Možda nismo očekivali da će Beyonce u prosincu lansirati istoimeni album, no ono što sigurno nismo znali je da će isti postati svojevrsni feministički manifest, a ona ne samo jedna od 100 najutjecajnijih osoba na svijetu, opasna poslovnjača i seks simbol, nego i predvodnica modernog feminizma. Uz album izbacila je čak i esej pod nazivom "Gender Equality Is A Mith" u kojem nas je podučila tome da čovječanstvo jednako treba muškarce i žene, istaknuvši kako sinove moramo odgajati u duhu rodne jednakosti i poštovanja, kako bi im kada odrastu rodna jednakost postala prirodan način života. B. je u istom eseju navela kako žene čine polovicu američke radne snage, pritom zarađujući samo 77% od prosječne plaće koju muškarac zarađuje. "Žene isto tako sačinjavaju više od 50% populacije te više od 50% glasača", istaknula je. Beyonce je tako, dobro proučila gradivo i vješto se razmahala brojkama u svom "znanstvenom" radu, međutim kada pričamo o njenom feminističkom albumu, tu se što se tiče brojeva malo pogubila. Zanimljivo je da ekipa od 45 ljudi koja je radila na njemu broji samo šest žena. "Mi moramo zahtijevati 100% prilika!", vikala je glasno Beyonce u svom manifestu, no šest ženskih suradnica po mojim kalkulacijama jako su daleko od tih 100% prilika. Nadalje, u najmanju ruku je smiješno da pisci i producenti najsenzualnije tri pjesme na albumu: "Blow", "Partition" i "Rocket", u kojima se otvoreno progovara o ženskoj seksualnosti, nisu žene, nego muškarci. Ako nam muškarci moraju davati savjete na temu ženske seksualnosti, onda ovo društvo zaista ima problem! Da ne spominjem da je jedan od pisaca pjesme "Blow", gospodin Pharell Williams koji je ne zaboravimo partner u zločinu Robinu Thickeu, kojemu možemo zahvaliti na najmizoginističnijoj pjesmi 2013., a riječ je naravno o "Blurred Lines". Uostalom, zar je moguće da je najfeminističkiji album stoljeća proizvod 40-ak muškaraca? Ako najveća svjetska pop zvijezda tvrdi da feminizam podrazumijeva jednakost, a onda ne uspije u tome da od svog albuma napravi platformu koja bi podržala i promovirala žensku kreativnost i ženski umjetnički rad, već u startu se moramo pitati što je s pop feminizmom kakav Beyonce propagira! I dok Beyonce možda nije kriva za očigledan manjak žena u showbiznisu, nije li upravo predvidljivo da su na stageu uz nju uvijek isključivo žene, dok onaj teži ili najveći dio posla iz sjene, odnosno iz studija da budem točna, odrađuju muškarci? Kada pričamo o muškarcima na albumu, nije mala stvar i to da je veliku ulogu u cijeloj priči imao Jay Z koji se pojavljuje u nekoliko spotova za pjesme s albuma, a ne zaboravimo i veoma sexy performans bračnog para na 56- oj dodjeli Grammya. Pritom česta uloga Jay Z-a na zadnjem materijalu svoje supruge, odašilje poruku je da snažna, samouvjerena žena svoj cockyness izvlači iz činjenice da iza nje stoji jedan jako utjecajan muškarac. Zar snažna žena ne bi trebala stajati samostalno? Kad smo kod poruka i spotova za spomenuti materijal, svima je jasno kako su spotovi, kao i javni nastupi za isti hiperseksualizirani. Hiperseksualiziranost jest često lijep prizor, pogotovo ako ima ulogu da dokaže kako samosvjesna žena smije i voli uživati u seksu, no B. pritom zaboravlja da najveća feministkinja nije ona koju svi žele jebati, nego ona koja zaista voli svoje tijelo i zna uživati u njemu, a tome nas sigurno neće podučiti žene s umjetnom kosom i nosovima.
Volim Beyonce i njeno progovaranje o nekim zaista bitnim, ženskim temama kao što su beauty pagenti i ono što takvi čine djevojčicama i mladim ženama. Volim je i kada priča o ženskoj seksualnosti i ljubomori, kada se otvara do te mjere da priča o stvarima kao što su vlastiti pobačaj, nevjera u naizgled savršenom braku te bivanje majkom. I dobro je da B. baca fokus na ženu, ženu u showbiznisu i ženu općenito, ali realno Beyonce je feministkinja kao što je Miley Cyrus cura iz geta, a Lady Gaga konceptualna umjetnica. U Beyoncinom nastupu, ali i nastojanju medija da je prikažu kao feministkinju, cijela priča o ženi i feminizmu se zapravo trivijalizira, postaje površna, i od nje se radi proizvod.
I konačno volim Beyonce, odnosno njen feminizam, kao što volim čokoladu – lijepo je upakirana, božanstveno fina i predivno slatka. Međutim, da mi je nešto korisna, e pa nije! Volim pop feminizam koji B. utjelovljuje u obliku smjelih, sexy odjevnih kombinacija, nabrijanih, provokativnih spotova i feminističkih citata u pjesmama, kao što je onaj nigerijske autorice Chimamande Ngozi Adichie u pjesmi "Flawless", premda u istoj B. ne shvaća kako žena bez mane ne postoji te da ista nije krajnji cilj feminizma.
Maybe we didn't expect that Beyonce will launch her self-titled album in December, but what we didn't know for sure is that it will become a sort of feminist manifesto, making her not only one of the 100 most influential people in the world, threatening businesswoman and a sex symbol, but also a woman at the forefront of modern feminism. With the album, she also launched an essay titled " Gender Equality Is A Mith " in which she taught us that mankind should equally consist of men and women , pointing out that our sons must be educated in the spirit of gender equality and respect, so that when they grow up gender equality would became natural way of life for them. In the same essay, B. noted that women make up half of the U.S. workforce, while earning only 77 % of the average salary earned by a man. "Women also make up more than 50 % of the population and more than 50 % of the voters ," she said. Beyonce studied well her material and skillfully tossed around numbers in her "scientific" work, but when talking about her feminist album, she got a little bit confused as far as the numbers. Interestingly, the team of 45 people who worked on her album counts only six women. " We need to demand 100% opportunities!", Beyonce cried loudly in her manifesto, but six females, at my calculations are very far from these 100 % opportunities. Furthermore, it is at least funny that writers and producers of the three most sensual songs on the album: " Blow" , "Partition" and "Rocket" , which openly speak about women's sexuality, are not women, but men. If men have to give us advice on the subject of female sexuality, then this society really has a problem! Not to mention that one of the writers of the song "Blow" is Mr. Pharrell Williams, who is, let's not forget, partner in crime with Robin Thicke, whom we can thank for the most misogynic song of 2013., and it is of course "Blurred Lines" . After all, is it possible that the the most feminist album of the century is a product of 40 men? If the world's biggest pop star claims that feminism implies equality, and then fails in creating an album which would be a platform that would support and promote women's creativity and women's art work, from the very start we have to ask what is wrong with the pop feminism Beyonce propagates ! While Beyonce may not be to blame for the apparent lack of women in the showbiz, is it not predictable that there are always all women on stage with her, while the heavier and most work is done in the shadows, or in the studio to be correct, by men ? When we talk about men on the album, it is also no small thing to say that Jay Z had a big role in the whole story, appearing in several music videos for songs from the album , and let's not forget a very sexy couple's performance on the 56th Grammy Awards. The role of Jay in his wife latest material, transmits the message that a strong, confident woman draws her cockyness solely from the fact that there is one very influential man behind her. Shouldn't a strong woman be able to stand alone? Speaking of messages and videos, it is clear that the videos, as well as public appearances for the same album are hypersexualised. Hypersexuality is often a pretty sight, especially if it has a role to prove how a confident woman is allowed to enjoy sex and actually likes it , but B. is forgetting that greates feminist is not the one everybody wants to fuck , but the one who really loves her body and knows how to enjoy it, and we surely won't be taught that by women with artificial hair and noses.
I love the way B. speaks out about some really important women's issues such as beauty pagents and what do these do to little girls and young women. I love it when she talks about female sexuality and jealousy, when she opens to the extent that she talks about things such as her miscarriage, infidelity in a seemingly perfect marriage and being a mother. And it is good that B. throws focus on women, women in the showbiz and women at all, but Beyonce is a feminist the same as Miley Cyrus is a girl from the ghetto, and Lady Gaga is a conceptual artist. Beyonce's performance, but also the effort of the media which try to display her as a feminist, actually trivialize feminism and make it superficial, a product.
And finally I love Beyonce, and her feminism, as I love chocolate – it is beautifully packaged, heavenly tasty and wonderfully sweet. But is it useful for me at the same time? Well, not so much! I love pop feminism B. embodies in the form of bold, sexy clothing combinations, provocative videos and feminist quotes in songs such as the one from Nigerian author Ngozi Adichie Chimamande in "Flawless", although in the same B. doesn't realize that there is no women without a flaw and that women without a flaw isn't the ultimate goal of feminism.