Zapečene tikvice - jelo koje će obožavati i mrzitelji povrća!

napola skuhati krumpir, kada je gotov poredati ga po nauljenoj tepsiji, posuti tanko izrezanim tikvicama, pobacati šnite gaude po vrhu, zaliti svježim vrhnjem i jajem, malo posoliti i popapriti i zapeći dok ne dobije finu smeđu koricu
Baked zuccini - a dish that will even be adorn by the vegetable haters!

cook potatoes to half, when they are done sort them in an oiled pan, sprinkle them with thinly cut zucchini, put slices of Gauda at the top, pour it all with fresh cream and eggs, add a little bit of salt and pepper and bake it until it gets a nice brown crust
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