Kada je prije četiri godineBlaise Bellville lansiraoBoiler Roomiz ureda svog časopisa Platform u Londonu ravno u zvijezde, tko zna je li uopće planirao da cijela stvar doživi toliki BOOM! A iako je ovaj projekt pod čijom organizacijom veliki DJ-i dolaze u male prostore, počeo kao underground stvar, danas se može pohvaliti gostovanjem nekih prilično velikih imena kao što su Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Carl Cox, Michael Mayer, Ben Klock i mnogi drugi.. Kako je krenulo isto će se dogoditi Filipu i Dinu, mladoj gospodi koja se skriva iza projektaFrendova sobanastalog po uzoru naBoiler Room.Dođite i vi u Frendovu sobu ili se jednostavno zavalite u udobnost svoje sobe i pratitestreamizFrendove! Do tad čekirajte ovaj brzi intervju s dečkima!
Fashionbabica:Dečki tko ste vi, odakle ste nam se vi stvorili?
Dino: Ej bok mi smo Filip i Dino (Sladoled& ), dvojac bez kormilara, volimo mjuzu fest fest, klasični floor filleri :) Samo što smo cijelu priču klabinga preselili u ugodnu atmosferu sobe. Možda mi ne možemo svirati u najboljem klubu u gradu uz poznatog stranog DJ-a, ali može on svirati uz nas u našoj sobi, to je moto :D
Fashionbabica:Odakle ideja zaFrendovu sobu?
Filip: Ideja je bila u zraku, stalno smo se zajebavali na foru „mogli bi, mogli bi“.Ostava Room,Špajza Room, svakakve kombinacije su bile u igri, ali smo htjeli biti drugačiji, tipične afteraške kontemplacije. Dino me par dana kasnije pobjedonosno nazvao s idejom. Dogovorili smobasicse, napravili page i krenulo je.
Fashionbabica:Koje DJ-e smo do sad mogli čuti uFrendovoj sobi? + Planovi za neka sljedeća gostovanja?
Dino: Pa prvi tko nas je prepoznao je bio CFSN. Ništa novog da oni nanjuše nešto friško i zato nam je Phillipe bio gost na drugojFrendovoj sobi, službenomvormapuza 12.godišnjicu spomenutog kolektiva i malo je falilo da i superstar večeri HNNY ne završi na našem kauču. A Neno Barić dolazi na sljedeću. Između smo imali Jogardea iz Freilaufa, Šuš kolektiv iz Varaždina, Mmmotina iz Bass resolutiona (KC), pa onda neka svježa imena na sceni s kojima se družimo, jako ih volimo i podržavamo poput Maje i Lucije i sad zadnji kaos od sobe sa Tvrtkom iz zagrebačkog Hypnodelixa i zvijezdom Pytzekom sa Burek labela. Napravljeni su inicijalni kontakti sa još nekoliko zanimljivih imena sa scene, a sljedeća soba će bit za prste polizat, to mogu obećati :)
Fashionbabica:Jesmo li svi pozvani uFrendovu sobuili je to polu-privatna spika?
Filip: Svi ste pozvani! Jest da se adresa eventa nikad ne objavljuje javno, ali imamo koncept za ulaz i naravno, svi su pozvani. Samo treba biti brz :)
Fashionbabica: Kako saznaš gdje i kad jeFrendova soba?
Dino:Ako želiš doći na event, javiš se u inbox i moraš bit brz :) Ali pokušavamo stavit naglasak na stream, jer u sobu - stan stane max 50-60 ljudi. Oke, bili smo i u većim stanovima, ali volimo držati pod kontrolom masu ljudi, ipak smo u gostima :)
Fashionbabica:Interes zaFrendovu soburapidno raste! Uskoro bi se mogli prebaciti u klubove koliko vam dobre ide! Jeste li zainteresirani za to da stvar ode u tom pravcu?
Filip:Raste, mi smo prezadovoljni napretkom. Što se klubova tiče,Frendova sobakao takva neće u klubove, držimo se koncepta streamanja i čagice „iz vlastite fotelje“. Ima dovoljno fantastičnih organizacija, udruga i kolektiva koji rade po klubovima. Naravno, kao FS djs ćemo se rado odazvati na svirku u klubu (kao što smo gostovali na CFSN-ovoj godišnjici u Mikseru), ali stream ostavljamo doma :)
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Dino |
Fashionbabica:Je li bolji osjećaj biti na velikom partiju ili u malojFrendovoj sobi?
Dino: Ovdje ćeš dobiti diplomatski odgovor; ne mogu reći šta je bolje, drugačije je. U klubu je definitivno bolji sound. U sobi tancaš, kako bi gore spomenute Lucija&Maja rekle,ass2asss DJ-em :)
Fashionbabica: Kakvo je po vama trenutačno stanje na zagrebačkoj sceni što se tiče klubova, programa, izlazaka? Meni se čini kao da sve buuuja :)
Filip:Odlično! Od ljeta prošle godine je baš eksplodiralo, skoro pa nam je previše :) Bilo je i još će bit odličnih gostovanja, svakog vikenda se može zaplesat u jednom (ili više) od zagrebačkih klubova. Prije toga u sobi.
Fashionbabica:Što mislite zbog čega je zagrebačka clubbing scena toliko buknula odjednom?
Dino:Mislim da je ZG scena oduvijek jaka. S obzirom na moje godine, mogu se referirati na pojedince i ekipe poput Jogardea, Pytzeka, CFSN-a, REFORM-a i Eddy Ramicha koji već godinama rade izvanredne stvari. A sad su tu Brighton, ekipa iz Ekstrakta, sjajni BSMNT, ima nekoliko klubova sa odličnim soundsystem-om i brdo katarzično raspoloženih, zbog situacije kod nas, a i u svijetu, konzumenata glazbe. Bar se ja osjećam tako. Jebiga sve je sranje i nema Boga ukratko.
Fashionbabica: Koji je to tajni sastojak zbog kojeg su svi toliko popizdili za Frendovom sobom?
Filip:Pa vidjela si sliku za intervju, ne? :) Iskreno, nisam o tome ni razmišljao. Iz nečeg postojećeg smo napravili nesto novo? Dobili pravu ideju u pravo vrijeme? Cilj je bio uključiti se u postojeći ili stvoriti nekakav fora način zabave povezan s glazbom, zajebancijom i ljudima. Mislim da se ljudima sviđa što je sve na domaćem nivou, ekipa ti dolazi plesati i zagrijavati se za izlazak u sobu, možda i kakav faca DJ pusti onu jebenu stvar ispred tvog kreveta i usput ti stane na medvjedića Fernanda ili mu zasmrduckaju čarape od jučer. :) Probali smo, prošlo je, ljudima se sviđa, sviđa se i nama, svi sretni i zadovoljni.
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Filip |
Fashionbabica:Vas dvoje, vi dvije vreće sreće i dragosti, gdje se skriva onaj DJ ego koji inače viri iz svih DJ-a pomalo?
Dino: Ajme baš si draga. Pa da mi smo super, ali ne znam o kojim dj-evima seronjama zapravo ti pričaš. Ove koje smo upoznali su genijalni. Svi. Osim Filipa iz CFSN-a. E on je tak tak. Al ga volimo svejedno. :)
Fashionbabica: Koji sastojci su potrebni da bi se napravio dobar party?
Filip: Dobra ideja, profesionalnost, dobra volja? Tu je i iskustvo koje se gradi s vremenom u skladu s kredibilitetom. Postoje, naravno, nekakvi očiti elementi koji su važni, ali uvijek se negdje skriva onaj x faktor zbog čega cijela priča dobiva pravi štimung. Treba ponuditi ljudima ono sto žele i dodati ono za što nisu ni znali da im se sviđa. Nemamo bas neki repertoar iza sebe pa ne želim pametovati. :)
Fashionbabica:I pitanje za kraj! :) Najavili ste da će sljedeći party biti za prste polizati budući da u nečiju sobu stvarno dolazi strani DJ, po prvi put, jel to istina?
Dino: Istina je, ali ti još nažalost ne možemo reći ime, možemo samo potvrditi da je gost, a i kompletan line-up jeben!
photos: Željko Sabol
Friend's room -you must come and play in this room!
When four years ago, Blaise Bellville launched Boiler Room in the office of his magazine Platform in London straight to the stars, who knows whether it was planned that the whole thing becomes such a BOOM! And although this project under whose organization big DJs come to play in small venues, started as an underground thing, now it can boast with performances by some pretty big names such as Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Carl Cox, Michael Mayer, Ben Klock and many others. As it seems the same will happen to Filip and Dino, two young gentlemen who hide behind the project called Frendova soba / Friend's room which is a influenced by the Boiler Room. Come to Frendova soba, or simply sit back in the comfort of your own room and follow the stream from Friend's room! Until then, check out this quick interview with the boys!
Fashionbabica:Guys who you are, where did you come from?
Dino:Oh hi, we are Filip and Dino, a coxless pair who loves music very much, we are classic floor fillers :) We just moved the whole clubbing story into the cozy atmosphere of the room. Maybe we can't play in the best club in town with a famous foreign DJ, but he can play with us in our room, that's the motto: D
Fashionbabica:Where did the idea forFriend's roomcome from?
Filip:The idea was in the air, we were constantly fooling around like "we could, we should."Ostava Room/Pantry Roomand all sorts of combinations were in the game, but we wanted to be different, typical afterparty contemplation. Dino called me triumphantly a few days later with the idea. We agreed basics, made the Facebook page and it all started.
Fashionbabica:Which DJs were we able to hear inFriend's roomso far? + Plans for next performances?
Dino: Well, first we were recognized by CFSN DJ Crew. It's nothing new that they smell something fresh right away and that is why Phillipe was a guest on the secondFriend's room, the official warm up for 12thanniversary of the mentioned dj collective and we almost had the superstar of the evening HNNY on our couch. And Neno Barić comes to the next party. In between we had Jogarde from Freilauf, Šuš kolektiv from Varazdin, Mmmotina from Bass Resolution, and then some fresh names on the scene with whom we like to socialize, and who we really love and support such as Maja and Lucija, and now the chaos of the last Friend's room with Tvrtko from Zagreb Hypnodelix crew and the star Pytzek from Burek label. Initial contacts are made with several interesting names from the scene, and the next room will be juicy, I can promise you that :)
Fashionbabica:Are we all invited to Friend's room or is it a semi-private thing?
Filip: You're all invited! The address of the event is never published publicly, but we have a concept of entrance and of course, everyone is invited. You only need to be fast :)
Fashionbabica:How to find out where and when we can come to Friend's room?
Dino: If you want to come to the event, you send us a message on our Facebook page, and you have to be fast :) But we are trying to put the emphasis on the stream, because only 50-60 people max can fit in the room – flat. Ok, we were in larger apartments, but we like to keep the mass of people under control, we are only guests in the end :)
Fashionbabica:Interest in Friend's room grows rapidly! Soon you could switch to clubs since it's going so well for you guys! Are you interested in going towards that?
Filip: It grows, we are satisfied with the progress. As far as clubs, Friend's room, as such, will not go to the clubs, we believe in the concept of streaming and grooving "from our armchairs." There are plenty of fantastic organizations, associations and collectives working in the clubs. Of course, as FS DJs we will be happy to respond to a gig at a club (as we appeared to Cfsn's anniversary at the Mixer venue), but we are leaving the stream at home :)
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Dino |
Fashionbabica:Is it a better feeling to be on a big party or in the small Friend's room?
Dino:You'll get a diplomatic answer here; I can not say which is better, it's different. The sound is definitely better in the club but in the room you can dance, like the aforementioned Lucija & Maja said, ass2ass with the DJ :)
Fashionbabica:What according to you is the current state of the Zagreb party scene as far as clubs, programs, going out? It seems as if the whole thing is expanding :)
Filip:Great! Since last summer everything just exploded, almost too much :) There were and there will be a lot of great performances, every weekend you can dance in one (or more) clubs in Zagreb but first in the Room.
Fashionbabica: Zagreb clubbing scene erupted so suddenly! What do you think why?
Dino: I think the Zagreb scene has always been strong. Due to my age, I can refer to individuals and teams like Jogarde, Pytzek, CFSN DJ crew, REFORM DJ crew and Eddy Ramich who have been doing extraordinary things. And now there are Brighton, the Ekstrakt team, great BSMNT and also several clubs with excellent soundsystem, and bunch of cathartic, enthusiastic, according to the situation in our country and in the world, consumers of music. At least I feel that way. Fuck it, everything is bullshit and in short there is no God.
Fashionbabica: What is the secret ingredient that made everyone so crazy about Friend's room?
Filip: Well you've seen the picture made for the interview, right? :) Honestly, I didn't even think about it. From something existing we made something new? We got the right idea at the right time? The aim was to join the existing or to create a new cool way of fun connected with music, fooling around and people. I think people also like that everything is on the domestic level, people are coming to your room to dance and get ready for going out, and maybe some hot shot DJ will play that amazing song you like in front of your bed and step on you teddy bear Fernando or his socks from yesterday will smell bad. :) We tried, nailed it, people liked it, we liked it, everyone's happy .
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Filip |
Fashionbabica: You two, you two bags of happiness and niceness, where is that DJ ego that normally protrudes from all the DJs a little bit ?
Dino: Aaaaw you're a sweetheart. Well we are great, but we don't know which DJ assholes are you talking about actually. These we met are brilliant. Everyone! Apart from CFSN's Filip. He is so so. But we love him anyway! :)
Fashionbabica: Which ingredients are needed in order to make a good party ?
Filip : A good idea, professionalism, good will? There is also an experience that builds over time in accordance with credibility. There are, of course, some kind of obvious elements that are important but there is still the x factor hiding because of which the whole story gets the real atmosphere. People should be offered what they want and add what they didn't even know they liked. We don't have an enormous repertoire behind so I don't want to get all smart. :)
Fashionbabica:And the question for the end! :) You have announced that next party will be juicy since a foreign DJ is really coming to someone's room for the first time, is that true?
Dino: It's true, but we still can't say the name unfortunately, we can only confirm that the guest as well as the complete line-up is fucking awesome!
photos: Željko Sabol