Ona nije neka nabrijana fashionistica koja brije na komade po posljednjoj modi ili uber ufurana dizajnerica, ona je jednostavno djevojka koja izrađuje nakit. To radi iskreno i s puno ljubavi, glavnim začinima potrebnima za savršen proizvod, i to onaj koji miriše na egzotiku. Uđite u svijet Eli's fantasy!
Fashionbabica:Tko se krije izaEli's fantasy?
Eli's Fantasy: Iza Eli's Fantasy krije se jedna Jelena koja živi u Rijeci, izrađuje nakit, voli čitati, ide na yogu i ima milijun planova u glavi, a malo vremena. Uvijek mi se bilo teško definirati jer i onako ono što vrijedi danas, sutra možda neće. Dilema je zapravo kako ispasti zanimljiv u par rečenica, a ne lagati? :D
Fashionbabica: Koliko kolekcija imaš iza sebe?
Eli's Fantasy:Rijetko se ograničavam kolekcijama. Rekla bih da stvaram instinktivno, spontano. No, evo zadnje što sam napravila, objedinila sam u nekakvu proljetno/ljetnu kolekciju. Isplivale su proljetne boje, optimizam. Izlazim iz mračnog doba :D
Fashionbabica:Što sve možemo naći u tvojoj ponudi?
Eli's Fantasy:Sve te slatke male stvarčice koje volimo vješati po sebi. Što nema, napraviti ću. Volim raditi po željama naručitelja ukoliko mi daju dovoljno slobode, a većinom je tako. Ne izrađujem po preciznim uputama. Horor.
Fashionbabica: Koje materijale preferiraš?
Eli's Fantasy:Trenutno je na prvom mjestu koža, zaista zahtjevan materijal. Pošto od alata za kožu posjedujem samo one naj primitivnije – igla, konac, škare, proces izrade je dugačak, a ponekad doslovno i bolan :D Sa svakim novim komadom nakita otkrivam i nove mogućnosti koje taj materijal pruža. Učim iz vlastitih grešaka pa puno toga ostane nedovršeno ili prepravljeno. Nisam profesionalac, radim bez skica, crteža, alata… Drugi materijal koji koristim od početka je masa za modeliranje pa tako paralelno stvaram u ta dva smjera što mi omogućuje da se ne dosađujem. Preferiram svakako što prirodnije materijale. Plastika je out. Ubacila sam nešto špage i tkanine u nove ogrlice…
Fashionbabica:Uzori i inspiracija?
Eli's Fantasy:Iskreno, nisam neki poznavaoc modne scene, tako da mi je teško navesti nekakve uzore u tom smislu. Više je to kao nekakav mozaik impresija… Kao i u životu, od svakog dobiješ komadiće koje onda spajaš na svoj način. Svatko se trudi biti originalan, no to je već tema za dugačku raspravu… Inspiracija je valjda odbljesak svega što vidim, čujem, pročitam, dotaknem. Dolazi bez poziva i ne dolazi kad je zovem.
Fashionbabica: Što znači biti originalan?
Eli's Fantasy:Biti potpuno iskren, stajati iza svojih djela, riječi... zato je valjda to i teško biti.
Fashionbabica:Tvoj nakit je egzotičan, prirodan, astečki rekla bih! Radi se o svjesnom utjecaju egzotike?
Eli's fantasy:Najdraže mi je da svatko stvori svoj dojam pa mi je eto drago čuti tvoj. Priroda i ljudska povijest zaista su nepresušni izvori inspiracije pa izgleda da su i kod mene imali utjecaj. U principu ne volim stvarati dojam već puštam da drugima mašta radi. Istina je da sam oduševljena indijanskom kulturom i stvaralaštvom pa vjerujem da će se to primjetiti i više kroz moje buduće radove.
Fashionbabica: Kakva je žena koja nosi tvoj nakit?
Eli's fantasy:Čini mi se da na ovo pitanje dizajneri odgovaraju s opisom osobe kakvi sami misle da jesu ili žele biti pa mi je iz tog razloga vrlo teško odgovoriti. No, evo sad mi je palo na pamet… idealna žena koja nosi moj nakit bi bila žena s kojom mogu voditi zanimljiv razgovor. Haha! E sad jesam li ja takva ili samo želim biti?? :D
Fashionbabica:Na kome bi voljela vidjeti svoj nakit?
Eli's fantasy:Na sebi konačno :D Toliko komada sam započela raditi misleći: "E baš ovo ostaje meni!", i nikad tako ne bude. Zašto, ne znam. Volim nositi nakit, no trenutno sam u fazi kad ga ne nosim i kad se natjeram, ne osjećam se slobodno :D Paradoks?? Možda samo previše vremena provedem razmišljajući o nakitu i stvarajući ga pa mi treba odmora...
Fashionbabica:Planiraš li proširiti svoj asortiman i na dečke?
Eli's fantasy:Svakako, jednom… Doduše, već sam napravila nekoliko komada i za dečke. Nekoliko broševa te par kožnih narukvica. Izrada muškog nakita čini mi se tehnički zahtjevnija jer nakit za njih vidim u puno strožoj geometrijskoj formi ako govorim o koži kao materijalu, pa trenutno to stoji kao plan za budućnost. Ono, kad se riješim paleo oruđa i nabavim prave strojeve ;)
Fashionbabica: Odakle nalaziš strpljenje za izradu svojih komada?
Eli's fantasy:Hmmm…valjda u onom trenutku zadovoljstva kad komad bude gotov i kad mu se mogu diviti :D Pa? Svi smo mi na ego tripu.
Fashionbabica:Gdje možemo kupiti tvoj stuff?
Eli's fantasy:Otvorila sam Etsy shop nedavno pa svakako navratite, a za one koji vole isprobati i opipati, moje stvarčice mogu pronaći u nekoliko cool shopova u Hrvatskoj. Zagrepčanke neka svakako navrate uZeleni slon, a pronaći ga možete još u Puli, Dubrovniku, Hvaru, Krku, Rovinju, Malom Lošinju,… U slučaju da se nađete u San Faranciscu, e pa i tamo se prodaje! Sav info možete pronaći na elisfantasy.com i naravno fejsu.
check out more @ https://www.facebook.com/elisfantasynakit?fref=ts
Eli's Fantasy-immerse yourself in the exoticism of this imaginative jewelry!
She is not some pumped up fashionista who loves only the latest fashion pieces or some self-centered designer, she's just a girl who makes jewelry. She makes it with honesty and love, two major spices needed for the perfect product, the one that smells like exoticism. Enter the world ofEli's fantasy!
Fashionbabica: Who hides behindEli's fantasy?
Eli's Fantasy:Behind Eli's Fantasy hides this girl Jelena who lives in Rijeka, makes jewelry, loves to read, goes to yoga and has million plans in her head, and so little time. I've always been hard to define because either way what is important today, might not be tomorrow. The dilemma is actually how to turn out as an interesting person in a few sentences, and not to lie? : D
Fashionbabica:How many collections do you have behind?
Eli's Fantasy: I am rarely limited by collections. I would say I create instinctively, spontaneously. But the last thing I did, I brought together in some sort of spring / summer collection. Spring colors and optimism surfaced. I'm getting out of the dark times: D
Fashionbabica:What can we find in your offer?
Eli's Fantasy: All those cute little things that we like to hang on ourselves. If there isn't something in my offer, I will make it. I like to work on clients' specific wishes if they give me enough freedom, and mostly they do. I don't create according to precise instructions. Horror.
Fashionbabica: Which materials do you prefer?
Eli's Fantasy: At the time leather is my number one material, really challenging material. Since the only leatherworking tools I possess are only the most primitive ones - a needle, a thread, and a pair of scissors, the making process is long and sometimes literally painful: D With every new piece of jewelry I discover new opportunities that this material provides. I learn from my own mistakes and a lot remains unfinished or redone. I'm not a pro, I do it without sketches, drawings, tools ... Another material that I use from the beginning is modeling mass so I create parallely in these two directions which allows me not to get bored. I prefer natural materials. Plastic is out. I put some string and fabric into my new necklaces ...
Fashionbabica: Influences and inspiration?
Eli's Fantasy: Honestly, I'm not a connoisseur of the fashion scene, so it's hard for me to specify some role models in that sense. It's more a mosaic of impressions ... As in life, you get from every person a piece that you join together in your own way. Everyone is trying to be original, but that's a topic for a long discussion ... Inspiration is probably a reflection of what I see, hear, read, touch. It comes without invitation and does not come when I call for it.
Fashionbabica: What does it mean to be original?
Eli's fantasy:To be completely honest, to stand behind your actions and words ... I guess that's why it's so difficult.
Fashionbabica: Your jewelry is exotic, natural, Aztec I would say! Is there a conscious impact of the exotic?
Eli's fantasy: I like when people make an impression for themselves so I am glad to hear yours. The nature and human history really are inexhaustible sources of inspiration, and it seems they had an impact on me too. In general I do not like to create the impression, I just let others’ imagination run wild. The truth is that I am delighted with the Native American culture and creativity, and I believe that will be noticed even more through my future works.
Fashionbabica: What is the woman who wears your jewelry like?
Eli's fantasy: It seems to me that designers respond to this question with the description of the person they themselves would like to think they are or want to be, so therefore it's very difficult for me to answer to that. But now here's what came to my mind ... the ideal woman who wears my jewelry would be a woman with whom I can lead an interesting conversation. Haha! Now, am I such a woman or I just want to be? : D…
Fashionbabica: On whom would you like to see your jewelry?
Eli's fantasy: On me finally: D I began on so many pieces thinking "This remains to me!", and it never happens. Why, I do not know. I love to wear jewelry, but I'm currently at the stage where I don't carry it and even when I make myself wear it I don't feel free :D Paradox? Maybe I just spend too much time thinking about jewelry and creating it, so I need a rest ...
Fashionbabica:Do you plan to expand your offer to the boys as well?
Eli's fantasy:Certainly, one day ... However, I have already made several pieces for the boys. Several brooches and few leather bracelets. Making men's jewelry is technically demanding because I see the jewelry for them in much stricter geometric shape when talking about leather as the material, so currently it stands as a blueprint for the future. When I get rid of paleo tools and get real machines;)
Fashionbabica: Where do you find patience to create your pieces?
Eli's fantasy: Hmmm ... I guess at the moment of satisfaction when a piece is finished and when I can admire it :D Well? We are all on the ego trip.
Fashionbabica: Where can we buy your stuff?
Eli's fantasy: I opened my Etsy shop recently, so be sure to drop by, and for those who like to try out and touch, my stuff can be found in several cool shops in Croatia. Zagreb girls should definitely stop by atZeleni slon, and you can find it even in Pula, Dubrovnik, Hvar, Krk, Rovinj, Mali Lošinj, ... In case you find yourself in San Farancisco, well, it is also sold there! You can find all the info on elisfantasy.com and of course on the Facebook page.
check out more @ https://www.facebook.com/elisfantasynakit?fref=ts