600 grama tamne čokolade (možete staviti i 400 grama tamne i 200 grama čokolade s narančom) otopiti na pari s 250 grama maslaca
6 jaja, 2 – 4 žlice šećera, 3 žlice brašna i 2 vanilin šećera pjenasto umutite i dodajte rastopljenu čokoladu i maslac...
Bisvit peći oko 20 minuta na 180 stupnjeva!
150 grama tamne čokolade, 3 žlice slatkog vrhnja, 1žumanjak, 1 jaje, 6 punih žlica šećera, 1 žlica ruma i 3 decilitra slatkog vrhnja + šlag fix
Otopite čokoladu s 3 žlice slatkog vrhnja na pari pa sklonite sa strane. Umutite jaje,žumanjak i šećer i stavite nad paru. Kuhajte 5-6 minuta miješajući, dok se šećer ne otopi, smjesa ne mora biti gusta, dovoljno je tek toliko da se jaje termički obradi. Vruću smjesu ulijte u otopljenu čokoladu i dobro promiješajte. Kad se smjesa ohladi, dodajte žlicu ruma i vrhnje koje ste istukli u šlag sa šlag fix-om. Možete dodati i naranču u mousse.
....i na vrhu- Ganache krema
200 grama čokolade rastopiti u slatkom vrhnju i dodati naranču
Cake biscuit
Melt 600 grams of dark chocolate ( you can also put 400 grams of dark chocolate and 200 grams of chocolate with orange ) on steam with 250 grams of butter
Whisk 6 eggs, 2 - 4 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour and 2 vanilla sugars until light and fluffy and then add melted chocolate and butter
Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees !
150 grams of dark chocolate, 3 tablespoons of whipping cream, 1 egg yolk, 1 egg, 6 full tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of rum and 3 ounces of whipping cream + whipped cream hardener
Melt chocolate with 3 tablespoons of whipping cream on steam and remove on the side. Whisk the egg, egg yolk and sugar and put on steam. Cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring, until sugar is dissolved, the mixture doesn't have to be thick, it is just enough for the egg to go through heat treatment. Pour hot mixture into melted chocolate and mix well. When the mixture has cooled, add a tablespoon of rum and cream that you have beaten with whipped cream hardener. You can also add orange to the mousse.
.... and on top - Ganache Cream
Melt 200 grams of chocolate in cream and add orange.