One su samouvjerene i originalne, njihov nastup je čisti seks, a njihova glazba sirova doza čiste ženske energije. Upoznajte ove talentirane glazbenice u usponu! Njihovo ime je Seven Mouldy Figs!
Fashionbabica: Žene tko ste vi, odakle ste se stvorile, kako, gdje kada?
Jordi: Mi smo alternativni rock band iz Zagreba koji tehnički postoji od lipnja 2012. godine, ali u ovom izdanju od lipnja 2013. Zapravo je sve počelo slučajno; zvala sam N. da mi uleti kao bubnjarka za neku svirku, nastavile smo sviruckati nešto i došle do ideje da bi mogle započeti bend. Eto, tako je nastao Seven Mouldy Figs.
N.: U početku smo u bendu bile samo Jordi i ja, ali kada smo shvatile da od našeg povremenog sviruckanja doista nešto može i biti, odlučile smo potražiti i ostale članove tako da smo u ožujku 2013. dobile pojačanje zvano Laura M., a nedugo zatim, uz manje promjene postave i Luciju.
Fashionbabica: Diskografija vam se sastoji od materijala koji se zovu "Anger studies" i "Anger management"! Imate problema s izražavanjem/obuzdavanjem gnjeva? :)
Jordi: Kako tko, ja vrlo vjerojatno da haha. Iako ga pokušavam preusmjeriti u glazbu.
N.: U bendu smo imale mnoge provale bijesa jer su mnoge od nas kratkog fitilja, ali sad to sve polako sjeda na svoje mjesto. Nadam se da neće biti potrebe našim stvaralaštvom i dalje provlačiti bijes kao lajt motiv.
Fashionbabica: Tko se bavi pisanjem tekstova u bendu, koja je inspiracija za iste i što želite poručiti svojim tekstovima?
Jordi: Sve četiri sudjelujemo u stvaranju pjesama, ne postoji samo jedna osoba koja radi sve i to mi je super kod nas. Ne volim kad se bend asocira isključivo s jednom osobom, onda ta osoba može komotno imati solo karijeru i prateće glazbenike. Mene osobno najviše inspiriraju svakodnevne situacije i razdori unutar moje ličnosti, u principu sve osim ljubavi.
N.: Iako si upravo ti napisala Rambling koja je ljubavna, no dobro. Dakle, i kod mene se inspiracija uglavnom crpi iz svakodnevice, iako nikad ne pišem iz iskustva jer bi te pjesme bile predosadne i vjerojatno o faksu i kuhanju. A što se tiče poruke fanovima, nije da baš išta ciljano poručujemo pa mislim da je sasvim okej da svaka osoba naše pjesme protumači na svoj način.
Fashionbabica: Na naslijeđu kojih bendova/glazbenika nastaje vaša glazba?
Jordi: Mislim da nijednih. Trudimo se stvoriti nešto sasvim novo i originalno, jer je sve drugo već viđeno. Tko želi slušati npr. Pink Floyd, slušat će Pink Floyd, a ne bend koji zvuči kao oni, ali nije Pink Floyd. Moglo bi se jedino diskutirati o našim osobnim ukusima u glazbi.
N.: Postoje ovdje mnoge usporedbe, ali je smiješno da nas ljudi uglavnom uspoređuju s bendovima čije pjesme nismo nikad niti čule, a kamoli na njima izgradile svoj stil.
Fashionbabica: Kakav je osjećaj biti na stejđu?
Jordi: Meni osobno odličan! Super mi je kad vidim da ljudi u publici znaju tekstove, plešu i slično i osjećam se skroz ponosno u takvim trenucima.
N.: Meni sve ovisi o mom trenutnom raspoloženju, publici, lokaciji, stupnju zadovoljenja fizioloških potreba i ostalom, ali uglavnom je prilično zabavno.
Fashionbabica: S kim ste do sad dijelile stejđ i po kojim sve klubovima/festivalima? Neki možda najdraži gig do sad?
Jordi: Uh, svirale smo po Zagrebu u dosta klubova, a osim toga u Karlovcu, Splitu, Austriji i Sloveniji. Meni je osobno jedan od najdražih gigova bio gig u Salzburgu, jer je klub bio krcat, a nisam očekivala mnogo ljudi. A stage smo dijelile s mnogim bendovima, od kojih bih izdvojila Žen s kojima smo bile na turnejici po Sloveniji i Austriji.
N.: Da, Žen je bio toliko dobar da nam je omogućio jedno prekrasno iskustvo i poveo nas sa sobom na četverodnevnu turneju gdje smo imale priliku vidjet kako su vani bendovi bolje prihvaćeni nego ovdje kod nas, tako da su ti koncerti i meni ostali u jako lijepom sjećanju. Osim toga, neki od dražih su mi i onaj u Kocki u Splitu, Tvornici Kulture i oba u Attacku zbog dobrog tonca i odlične publike.
Fashionbabica: Izgledate prilično sigurno dok nastupate, kao da se dobro zabavljate i kao da ste to odradile već tisuću puta? Odakle izvire ta sigurnost? Nemate nimalo treme?
Jordi: Trema skoro uvijek postoji, ali se trudim da se ne vidi baš na van haha. Zapravo se prilično zabavljamo na stageu, tako da vjerojatno iz toga. A i pokrene me dosta publika, kao što rekoh. Ako je publika troma, automatski sam i ja tromija.
N.: Stvarno na 80% energije koju mi proizvedemo utječe energija publike. Mislim da je to glavna varijabla dobrog nastupa. A što se tiče treme, uglavnom je prisutnija ona 'pozitivna trema' i iako mi se znalo desiti da mi se tijelo posve sledi, taj grozan osjećaj bi me napustio nakon treće pjesme.
Fashionbabica: Planovi za budućnost?
Jordi: Raditi na novim stvarima, snimiti album, odraditi mnoštvo turneja.
Cure su nedavno snimile i spot!
Seven Mouldy Figs-strong dose of raw feminine energy!
They are confident and original, their performance is pure sex, and their music is a raw dose of pure feminine energy. Meet these talented musicians on the rise! Their name is Seven Mouldy Figs!
Fashionbabica: Women who are you, where did you come from, how, when?
Jordi: We are an alternative rock band from Zagreb, which technically exists since June 2012. but in this edition from June 2013. Actually it all started by accident; I called N. to join me as a drummer for a gig, we continued to play something and that's how the idea we could start a band came up. And that's how Seven Mouldy Figs were created.
N: In the beginning there were only Jordi and me in the band, but when we realized it could be more than occasional joking around, we decided to look for other members so in March 2013. we received reinforcement in the form of Laura M., and shortly after, with minor member changes we got Lucia too.
Fashionbabica: Your discography consists of materials which are called "Anger studies" and "Anger Management"? Having trouble expressing / controlling your temper? :)
Jordi: It depends on the person, me most likely haha. Though I try to redirect it to music.
N: We had many tantrums in the band because many of us have a short fuse, but now it all slowly falls in its place. I hope that there will be no need to wriggle anger through our creativity as a leitmotif.
Fashionbabica: Who is involved in writing lyrics in the band, what is the inspiration for your lyrics and what do you want to say with them?
Jordi: All four of us create the songs together, there is not just one person doing everything, and that's cool. I don't like when the band is associated exclusively with one person, then that person can comfortably have a solo career and accompanying musicians. Personally, I'm most inspired by everyday situations and dissensions within my personality, basically everything except love.
N: Even though it was you who wrote Rambling which is a love song, but OK. I mainly draw inspiration from everyday life, though I never write from my experience because such songs would be boring and probably about college and cooking. As for the message to fans, it's not like we are bespeaking anything so I think it's quite okay that every person interprets our songs in their own way.
Fashionbabica: Based on the legacy of which bands / musicians do you create your music?
Jordi: I think none. We try to create something entirely new and original, because everything else has already been seen. Who wants to listen to Pink Floyd, for example, will listen to Pink Floyd, not a band that sounds like them, but is not Pink Floyd. One could only discuss our personal tastes in music.
N: There are many comparisons here, but it's funny that people generally compare us with bands whose songs we never even heard, let alone that we build our own style based on them.
Fashionbabica: How does it feel to be on stage?
Jordi: Personally excellent! I love it when I see people in the audience knowing the lyrics, dancing and such and I feel totally proud in moments like that.
N: For me it all depends on my current mood, audience, location, degree of satisfaction of physiological needs and the rest, but generally it's pretty fun.
Fashionbabica: With whom did you share the stage so far, in which clubs / festivals? Some favorite gig so far maybe?
Jordi: Uh, we played around the city in a lot of clubs, and also in Karlovac, Split, Austria and Slovenia. Personally one of my favorite gigs was in Salzburg, because the club was full, and I didn't expect a lot of people. And we shared the stage with many bands, one of which I would single out is Žen with whom we were on a little tour across Slovenia and Austria.
N: Yes, Žen was so kind to take us on a four-day tour and enabled us to have this wonderful experience where we had the opportunity to see how bands are better accepted in a foreign country than here in Croatia, so these concerts stayed in very good memory for me too. In addition, some of my favorite ones were in Kocka in Split, Culture Factory and both of our concerts in Attack because of a good sound engineer and a great audience.
Fashionbabica: You seem pretty sure while you perform, like you are having a good time and like you have done it thousand of times before? From where does this confidence comes from? You have no stage fright?
Jordi: Stage fright is almost always there, but I'm trying not to show it on the outside haha. Actually we are having a lot of fun on the stage, so probably that's why we look confident. And I am moved a lot by the audience, as I said. If the audience is sluggish, automatically I'm sluggish.
N: Really 80% of the energy we produce is affected by the energy of the audience. I think this is the main variable of good performance. As for stage fright, generally 'positive jitters' are present more and although sometimes my body completely freezes, that awful feeling leaves after the third song.
Fashionbabica: Plans for the future?
Jordi: Work on new things, record an album, do a multitude of tours.
Girls recently made a video too!