90- te su se vratile na velika vrata i u novoj kolekciji brenda Cycle ReCycle!

 Martina Tompić /dizajnerica koja se skriva iza brenda Cycle ReCycle/ o novoj kolekciji:

Volim taj ulični (pomalo klošarski) sport look 80ih i 90'ih, pogotovo s ovim velikim pletenim kapama koje se sad  opet vraćaju u modu,  a jaknice sam već prije dva mjeseca nabavila, ali sam čekala idealno vrijeme (zimu:) ) i nešto što će se uklopiti s njima (kao ovaj new york dress.) Sve stvari su 100% old school VINTAGE - samo sam majicu MONEY FOR NOTHING (s novčanicama) preradila, ali je i ona vintage.  Fotkano je kod mene (5m od kuće) ispred  mehaničarske  radionice :)


90s made a big comeback in the new Cycle Recycle collection too!

Martina Tompić / designer who hides behind the brand Cycle Recycle / about the new collection:

I love this street (somewhat hobo) sports 80s and 90s look, especially with these great knitted caps that are now back in fashion and I have already purchased the jackets two months ago, but I was waiting for the perfect time (winter :)) and something I could fit them with (as the New York dress.) All items are 100% old school VINTAGE -  I just reworked  Money For Nothing  T-shirt (with notes), but it is vintage too. Photos were taken near my place in front of a mechanic workshop :)

jeremy lin 2012 © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops