj dodajte peršin, vlasac i majčinu dušicu. Pustite da se umak zgusne. Prelite preko tijesta. 


Žgvacet/Chicken  sauce
60 grams of chicken meat
2 large onions
40 g of tomato
1 dl of olive oil
2-3 cloves of garlic
bunch of parsley
chives, thyme
salt, pepper
4 dl of wine
a little bit of water

Cut the chicken into pieces. Thigh is the most delicious part. Finely chop onions, garlic, parsley and chives. Heat olive oil in a bowl. Fry pieces of meat in hot oil until they get brown. Then add chopped onions to the meat, stir and cook in its own juice, which will be released from the onions. When the liquid boils, abundantly pour wine, add salt and pepper and cover it. Continue to cook on weaker fire. Simmer until onions turn into a gelatinous mass. When the onions become glassy add chopped tomatoes, garlic and stir again. If necessary during stewing pour wine and water (or chicken broth) alternately. Towards the end, add parsley, chives and thyme. Let the sauce thicken. Spill  it onto the dough.
jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops